Item - 2023.HL5.1

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Board of Health on July 4, 2023 and was adopted with amendments.

HL5.1 - Healthy Summer - Toronto Public Health's work to support summer activities

Decision Type:

Board Decision

The Board of Health:


1. Requested the Medical Officer of Health to explore the feasibility of requiring a Food Safety Management Plan for each organization that applies for a special events permit that includes the provision of food, in consultation with relevant City divisions, and report back to the Board of Health on the outcomes of this work by the fourth quarter of 2024.


2. Requested that the Medical Officer of Health assemble the current public health advice and evidence in response to wildfire smoke into a Toronto Public Health Wildfire Smoke Response Strategy, which should:


a. reflect the best available public health evidence and guidance to respond to poor air quality in Toronto due to wildfire smoke;


b. include specific recommendations and actions for residents most vulnerable to the negative impacts of poor air quality; and


c. be iterative and responsive to new evidence on the health impacts of wildfire smoke.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Deputy Medical Officer of Health gave a presentation on Healthy Summer - Toronto Public Health's work to support summer activities.


(June 19, 2023) Report from the Medical Officer of Health


Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act and its regulations, Toronto Public Health (TPH) has environmental health responsibilities, including ensuring food safety, protecting the safety of water used for drinking and recreation, preventing the spread of infectious diseases transmitted by animals or insects (e.g. Rabies) and protecting the public from chemical and physical risks in the environment (e.g. heat relief network).


Within TPH, these important components of public health practice are largely carried out by staff that are part of the Healthy Environments (HE) portfolio. This includes Public Health Inspectors (PHIs), Public Health and Preventive Medicine Physicians, Clerks, Quality Assurance Specialists and Tobacco Enforcement Officers. This report provides an overview of how HE protects the health of Toronto residents by providing a specific issue as an example in each area, with a focus on summer activities.

Background Information

(June 19, 2023) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Healthy Summer - Toronto Public Health's work to support summer activities
(July 4, 2023) Presentation from the Deputy Medical Officer of Health on Healthy Summer - Toronto Public Health's work to support summer activities



1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Nick Mantas (Carried)



1. The Board of Health request that the Medical Officer of Health assemble the current public health advice and evidence in response to wildfire smoke into a Toronto Public Health Wildfire Smoke Response Strategy, which should:


a. reflect the best available public health evidence and guidance to respond to poor air quality in Toronto due to wildfire smoke;


b. include specific recommendations and actions for residents most vulnerable to the negative impacts of poor air quality; and


c. be iterative and responsive to new evidence on the health impacts of wildfire smoke.

2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Chris Moise (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at