Item - 2023.TE8.6

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on November 8, 2023 without amendments and without debate.
  • This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on October 18, 2023 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on November 8, 2023.

TE8.6 - 741 Broadview Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on November 8 and 9, 2023, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, for the lands at 741 Broadview Avenue, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment included as Attachment 5 to the report (September 29, 2023) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require that the Owner must address all outstanding comments in Section A of the memo from Engineering and Construction Services dated June 19, 2023 in relation to functional servicing and stormwater management matters, and any subsequent memo prepared in response to the applicant resubmission(s) to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


4. City Council request the applicant commit to the following measures in addition to the implementation of the standard City of Toronto Construction Management Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, prior to the commencement of any work:


a. establish a Construction Liaison Committee made up of local residents and businesses, including a representative of the local Residents Associations, to the satisfaction of the local Councillor; the Committee is to meet bi-weekly at the beginning of construction; and notes/action items from the meetings are to be shared with the members and the Councillor’s office in a timely way following each meeting;


b. sweep the construction site daily and nightly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe;


c. pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks, laneways and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe;


d. ensure that the existing sidewalks and all pedestrian walkways have proper lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night;


e. consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local businesses and residents in advance of any physical road modifications;


f. install appropriate signage and converging mirrors where necessary to ensure that pedestrians’, cyclists’ and motorists’ safety is considered at all times;


g. post a 24 hours a day/7 days a week contact number for the site superintendent on the construction hoarding;


h. create a publicly accessible website with regular construction updates and post the website address on the subject site; and


i. include a minimum of 75 percent of advertisement surface area on the construction hoarding to be allocated to artwork at their sole cost; design is to be reviewed and approved by the Ward Councillor.


5. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report to the Toronto and East York Community Council regarding the realignment of Permit Parking Area 7G and the exclusion of 741 Broadview Avenue and associated addresses, from the permit parking area.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Community Council)

(September 29, 2023) Report and Attachments 1-4 and 6-8 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District on 741 Broadview Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval
Attachment 5 - 741 Broadview Avenue -Draft Zoning By-law 569-2013
Notice of Public Meeting

Communications (Community Council)

(October 16, 2023) Submission from Adam Layton, Evans Planning (TE.Supp)

TE8.6 - 741 Broadview Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Community Council Recommendations

The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, for the lands at 741 Broadview Avenue, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment included as Attachment 5 to the report (September 29, 2023) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require that the Owner must address all outstanding comments in Section A of the memo from Engineering and Construction Services dated June 19, 2023 in relation to functional servicing and stormwater management matters, and any subsequent memo prepared in response to the applicant resubmission(s) to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


4. City Council request the applicant commit to the following measures in addition to the implementation of the standard City of Toronto Construction Management Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, prior to the commencement of any work:


a. establish a Construction Liaison Committee made up of local residents and businesses, including a representative of the local Residents Associations, to the satisfaction of the local Councillor; the Committee is to meet bi-weekly at the beginning of construction; and notes/action items from the meetings are to be shared with the members and the Councillor’s office in a timely way following each meeting;


b. sweep the construction site daily and nightly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe;


c. pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks, laneways and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe;


d. ensure that the existing sidewalks and all pedestrian walkways have proper lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night;


e. consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local businesses and residents in advance of any physical road modifications;


f. install appropriate signage and converging mirrors where necessary to ensure that pedestrians’, cyclists’ and motorists’ safety is considered at all times;


g. post a 24 hours a day/7 days a week contact number for the site superintendent on the construction hoarding;


h. create a publicly accessible website with regular construction updates and post the website address on the subject site; and


i. include a minimum of 75 percent of advertisement surface area on the construction hoarding to be allocated to artwork at their sole cost; design is to be reviewed and approved by the Ward Councillor.


5. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report to the Toronto and East York Community Council regarding the realignment of Permit Parking Area 7G and the exclusion of 741 Broadview Avenue and associated addresses, from the permit parking area.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Toronto and East York Community Council held a statutory public meeting on October 18, 2023 and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


(September 29, 2023) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


This application proposes a 3-storey residential addition on top of an existing 3-storey commercial building, along with a 4-storey residential addition at the rear, at 741 Broadview Avenue. The total building height is 24.7 metres, inclusive of the mechanical penthouse. The proposed development would contain 19 new condominium dwelling units.


The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020).


This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law. The proposal results in an appropriate built form that fits with the existing and planned context of the surrounding area.

Background Information

(September 29, 2023) Report and Attachments 1-4 and 6-8 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District on 741 Broadview Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval
Attachment 5 - 741 Broadview Avenue -Draft Zoning By-law 569-2013
Notice of Public Meeting


(October 16, 2023) Submission from Adam Layton, Evans Planning (TE.Supp)


Adam Layton, Evans Planning


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

Motion to Reconsider Item moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, Toronto and
East York Community Council reconsider Item TE8.6.

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)



1. City Council request the applicant commit to the following measures in addition to the implementation of the standard City of Toronto Construction Management Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, prior to the commencement of any work:


a.  establish a Construction Liaison Committee made up of local residents and businesses, including a representative of the local Residents Associations, to the satisfaction of the local Councillor; the Committee is to meet bi-weekly at the beginning of construction; and notes/action items from the meetings are to be shared with the members and the Councillor’s office in a timely way following each meeting;


b.  sweep the construction site daily and nightly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe;


c.  pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks, laneways and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe;


d.  ensure that the existing sidewalks and all pedestrian walkways have proper lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night;


e.  consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local businesses and residents in advance of any physical road modifications;


f.  install appropriate signage and converging mirrors where necessary to ensure that pedestrians’, cyclists’ and motorists’ safety is considered at all times;


g.  post a 24/7 contact number for the site superintendent on the construction hoarding;


h.  create a publicly accessible website with regular construction updates and post the website address on the subject site; and


i.  include a minimum of 75 percent of advertisement surface area on the construction hoarding to be allocated to artwork at their sole cost; design is to be reviewed and approved by the Ward Councillor.


2. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report to the Toronto and East York Community Council regarding the realignment of Permit Parking Area 7G and the exclusion of 741 Broadview Avenue and associated addresses, from the permit parking area.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Chris Moise (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at