Item - 2023.NY9.36

Tracking Status

NY9.36 - Dufferin Street and Eglinton Avenue West - Pedestrian Safety After Fatal Accident Involving a Dump Truck

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

Community Council Decision

North York Community Council:


1. Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Toronto Police Services as necessary, to report on the pedestrian fatality which occurred at Dufferin Street and Eglinton Avenue West on November 13, 2023 and to make recommendations on how to make the intersection at Dufferin Road and Eglinton Avenue West safer after this fatal accident.


(November 14, 2023) Letter from Councillor Mike Colle


Yesterday, a pedestrian was killed after being struck by a dump truck turning left at Dufferin and Eglinton. This is the fourth pedestrian to be hit and killed by a dump truck in Midtown recently.


At the last City Council meeting, Council supported my motion requesting the Federal Transportation Board to require dump trucks to install Pedestrian Motion Sensor Technology. However, implementing this safety requirement faces a long and difficult process of federal approval as the City of Toronto has no authority to require dump trucks to have Motion Sensor Technology. I am therefore requesting a report on this fatal accident to better understand what measures the City can implement to improve pedestrian safety.

Background Information

(November 14, 2023) Letter from Councillor Mike Colle on Pedestrian Safety After Fatal Accident at Dufferin and Eglinton Involving a Dump Truck


Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Mike Colle (Carried)

Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mike Colle (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at