Item - 2023.GG4.3

Tracking Status

GG4.3 - Administrative Penalty System - 2022 Activity

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The General Government Committee:

1. Received the report (May 15, 2023) from the Controller, the City Solicitor and the Director, Court Services, for information.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The General Government Committee considered Items GG4.3 entitled "Administrative Penalty System - 2022 Activity" and GG4.4 entitled "2021 Annual Report: 2022 Parking Enforcement Unit - Parking Violation Notices Issuance", together.


(May 15, 2023) Report from the Controller, City Solicitor and Director, Court Services


This report provides information on the total number and type of parking violation notices (PVNs) issued in 2022 under the City's Administrative Penalty System (APS). APS program outcomes are also provided, including the number of disputes, cancellations, penalty variances and collection rates. The benefits of APS include faster dispute resolution timelines, improved accessibility and customer experience through online service, and a significant reduction in drive-away ticket cancellations.

This report is being submitted to the General Government Committee together with a report from Toronto Police Service: "Annual Report – 2022 Parking Enforcement Unit Estimated Tag Issuance Report," which identifies enforcement related activity for 2022. In 2013, the Government Management Committee, during consideration of Item GM21.6 requested that these reports be submitted at the same time.

Background Information

(May 15, 2023) Report from the Controller, City Solicitor and Director, Court Services on Administrative Penalty System - 2022 Activity
Attachment 1: Breakdown of PVN Issuance by Parking By-law Category - 2021 and 2022.
Attachment 2: Collection Activity for PVNs Issued through 2012 -2022


(May 24, 2023) E-mail from George Bell (GG.Supp)


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Josh Matlow (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at