Item - 2023.IE7.6

Tracking Status

IE7.6 - Comments on Federal draft Clean Electricity Regulations

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


 1. Received the report (October 11, 2023) from the Executive Director, Environment and Climate, for information.


(October 11, 2023) Report from the Executive Director, Environment and Climate Division


The Clean Electricity Regulations (CER) draft, released by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on August 10, 2023, plays a pivotal role in enabling Toronto to achieve its TransformTO Net Zero Strategy target of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout the community by 2040.


Achieving Toronto’s goal of a healthy, prosperous, equitable, resilient and net-zero carbon city by 2040, requires transitioning buildings and transportation from fossil fuels to clean electricity. A critical step for success is the presence of a resilient, carbon-free, affordable electricity supply in Ontario and increasing local renewable electricity generation. The Clean Electricity Regulations are essential for Toronto to meet its 2040 net-zero target, as they will reduce allowable greenhouse gas emissions from Ontario’s remaining fossil-fueled electricity generating stations, and encourage the development of non-emitting energy sources.


While the Clean Electricity Regulations is a positive first step, there is a need for further refinements to enhance their clarity and effectiveness and strengthen their intent and application. Additionally, fostering collaboration among all levels of government is essential to assist Toronto and other communities in Ontario in achieving their climate goals. A letter of comment, attached to this report, is scheduled for submission by the November 2, 2023 deadline to the Government of Canada.

Background Information

(October 11, 2023) Report from the Executive Director, Environment and Climate Division on Comments on federal draft Clean Electricity Regulations
Attachment 1 - Proposed letter to the Government of Canada: City of Toronto comments on draft Clean Electricity Regulations


(October 25, 2023) Letter from Cara-Lynne Wade, Enbridge (IE.Supp)


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Dianne Saxe (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at