Item - 2024.CC16.3
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on March 20 and 21, 2024 without amendments and without debate.
- See also NC7.1
CC16.3 - Appointment of Public Members to the CreateTO Board
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on March 20 and 21, 2024, adopted the following:
1. City Council appoint the following public member to the CreateTO Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending on March 22, 2028, and until a successor is appointed:
Mark Guslits
2. City Council appoint the following public member to the Boards of Directors of Build Toronto and the Toronto Port Lands Company, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending on March 22, 2026, and until a successor is appointed:
Mark Guslits
3. City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 1 to 4 to the report (February 13, 2024) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the CreateTO Board.
Confidential Attachments 1 to 4 to the report (February 13, 2024) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the CreateTO Board.
City Council Decision Advice and Other Information
Appointee's biography:
Mark Guslits
After practicing as an architect and affordable housing consultant in Canada and the United Kingdom, Mark now works primarily as an urban revitalization/affordable housing development consultant and member of the faculty at the University of Toronto School of Architecture. He has been partner with a large Toronto residential development company focusing on affordable housing; Special Housing Advisor to the City of Toronto; Chief Development Officer for Toronto Community Housing and senior project lead with HOK Architects.
Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the CreateTO Board.
Background Information (City Council)
(February 13, 2024) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the CreateTO Board
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Interview Candidates, Qualifications, Confidential Diversity Information Summary, and Applications for Appointment to the CreateTO Board
Confidential Attachment 2 - Diversity Information Summary for Current Public Members of the CreateTO Board
Confidential Attachment 3 - Skills Matrix for the CreateTO Board
Confidential Attachment 4 - Interview schedule for February 26, 2024