Item - 2023.NY9.6
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by North York Community Council on November 14, 2023 and was adopted with amendments. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the North York Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.
- See also By-laws 1175-2023, 18-2024
NY9.6 - Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan (Near-Term Plan)
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 15 - Don Valley West
Community Council Decision
North York Community Council:
1. Amended City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, generally as outlined in Attachment 1 to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
2. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Bessborough Drive, between Eglinton Avenue East and Craig Crescent, between Field Avenue and Sharron Drive and between Millwood Road and Field Avenue, to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
3. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Bessborough Drive between Eglinton Avenue East and Craig Crescent Drive, between Field Avenue and Sharron Drive and between Millwood Road and Field Avenue.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install five speed humps on Bessborough Drive, between Eglinton Avenue East and Craig Crescent, between Field Avenue and Sharron Drive and between Millwood Road and Field Avenue, for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 6, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, Attachment 7, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, and Attachment 8, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
4. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Craig Crescent between Bayview Avenue and Divadale Drive to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
5. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Craig Crescent between Bayview Avenue and Divadale Drive.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install two speed humps on Craig Crescent between Bayview Avenue and Divadale Drive, for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 9, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
6. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Donlea Drive between Rumsey Road and Sutherland Drive, and between Don Avon Drive and Bretcliffe Road, to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
7. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Donlea Drive between Rumsey Road and Sutherland Drive, and between Don Avon Drive and Brentcliffe Road.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install four speed humps on Donlea Drive between Rumsey Road and Sutherland Drive, and between Don Avon Drive and Brentcliffe Road, for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 10, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, and Attachment 11, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
8. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Hanna Road between Eglinton Avenue East and Donlea Drive, between Parkhurst Boulevard and Parklea Drive, between Millwood Road and Field Avenue, and between Randolph Road and Sutherland Drive to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
9. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Hanna Road between Eglinton Avenue East and Parklea Drive, between Parkhurst Boulevard and Parklea Drive, between Millwood Road and Field Avenue, and between Randolph Road and Sutherland Drive.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install four speed humps on Hanna Road between Eglinton Avenue East and Parklea Drive, between Parkhurst Boulevard and Parklea Drive, between Millwood Road and Field Avenue, and between Randolph Road and Sutherland Drive, for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 12, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, Attachment 13, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, Attachment 14, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, and Attachment 15, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
10. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Rolph Road between Southvale Drive and Sutherland Drive to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
11. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Rolph Road between Southvale Drive and Sutherland Drive.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install two speed humps on Rolph Road between Southvale Drive and Sutherland Drive for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 16, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
12. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Rumsey Road between Divadale Drive and Broadway Avenue, between Donlea Drive and Divadale Drive, between Eglinton Avenue East and Donlea Drive and between Parklea Drive and Eglinton Avenue East to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
13. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Rumsey Road between Divadale Drive and Broadway Avenue, between Donlea Drive and Divadale Drive, between Eglinton Avenue East and Donlea Drive and between Parklea Drive and Eglinton Avenue East.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install four speed humps on Rumsey Road between Divadale Drive and Broadway Avenue, between Donlea Drive and Divadale Drive, between Eglinton Avenue East and Donlea Drive and between Parklea Drive and Eglinton Avenue East for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 17, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, and Attachment 18, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
14. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Sharron Drive between Bessborough Drive and Hanna Road to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
15. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Sharron Drive between Bessborough Drive and Hanna Road.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install one speed hump on Sharron Drive between Bessborough Drive and Hanna Road for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 19, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
16. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk poll eligible householders on Sutherland Drive between Divadale Drive and Donlea Drive to determine whether residents support the installation of traffic calming, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy.
17. Subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on attSutherland Drive between Donlea Drive and Divadale Drive.
b. directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway to install one speed hump on Sutherland Drive between Donlea Drive and Divadale Drive for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on Attachment 20, dated September 2023, attached to the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
18. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to consult with the local Councillor on options for traffic calming measures and an outreach strategy prior to issuing any of the polls described in the parts above.
19. Directed the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, not to proceed with the conversion of angled parking spaces to parallel parking spaces on McRae Drive.
20. Requested the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to review all options to accelerate Phase Two of the Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan.
The purpose of this report is to share the findings from phase one of the Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan (LNTP), a study led by Transportation Services at the request of North York Community Council. The study encompassed an assessment of existing conditions in the study area, analyses to determine appropriate changes to the streets, and a multi-staged engagement process with area residents and stakeholders. Phase one, the near-term plan, was focused on assessing site-specific improvements that mitigate traffic and safety concerns in the study area and involving the community in the decision-making process. Phase two, the long-term plan, is expected to take place after local travel patterns have adapted to Line 5 Eglinton and the bikeway on Eglinton Avenue East between Bayview Avenue and the Don River.
This report summarizes the study findings and recommends traffic and safety management changes that can be implemented in the neighbourhood in the near-term. Recommended changes include that installation of traffic calming measures, intersection realignment of intersections, amendments to on-street parking, new traffic control signals, and new bike share stations. Changes are targeted to be implemented within the next three years.
Background Information
(September 28, 2023) Report and Attachments 1 - 22 from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services on Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan (Near-Term Plan)
(October 16, 2023) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Phil Oliva and Holly Reid on behalf of Leaside Members of Cycle Don Valley Midtown (NY.Supp)
(October 17, 2023) Letter from Carol Burtin Fripp, Co-Chair, Leaside Residents' Association (NY.Supp)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Christine Pisapia (NY.Main)
(October 25, 2023) E-mail from Christine Pisapia (NY.Main)
(October 27, 2023) E-mail from John Burns (NY.Main)
(November 14, 2023) Submission from Gord Smith (NY.New)
Gord Smith
That North York Community Council
1. Direct the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to consult with the local Councillor on options for traffic calming measures and an outreach strategy prior to issuing any of the polls described in the report (September 28, 2023) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.
2. Direct the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, not to proceed with the conversion of angled parking spaces to parallel parking spaces on McRae Drive.
3. Request the Director of Project Design and Management, Transportation Services, to review all options to accelerate Phase Two of the Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan.