Item - 2023.TE7.67

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on September 19, 2023 and was adopted without amendment. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the Toronto and East York Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.

TE7.67 - Appointments to the Board of Management of the Cecil Community Centre

Decision Type:
Schedule Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

Community Council Decision

The Toronto and East York Community Council:


1. Appointed the following individuals to the Cecil Community Centre Board of Management, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending June 30, 2025 and until successors are appointed:


- Bryn Rieger

- Stanley Ing
- Ken Postill
- Carson Tong
- Heather Auden


(August 25, 2023) Letter from the Executive Director, the Cecil Community Centre


The Board confirms that these nominees are qualified to serve under the provisions of the City of Toronto's Public Appointments Policy and the Relationship Framework for Community Centre Boards of Management.

These appointments are a result of the following public member's terms coming to an end:

- Diana Yoon – Board term completed in June 30, 2023

On behalf of the Board, I respectfully request that the City take the necessary steps to appoint this nominated candidate.

Background Information

(August 25, 2023) Letter from the Executive Director, the Cecil Community Centre on Appointments to the Board of Management of the Cecil Community Centre


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Dianne Saxe (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at