Item - 2023.TE5.46

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on June 14 and 15, 2023 without amendments and without debate.
  • This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on May 24, 2023 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on June 14 and 15, 2023.

TE5.46 - Report Back on Metrolinx's Ontario Line Construction within the Toronto and East York District

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
4 - Parkdale - High Park, 9 - Davenport, 10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 13 - Toronto Centre, 14 - Toronto - Danforth, 19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on June 14 and 15, 2023, adopted the following:


1. City Council request that prior to Metrolinx accessing Jimmie Simpson Park to remove the retaining wall that the City receive a formal written undertaking for replacement of the wading pool, replacement of the playscape and without the public release of the planned replacement wall.


2. City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to report to the July 5, 2023 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee on the current issues faced by Fontbonne Ministries and the tenants related to the construction of the above ground Ontario Line, and replacement of rooming houses and low income tenants facing eviction with the construction of the Ontario Line.


3. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to report back to the July 6, 2023 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee on how a formal project labour agreement for the Ontario Line can be secured to create measurable construction hour targets for apprentices and pre-apprentices from groups previously identified by the City.

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 5, 2023) Report from the Executive Director, Transit Expansion Division on Report Back on Metrolinx's Ontario Line Construction within the Toronto and East York District

Communications (Community Council)

(May 24, 2023) Letter from Rosemarie Powell, Executive Director, Toronto Community Benefits Network (TE.New)

Communications (City Council)

(June 13, 2023) Letter from Cynthia Wilkey, Co-Chair and John Wilson, Co-Chair, West Don Lands Committee (CC.New)

TE5.46 - Report Back on Metrolinx's Ontario Line Construction within the Toronto and East York District

Decision Type:
4 - Parkdale - High Park, 9 - Davenport, 10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 13 - Toronto Centre, 14 - Toronto - Danforth, 19 - Beaches - East York

Community Council Recommendations

The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:


1. City Council request that prior to Metrolinx accessing Jimmie Simpson Park to remove the retaining wall that the City receive a formal written undertaking for replacement of the wading pool, replacement of the playscape and without the public release of the planned replacement wall.


2. City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to report to the July 5, 2023 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee on the current issues faced by Fontbonne Ministries and the tenants related to the construction of the above ground Ontario Line, and replacement of rooming houses and low income tenants facing eviction with the construction of the Ontario Line.


3. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to report back to the July 6, 2023 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee on how a formal project labour agreement for the Ontario Line can be secured to create measurable construction hour targets for apprentices and pre-apprentices from groups previously identified by the City.


(May 5, 2023) Report from the Executive Director, Transit Expansion Division


Metrolinx’s Ontario Line will be approximately 15.6 kilometres in length and will include 15 stations along its route. The Ontario Line will connect to other higher-order transit options including the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, Line 1, Line 2, and to the GO network, in addition to numerous TTC streetcar and bus routes. The purpose of this report is to provide additional information requested by the Subcommittee on Metrolinx's Ontario Line Construction within the boundaries of Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC), including details on:


- costs of awarded contracts and the companies that make up the consortiums delivering     the work;

- federal funding;

- provincial plans for community benefits;

- engagement with Business Improvement Areas and available supports for businesses      along the alignment;

- ongoing activities to manage traffic congestion, including traffic management plans        and permit conditions, and other construction impacts;

- noise and vibration levels;

- plans for tree retention and to approaches to mitigate impacts to parks during                  construction; and

- details of affordable housing plans and impacts to housing, amongst other matters.

Background Information

(May 5, 2023) Report from the Executive Director, Transit Expansion Division on Report Back on Metrolinx's Ontario Line Construction within the Toronto and East York District


(May 24, 2023) Letter from Rosemarie Powell, Executive Director, Toronto Community Benefits Network (TE.New)


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)



1. City Council request that prior to Metrolinx accessing Jimmie Simpson park to remove the retaining wall that the city receive a formal written undertaking for replacement of the wading pool, Replacement of the playscape, and without the public release of the planned replacement wall.


2. City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to report to the July 5, 2023 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee on the current issues faced by Fontbonne Ministries and the tenants related to the construction of the above ground Ontario Line, and replacement of rooming houses and low income tenants facing eviction with the construction of the Ontario Line.


3. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to report back to the July 6, 2023 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee on how a formal project labour agreement for the Ontario Line can be secured to create measurable construction hour targets for apprentices and pre-apprentices from groups previously identified by the City.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Gord Perks (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at