Item - 2024.BA99.4

Tracking Status

BA99.4 - Award of Doc4685977601 to Ritestart Limited for the Interior Renovations of Metro Hall floors 11 and 12, at 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario for Corporate Real Estate Management

Consideration Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(September 26, 2024) Report from the Chief Procurement Officer


The Chief Procurement Officer recommends that the Bid Award Panel grant authority to award the following contract:


Solicitation Number:

Request for Tender Doc4685977601



Pre-Qualified Request for Tender for the interior renovations to Metro Hall floors 11 and 12, at 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario for Corporate Real Estate Management.


Recommended Supplier:

Ritestart Limited


Contract Award Value:

$6,287,900 net of all applicable taxes and charges

$7,105,327.00 including HST and all applicable charges

$6,398,567 net of HST recoveries


Contract is expected to start on date of award and end by December 31, 2025.


Solicitation Issued:   July 24, 2024                    Solicitation Closed:  August 21, 2024

Number of Addenda Issued: Four (4)

Number of Bids:  Five (5)


Table 2: Summary of Bids Received including bid price


Supplier Name

Bid Price (excluding H.S.T.)

Ritestart Limited


Anacond Contracting Inc.


H.N. Construction Ltd.


Joe Pace and Sons Contracting Inc.


South Central Inc.



* Pursuant to the Request for Tender document the contract award value includes contingency, cash allowance and provisional items.

Financial Impact

The total contract award identified in this report is $7,105,327 including all taxes and charges. The contract award amount includes the Base Bid Price, selected provisional price items, contingency and allowances and all applicable taxes and charges. The cost to the City is $6,398,567 net of HST recoveries.


The engineering estimate for this project is $5,962,881 net of all taxes and charges.


Funding is available in the 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan for Corporate Real Estate Management and the Office of the CISO Cost Centre per funding details summarized in Table 1 below:


Table 1: Financial Impact Summary of Recommended Contract


WBS Element


Date of Award to December 31, 2024

January 01, 2025, to December 31, 2024

Total (net of HST recoveries)


Metro Hall 11th Floor Renovation





Metro Hall 11th Floor Renovation - Contingency and Allowances




50 percent CCA268-02-05 and 50 percent CCY001-07

Metro Hall 12th floor




50 percent CCA268-02-05 and 50 percent CCY001-07

Metro Hall 12th Floor - Contingency and Allowances









The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer has been advised of the award associated with this program to be considered along with other priorities in future budget processes.

Background Information

(September 26, 2024) Report from the Chief Procurement Officer on Award of Doc4685977601 to Ritestart Limited for the Interior Renovations of Metro Hall floors 11 and 12, at 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario for Corporate Real Estate Management
Source: Toronto City Clerk at