Item - 2023.IE2.6
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on March 29, 2023 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Infrastructure and Environment Committee on March 20, 2023 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on March 29, 2023.
- See also By-law 491-2024
IE2.6 - Modernizing Bike Share Toronto Rate Structure
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on March 29, 30 and 31, 2023, adopted the following:
1. City Council approve (as required by Section 441-11 of Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, of the City of Toronto Municipal Code) the following adjustments (excluding Harmonized Sales Tax) to the Bike Share Toronto program rate structure to take effect April 3, 2023:
a. annual 30 Membership Fee of $105.00;
b. annual 45 Membership Fee of $120.00;
c. annual Membership Overage Fee charges of $0.12 per minute exceeding the user’s selected Annual Membership limit;
d. annual Members E-bike per minute charge of $0.10;
e. casual customer Iconic bike per minute charge of $1.00 unlock fee + $0.12 per minute;
f. casual customer E-bike per minute charge of $1.00 unlock fee + $0.20 per minute;
g. a 90-minute Iconic bike day pass (24h) of $15.00 +$0.12 for each additional minute; and
h. annual Bike Share Toronto Low-Income Program Membership Fee of $5.00.
2. City Council direct that Bike Share members be permitted to pay for their annual membership in three consecutive monthly installments, provided that the full annual membership is due immediately if any payment is missed or if the membership is canceled.
3. City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the the Toronto Parking Authority, to undertake best efforts to expedite the delivery of the low income fare pass program for Bike Share Toronto in the third quarter of 2023.
4. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the President, Toronto Parking Authority, for a one-year pilot project, to create 100 special Bike Share Toronto annual memberships, which cost the usual membership fee but which include the use of e-bikes without the additional $0.10 per minute charge, and to work with City staff or a non-profit organization to make them available to individuals who receive Ontario Disability Support Benefits.
5. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to engage the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board to enter into the corporate discount program.
6. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2023 on:
a. an equity based affordable rate plan for people with disabilities and seniors, for whom usage of E-bikes is an accessibility issue;
b. a proposal for subsidizing the Bike Share program's expansion and user rate structure with increased on and off street parking levies; and
c. an equity based investigation to the impact of these rates on users from the inner suburbs who already have fewer modes of active transportation available than users in the downtown core.
7. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report on the viability of requiring all future major for profit residential development to be required to include funding for E-Bike stations in proximity to proposed developments.
8. City Council deem that adequate public notice of City Council's consideration of a proposal to change the rate and fee structure of the Bike Share Toronto program (and any corresponding amendment to Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, has been given through the posting of Item PA2.6 on the published agenda for the Board of Directors of Toronto Parking Authority, and the posting of Item IE2.6 on the published agenda for the Infrastructure and Environment Committee five working days before the Committee meeting.
Background Information (Committee)
(March 6, 2023) Toronto Parking Authority on Modernizing Bike Share Toronto Rate Structure
(March 20, 2023) Presentation from the Director, Bike Share Toronto, Toronto Parking Authority and the Vice President, Business Development, Toronto Parking Authority on A New Rate Structure for an Expanded and Modernized Bike Share Toronto
Communications (Committee)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Emily Donaldson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Emmanuelle Brochard (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Susan Rynard (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Bailey Chui (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Andre Kipin (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jessica Timotheo (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Antonio Pilla (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Michelle Wolfson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Fern Mosoff (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Asa Weinstein (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from John Healy (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Matthew Banks (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Bruce Novakowski (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Lois Bennett (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Honorata Trojanowska (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Peter Leventis (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Dana Snell (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Esteban Diaz (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Amanda Lee (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jacqueline Stroud (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Brendan Hendel (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Lee-Anne Bigwood (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Carla Wong (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Avrum Jacobson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ian Tharp (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Robert Wallis (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jonah Arnold (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jason C (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Miles Gripton (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from David Nash (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Siobhan Fitzmaurice (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Samantha Richardson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Matthew Freelander (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jon Herberman (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Patrick DeRochie (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Clare Barry (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Victoria Adilman (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Sam Bootsma (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Alex Keselman (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Guillermo Verdecchia (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Emily Wat (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ann Peel (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Mario Silva (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Brian Chang (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Debbie Green (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Timna Ben-Ari (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Robin Richardson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Lara Arabian (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Tristan Truyens (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Erin Campos (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ted Mann (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Andrea Calver (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Heather Armstrong (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Peter Elton (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Maisa Barbosa (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Azad Memon (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Pauline Decroix (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Christopher Bozek (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ian Kirkland (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Andrew Hunter (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Fred Spek (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Sybille Parry (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Maria Bui (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Cathleen Sullivan (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Christine Gebel (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Lesley Turner (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Randolph Haluza-DeLay (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Ilse Kramer (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Murray Lumley (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Ingrid Buday (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Julie Nicholson (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Susan A'Court (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Justin Lin (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Sean Cooper (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Andrew Ng (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Shelly Nixon (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Siu Sem Hon (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Christopher Logon (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Kristina Stockwood (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Abbey Huggan (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Rachel Boere (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Melissa M (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from Anne Fleming (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from Nicole T (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from Chris Scott (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from George Bell (IE.Main)
(March 14, 2023) E-mail from George Bell (IE.Main)
(March 14, 2023) E-mail from Maria Millar (IE.Main)
(March 14, 2023) E-mail from Angela Salamanca (IE.Main)
(March 15, 2023) E-mail from Holly Reid (IE.Main)
(March 15, 2023) E-mail from Agincourt Village Community Association, Rhoda Potter, Sarah Martin (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Ryan Lindsay (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Bruce Novakowski (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Greg Trent (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Sarah Levitt (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) Letter from TCAT - The Centre for Active Transportation - David Simor (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) Letter from Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition - Robert Zaichkowski (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) Letter from Cycle Toronto - Alison Stewart (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) E-mail from Geary Shorser (IE.Main)
(March 19, 2023) E-mail from Lee Scott (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) Letter from Sarah Buchanan, Toronto Environmental Alliance (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) Letter from Jessica Spieker, Friends and Families for Safe Streets (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) Letter from Gig Workers United (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) E-mail from Donna Patterson (IE.Supp)
Communications (City Council)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Emily Wat (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Valerie Endicott (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Valentin Mihut (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Geoff Kettel (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Jen Keystone (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Lorraine Barnaby (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Sarah Levitt (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Tristan Durie (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Anshul Rao (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Bailey Chui (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Pavel Recnik (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Antonio Pilla (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Andrew Hunter (CC.Main)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Alison Stewart (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Carolyn Wong (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Chris Randall (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Dana Snell (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Dawn Crandell (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Gray Taylor (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Jim Roche (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Julia Armstrong (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Lisa Malinowsk (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Patrick DeRochie (CC.Supp)
(March 22, 2023) E-mail from Sarah Durrant (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Adrian Currie (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Azad Memon (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Eric Mills (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Ilse Kramer (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Jennifer Stolte (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Nic Sammond (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Noah Badi (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Raymond Choi (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Riccardo Caimano (CC.Supp)
(March 26, 2023) E-mail from Rhoda Potter and Sarah Martin, Agincourt Village Community Association (CC.Supp)
(March 24, 2023) E-mail from Xenie Smith-Stanko (CC.Supp)
(March 24, 2023) E-mail from Despina Melohe (CC.Supp)
(March 25, 2023) E-mail from Pat Pallotta (CC.Supp)
(March 25, 2023) E-mail from Elaine Stewart (CC.Supp)
(March 25, 2023) E-mail from Ingrid Buday (CC.Supp)
(March 26, 2023) E-mail from Erin Marchak (CC.Supp)
(March 27, 2023) E-mail from David Simmons (CC.Supp)
(March 27, 2023) E-mail from Geoff Kettel (CC.Supp)
(March 28, 2023) Letter from Alison Stewart, Interim Co-Executive Director, Advocacy and Public Policy Cycle Toronto (CC.New)
(March 28, 2023) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Richard Nelson, Holly Reid and Najia Zewari, Executive Committee, Cycle Don Valley Midtown (CC.New)
(March 24, 2023) E-mail from Matt Welke (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Krista Maxwell (CC.Supp)
(March 27, 2023) E-mail from Devin Stephanian (CC.New)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Barry St. Denis (CC.Supp)
(March 23, 2023) E-mail from Thomas George (CC.Supp)
Motions (City Council)
1. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2023 on:
a. an equity based affordable rate plan for people with disabilities and seniors, for whom usage of E-bikes is an accessibility issue;
b. a proposal for subsidizing the Bike Share program's expansion and user rate structure with increased on and off street parking levies; and
c. an equity based investigation to the impact of these rates on users from the inner suburbs who already have fewer modes of active transportation available than users in the downtown core.
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Mar-31-2023 2:12 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - IE2.6 - Morley - motion 1 |
Total members that voted Yes: 20 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Brad Bradford, Alejandra Bravo, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Vincent Crisanti, Paula Fletcher, Ausma Malik, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Chris Moise, Amber Morley, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Dianne Saxe, Michael Thompson |
Total members that voted No: 3 | Members that voted No are Jon Burnside, Stephen Holyday, Jaye Robinson |
Total members that were Absent: 2 | Members that were absent are Lily Cheng, Nick Mantas |
1. City Council direct that Bike Share members be permitted to pay for their annual membership in three consecutive monthly installments, provided that the full annual membership is due immediately if any payment is missed or if the membership is canceled.
IE2.6 - Modernizing Bike Share Toronto Rate Structure
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Infrastructure and Environment Committee recommends that:
1. City Council approve (as required by Section 441-11 of Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, of the City of Toronto Municipal Code) the following adjustments (excluding Harmonized Sales Tax) to the Bike Share Toronto program rate structure to take effect April 3, 2023:
a. annual 30 Membership Fee of $105.00;
b. annual 45 Membership Fee of $120.00;
c. annual Membership Overage Fee charges of $0.12 per minute exceeding the user’s selected Annual Membership limit;
d. annual Members E-bike per minute charge of $0.10;
e. casual customer Iconic bike per minute charge of $1.00 unlock fee + $0.12 per minute;
f. casual customer E-bike per minute charge of $1.00 unlock fee + $0.20 per minute;
g. a 90-minute Iconic bike day pass (24h) of $15.00 +$0.12 for each additional minute; and
h. annual Bike Share Toronto Low-Income Program Membership Fee of $5.00.
2. City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the the Toronto Parking Authority, to undertake best efforts to expedite the delivery of the low income fare pass program for Bike Share Toronto in the third quarter of 2023.
3. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the President, Toronto Parking Authority, for a one year pilot project, to create 100 special Bike Share Toronto annual memberships, which cost the usual membership fee but which include the use of e-bikes without the additional $0.10 per minute charge, and to work with city staff or a non-profit organization to make them available to individuals who receive Ontario Disability Support Benefits (ODSB).
4. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to engage the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board to enter into the corporate discount program.
5. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report on the viability of requiring all future major for profit residential development to be required to include funding for E-Bike stations in proximity to proposed developments.
6. City Council deem that adequate public notice of City Council's consideration of a proposal to change the rate and fee structure of the Bike Share Toronto program (and any corresponding amendment to Chapter 441, Fees and Charges,), has been given through the posting of Item PA2.6 on the published agenda for the Board of Directors of Toronto Parking Authority, and the posting of Item IE2.6 on the published agenda for the Infrastructure and Environment Committee five working days before the Committee meeting.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Director, Bike Share Toronto, Toronto Parking Authority and the Vice President, Business Development, Toronto Parking Authority gave a presentation on A New Rate Structure for an Expanded and Modernized Bike Share Toronto.
The Infrastructure and Environment Committee referred the following motion to the Toronto Parking Authority Board to consider for financial and operational impacts by the fourth quarter of 2023:
1. Recommendation 1 Part a. be amended by adding the words "With an option to pay the yearly membership in monthly installments" so that part now reads:
a. annual 30 Membership Fee of $105.00, with an option to pay in monthly installments;
2. Recommendation 1 Part b. be amended by adding the words "With an option to pay the yearly membership in monthly installments" so that part now reads:
b. annual 45 Membership Fee of $120.00, with an option to pay in monthly installments;
3. Recommendation 1 Part d. be amended by deleting "$0.10" and replacing it with "O.08" so that the part now reads:
d. annual Members E-bike per minute charge of $0.08;
2. Recommendation 1 Part h. be amended by adding the words "The Low-Income Program Membership will provide access to E-bikes at the annual 30 Membership rate for Iconic bikes" so that the part now reads:
h. annual Bike Share Toronto Low-Income Program Membership Fee of $5.00. The Low-Income Program Membership will provide access to E-bikes at the annual 30 Membership rate for Iconic bikes.
3. The following new recommendation be added:
2. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2023 on:
a. an equity based affordable rate plan for people with disabilities and seniors, for whom usage of E-bikes is an accessibility issue;
b. a proposal for subsidizing the Bike Share program's expansion and user rate structure with increased on and off street parking levies; and
c. an equity based investigation to the impact of these rates on users from the inner suburbs who already have fewer modes of active transportation available than users in the downtown core.
At its meeting on March 3, 2023, Board of Directors of Toronto Parking Authority considered Item PA2.6 and made a recommendation to City Council.
Summary from the report (February 27, 2023) from the President, Toronto Parking Authority:
Bike Share Toronto is a convenient, affordable and sustainable mobility option that has emerged as an integral component of Toronto’s transportation network. Since its inception in 2011, the program has seen tremendous success, growing from a system of 80 stations and annual ridership of 400,000 to one of North America's largest bike share systems with a network of over 680 stations, 7100 bikes (including 525 e-bikes) and ridership of 4.6 Million in 2022.
Toronto Parking Authority aspires to make Bike Share Toronto the premiere bike sharing system in the world. Management's Bike Share Growth Strategy will deliver a significant expansion to all 25 Wards including electrification of 20 + percent of the fleet. These programmes are designed to elevate customer satisfaction, drive geographic breadth, improve customer accessibility, and deliver a strong platform for sustainable growth over the long term.
Bike Share Toronto's success to date can be attributed in large part to management's focus on delivering a consistent, reliable customer experience for each and every ride. These efforts were rewarded by securing our best ever customer satisfaction score of 92 percent during our peak summer season in 2022.
However, as Bike Share continues to enjoy double-digit ridership growth, our operating performance is beginning to be stressed reflecting market place demand exceeding supply-particularly during peak operating hours. This traffic drove a 19.4 percent increase in programme expenses in 2022 exacerbated by inflation, investments in frontline resources and more-costly E-bike operations. Failure to address the imbalance between volume growth and cost pressures will degrade key operating metrics and ultimately undermine customer experience.
In order to address this material risk and ensure the sustainable growth of the programme, management is recommending modest changes to its rate structure, which has been unchanged since 2017 despite the programme tripling in size.
This report provides an update on Bike Share's rate structure review, including an overview of the research methodology used to develop recommendations for a new and modernized Bike Share Toronto rate structure, that, if approved, will take effect on April 3, 2023.
Background Information
(March 6, 2023) Toronto Parking Authority on Modernizing Bike Share Toronto Rate Structure
(March 20, 2023) Presentation from the Director, Bike Share Toronto, Toronto Parking Authority and the Vice President, Business Development, Toronto Parking Authority on A New Rate Structure for an Expanded and Modernized Bike Share Toronto
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Emily Donaldson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Emmanuelle Brochard (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Susan Rynard (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Bailey Chui (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Andre Kipin (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jessica Timotheo (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Antonio Pilla (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Michelle Wolfson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Fern Mosoff (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Asa Weinstein (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from John Healy (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Matthew Banks (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Bruce Novakowski (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Lois Bennett (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Honorata Trojanowska (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Peter Leventis (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Dana Snell (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Esteban Diaz (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Amanda Lee (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jacqueline Stroud (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Brendan Hendel (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Lee-Anne Bigwood (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Carla Wong (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Avrum Jacobson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ian Tharp (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Robert Wallis (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jonah Arnold (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jason C (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Miles Gripton (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from David Nash (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Siobhan Fitzmaurice (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Samantha Richardson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Matthew Freelander (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Jon Herberman (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Patrick DeRochie (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Clare Barry (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Victoria Adilman (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Sam Bootsma (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Alex Keselman (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Guillermo Verdecchia (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Emily Wat (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ann Peel (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Mario Silva (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Brian Chang (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Debbie Green (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Timna Ben-Ari (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Robin Richardson (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Lara Arabian (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Tristan Truyens (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Erin Campos (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ted Mann (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Andrea Calver (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Heather Armstrong (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Peter Elton (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Maisa Barbosa (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Azad Memon (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Pauline Decroix (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Christopher Bozek (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Ian Kirkland (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Andrew Hunter (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Fred Spek (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Sybille Parry (IE.Main)
(March 10, 2023) E-mail from Maria Bui (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Cathleen Sullivan (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Christine Gebel (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Lesley Turner (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Randolph Haluza-DeLay (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Ilse Kramer (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Murray Lumley (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Ingrid Buday (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Julie Nicholson (IE.Main)
(March 11, 2023) E-mail from Susan A'Court (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Justin Lin (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Sean Cooper (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Andrew Ng (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Shelly Nixon (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Siu Sem Hon (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Christopher Logon (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Kristina Stockwood (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Abbey Huggan (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Rachel Boere (IE.Main)
(March 12, 2023) E-mail from Melissa M (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from Anne Fleming (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from Nicole T (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from Chris Scott (IE.Main)
(March 13, 2023) E-mail from George Bell (IE.Main)
(March 14, 2023) E-mail from George Bell (IE.Main)
(March 14, 2023) E-mail from Maria Millar (IE.Main)
(March 14, 2023) E-mail from Angela Salamanca (IE.Main)
(March 15, 2023) E-mail from Holly Reid (IE.Main)
(March 15, 2023) E-mail from Agincourt Village Community Association, Rhoda Potter, Sarah Martin (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Ryan Lindsay (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Bruce Novakowski (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Greg Trent (IE.Main)
(March 16, 2023) E-mail from Sarah Levitt (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) Letter from TCAT - The Centre for Active Transportation - David Simor (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) Letter from Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition - Robert Zaichkowski (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) Letter from Cycle Toronto - Alison Stewart (IE.Main)
(March 17, 2023) E-mail from Geary Shorser (IE.Main)
(March 19, 2023) E-mail from Lee Scott (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) Letter from Sarah Buchanan, Toronto Environmental Alliance (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) Letter from Jessica Spieker, Friends and Families for Safe Streets (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) Letter from Gig Workers United (IE.Supp)
(March 19, 2023) E-mail from Donna Patterson (IE.Supp)
Jess Spieker, Friends and Families for Safe Streets
1. Recommendation 1 Part a. be amended by adding the words "With an option to pay the yearly membership in monthly installments" so that part now reads:
a. annual 30 Membership Fee of $105.00, with an option to pay in monthly installments;
2. Recommendation 1 Part b. be amended by adding the words "With an option to pay the yearly membership in monthly installments" so that part now reads:
b. annual 45 Membership Fee of $120.00, with an option to pay in monthly installments;
3. Recommendation 1 Part d. be amended by deleting "$0.10" and replacing it with "O.08" so that the part now reads:
d. annual Members E-bike per minute charge of $0.08;
2. Recommendation 1 Part h. be amended by adding the words "The Low-Income Program Membership will provide access to E-bikes at the annual 30 Membership rate for Iconic bikes" so that the part now reads:
h. annual Bike Share Toronto Low-Income Program Membership Fee of $5.00. The Low-Income Program Membership will provide access to E-bikes at the annual 30 Membership rate for Iconic bikes.
3. The following new recommendation be added:
2. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2023 on:
a. an equity based affordable rate plan for people with disabilities and seniors, for whom usage of E-bikes is an accessibility issue;
b. a proposal for subsidizing the Bike Share program's expansion and user rate structure with increased on and off street parking levies; and
c. an equity based investigation to the impact of these rates on users from the inner suburbs who already have fewer modes of active transportation available than users in the downtown core.
That City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the President, Toronto Parking Authority, for a one year pilot project, to create 100 special Bike Share Toronto annual memberships, which cost the usual membership fee but which include the use of e-bikes without the additional $0.10 per minute charge, and to work with city staff or a non-profit organization to make them available to individuals who receive Ontario Disability Support Benefits (ODSB).
That City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report on the viability of requiring all future major for profit residential development to be required to include funding for E-Bike stations in proximity to proposed developments.
That motion 1 by Councillor Morley be referred to the Toronto Parking Authority Board to consider for financial and operational impacts by the fourth quarter of 2023:
Motion to be referred:
1. Recommendation 1 Part a. be amended by adding the words "With an option to pay the yearly membership in monthly installments" so that part now reads:
a. annual 30 Membership Fee of $105.00, with an option to pay in monthly installments;
2. Recommendation 1 Part b. be amended by adding the words "With an option to pay the yearly membership in monthly installments" so that part now reads:
b. annual 45 Membership Fee of $120.00, with an option to pay in monthly installments;
3. Recommendation 1 Part d. be amended by deleting "$0.10" and replacing it with "O.08" so that the part now reads:
d. annual Members E-bike per minute charge of $0.08;
2. Recommendation 1 Part h. be amended by adding the words "The Low-Income Program Membership will provide access to E-bikes at the annual 30 Membership rate for Iconic bikes" so that the part now reads:
h. annual Bike Share Toronto Low-Income Program Membership Fee of $5.00. The Low-Income Program Membership will provide access to E-bikes at the annual 30 Membership rate for Iconic bikes.
3. The following new recommendation be added:
2. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2023 on:
a. an equity based affordable rate plan for people with disabilities and seniors, for whom usage of E-bikes is an accessibility issue;
b. a proposal for subsidizing the Bike Share program's expansion and user rate structure with increased on and off street parking levies; and
c. an equity based investigation to the impact of these rates on users from the inner suburbs who already have fewer modes of active transportation available than users in the downtown core.
1. City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the the Toronto Parking Authority, to undertake best efforts to expedite the delivery of the low income fare pass program for Bike Share Toronto in the third quarter of 2023.
2. City Council request the Toronto Parking Authority Board to request the Toronto Parking Authority to engage the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board to enter into the corporate discount program.
That City Council deem that adequate public notice of City Council's consideration of a proposal to change the rate and fee structure of the Bike Share Toronto program (and any corresponding amendment to Chapter 441, Fees and Charges,), has been given through the posting of Item PA2.6 on the published agenda for the Board of Directors of Toronto Parking Authority, and the posting of Item IE2.6 on the published agenda for the Infrastructure and Environment Committee five working days before the Committee meeting.