Item - 2023.EP6.4

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Exhibition Place on October 27, 2023 and was adopted with amendments.

EP6.4 - Preliminary Feasibility Assessment of Siting the Therme Facility at Exhibition Place

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

Board Decision

The Board of Governors of Exhibition Place:


1.  Endorsed the Board Chair's recommendation for the Executive Committee to request for a staff report from the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, other relevant civic officials, agencies and boards, and the Canadian National Exhibition Association (CNEA), to be brought forward at the December 5, 2023 meeting of the Executive Committee on a preliminary feasibility assessment on the siting of the proposed Therme facility at Exhibition Place, including within the Better Living Centre site.


(October 13, 2023) Letter from Deputy Mayor Ausma Malik, Chair, Board of Governors of Exhibition Place


Members of the Board of Governors,


I am writing to update you on a recommendation I have submitted to the City’s Executive Committee to request a City staff report on the feasibility of siting the Therme water spa facility proposed for Ontario Place on the Exhibition Place grounds.


The Board of Governors of Exhibition Place has consistently supported a collaborative and coordinated approach with Ontario Place for the planning, enhancement and development of these important public spaces.


Exhibition Place’s vision as an inclusive and accessible parkland and business destination for conventions, exhibitions, entertainment, recreation and sporting events and public celebrations is fundamentally connected to the future of Ontario Place, a treasured green space and site of international heritage significance.


Infrastructure Ontario, on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure, is currently leading a development application process with the City of Toronto that includes a proposed water spa by Therme for the West Island.


Through the public engagement process and feedback for the development application, alternative sites for this proposal have been suggested, including Exhibition Place.


Exhibition Place may benefit from and provide an improved location for this use due to factors such as proximity to transit, hotel accommodations, parking, existing servicing and other infrastructure.


I have sent the following recommendation to the City’s Executive Committee:


That Executive Committee request the City Manager, in consultation with the CEO of Exhibition Place, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and other relevant civic officials, agencies and boards, to report back to the December 5, 2023 meeting of Executive Committee on a preliminary feasibility assessment on the siting of the proposed Therme facility at Exhibition Place, including within the Better Living Centre site.


Any consideration of siting the Therme water spa facility at Exhibition Place would need to comment on alignment with key Exhibition Place plans (such as the Strategic Plan and the Phase 1 Proposals Report), the core uses of Exhibition Place and the operations of key tenants and event organizers of Exhibition Place, including the CNE.


A preliminary feasibility assessment will allow further feedback to be provided by City Council and the Exhibition Place Board of Governors, and to help determine any further steps, including public engagement. I will keep the Board informed of this process.


I am recommending that the Board endorse the report request I am making to the Executive Committee.

Background Information

(October 13, 2023) Letter from Deputy Mayor Ausma Malik, Chair, Board of Governors of Exhibition Place on Preliminary Feasibility Assessment of Siting the Therme Facility at Exhibition Place


(October 25, 2023) E-mail from Adam Rodgers (EP.New)


Darrell Brown, Canadian National Exhibition CNE


Motion to Amend Item moved by Deputy Mayor Ausma Malik (Carried)

That Recommendation 1 be amended to read as follows:


1.  The Board endorse the request to the City’s Executive Committee for a staff report from the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, other relevant civic officials, agencies and boards, and the Canadian National Exhibition Association (CNEA), to be brought forward at the December 5, 2023 meeting of the Executive Committee on a preliminary feasibility assessment on the siting of the proposed Therme facility at Exhibition Place, including within the Better Living Centre site.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at