Item - 2024.BA86.1

Tracking Status

BA86.1 - Award of Doc4322374774 to Parsons Inc. for Preliminary Design and Detailed Design, Construction Administration and Post Construction Services for YongeTOmorrow Phase 1 for Engineering and Construction Services

Consideration Type:
11 - University - Rosedale, 13 - Toronto Centre


(June 27, 2024) Report from the Chief Procurement Officer


The Chief Procurement Officer recommends that the Bid Award Panel grant authority to award the following contract:


Solicitation Number:

Request for Proposal Doc4322374774, Contract Number RFP-23ECS-RD-01SP 



Provision of Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Construction Administration and Post Construction Services for YongeTOmorrow Phase 1.


Recommended Supplier:

Parsons Inc.


Contract Award Value:

$8,279,921 net of all applicable taxes and charges

$9,356,311 including HST and all applicable charges

$8,425,648 net of HST recoveries


Contract is expected to start on date of award and end on December 31, 2030.


Solicitation Issued: January 17, 2024            Solicitation Closed: March 13, 2024

Number of Addenda Issued: Nine (9)

Number of Bids: Three (3)


Table 2: Summary of Bids Received


Supplier Name

Aecom Canada Ltd.*

Parsons Inc**

WSP Canada Inc.


* Supplier did not meet minimum technical threshold


** Pursuant to the Request for Proposal document the contract award value includes contingency and Line item from the Pricing form.

Financial Impact

The total contract award identified in this report is $9,356,311 including all applicable taxes and charges. The cost to the City is $8,425,648 net of HST recoveries.


The engineering estimate for this project is $11,139,445 net of all taxes and charges.


Funding is included in the 2024 Capital Budget and 2025-2033 Capital Plan for Transportation Services and Toronto Water. Funding details are summarized as follows:


Table 1: Financial Impact Summary of Recommended Contract - See attachment Appendix A


The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial implications.

Background Information

(June 27, 2024) Report from the Chief Procurement Officer on Award of Doc4322374774 to Parsons Inc. for Preliminary Design and Detailed Design, Construction Administration and Post Construction Services for YongeTOmorrow Phase 1 for Engineering and Construction Services
Appendix A: Financial Impact Summary of Recommended Contract
Source: Toronto City Clerk at