Item - 2023.EC7.8

Tracking Status

EC7.8 - Shelter System Pressures and Responses, including Planning for Winter 2023/2024

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on November 8 and 9, 2023, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize emergency accommodation sites on federal lands for refugee claimants currently in Toronto, including but not limited to the federal armouries, to provide emergency safe, indoor spaces for this population for the duration of the winter season.


2. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize, in partnership with the Red Cross and the Ontario Coalition for Refugee Claimants, a federal Reception Centre for refugee claimants in the vicinity of Pearson Airport, modeled on federally-funded and supported initiatives for Ukrainian arrivals and for refugee claimants at land crossings in Quebec, and to implement a transition plan for all new arrivals at the Reception Centre to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada-funded shelter and support services.


3. City Council request the Government of Canada share with the City of Toronto the federal response plan for providing appropriate support services, including housing support, for refugee claimants in order to meet the increased need for such services given the growing number of asylum claims, year-over-year, following the Government of Canada's decision to change eligibility requirements for visitor visas.


4. City Council request, in addition to City Council's previous request in Item 2023.CC10.2, for the full reimbursement for costs incurred supporting refugee claimants in Toronto's shelter system, that the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario provide additional funding to the City of Toronto for the Winter Services Response for the activation of additional Warming Centres, respite spaces and surge capacity locations, for people seeking indoor shelter in the 2023-2024 winter season.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items EC7.8, EC7.7, and EX9.19 together.

Background Information (Committee)

(October 10, 2023) Report and Appendix A from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Shelter System Pressures and Responses, including Planning for Winter 2023/2024
Presentation from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Shelter System Pressures and Responses, including Planning for Winter 2023/2024

Communications (Committee)

(October 18, 2023) Letter from Cathy Crowe (EC.Supp)
(October 22, 2023) E-mail from David Walsh (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Melanie Miller (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Jessica Griffiths (EC.New)
(October 21, 2023) Letter from Diana Chan McNally (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Brittan Ullrich (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Bev Matthews (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Meghan Storey (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Susie Berg (EC.Main)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Timothy Martin (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Bob Rose (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Adrienne Law (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Hassel Aviles (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Jessica Westhead (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Qwyn Campbell (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Atia Haq (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Carey Toane (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Amanda Bateman (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Ejay Tupe, Director, Toronto Urban Mission Hub (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Kylie Campbell (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Claire Levick (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Michael Barker (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Rayna Slobodian (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Denise Hansen (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Connor Engels (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Samantha Banack (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Yvonne Mensah (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Lauren Brucker (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Alexa Gilmour (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Tabassum Sakahwat (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Inayah Sakhawat (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Mismak Taame Hagos (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Megan Terriss (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) Letter from Leslie Gash, Executive Director, Toronto Shelter Network and Savhanna Wilson, Acting Executive Director, Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Lorraine Lam (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Laura Ball (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Tiffany Wu (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Lavanya Thirupathy (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Atia Haq, on behalf of Shelter and Housing Justice Network (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Lauren Wilton (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Madelyn Boglárka (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Kelly O”Mara (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Raghu Venugopal (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Helen Curtis (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Eddie Jjumba (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Bruce Davis (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Roohi Qureshi (EC.New)

Communications (City Council)

(October 27, 2023) E-mail from Rob Dunn (CC.Main)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Adoption of Economic and Community Development Committee Recommendation 1 only:


1. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize emergency accommodation sites on federal lands for refugee claimants currently in Toronto, including but not limited to the federal armouries, to provide emergency safe, indoor spaces for this population for the duration of the winter season.

Vote (Adopt Item) Nov-08-2023 5:47 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - EC7.8 - Adoption of Economic and Community Development Committee Recommendation 1 only
Total members that voted Yes: 22 Members that voted Yes are Brad Bradford, Alejandra Bravo, Jon Burnside, Shelley Carroll, Lily Cheng, Olivia Chow, Mike Colle, Vincent Crisanti, Paula Fletcher, Ausma Malik, Nick Mantas, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Chris Moise, Amber Morley, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Dianne Saxe
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are Stephen Holyday
Total members that were Absent: 2 Members that were absent are Paul Ainslie, Michael Thompson

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Adopt the balance of the Item.

Point of Order by Councillor Stephen Holyday

Councillor Holiday, rising on a Point of Order, stated that he would like separate recorded votes on Recommendations 9, 10, 13 in Item EC7.7, Recommendation 1 in Item EC7.8, and Recommendation 1 in item EX9.19.

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata accepted the Point of Order and ruled that Council would take separate votes on Recommendations 9, 10, 13 in Item EC7.7, Recommendation 1 in Item EC7.8, and Recommendation 1 in item EX9 .19.

EC7.8 - Shelter System Pressures and Responses, including Planning for Winter 2023/2024

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Economic and Community Development Committee recommends that:


1. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize emergency accommodation sites on federal lands for refugee claimants currently in Toronto, including but not limited to the federal armouries, to provide emergency safe, indoor spaces for this population for the duration of the winter season.


2. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize, in partnership with the Red Cross and the Ontario Coalition for Refugee Claimants, a federal Reception Centre for refugee claimants in the vicinity of Pearson Airport, modeled on federally-funded and supported initiatives for Ukrainian arrivals and for refugee claimants at land crossings in Quebec, and to implement a transition plan for all new arrivals at the Reception Centre to IRCC-funded shelter and support services.


3. City Council request the Government of Canada share with the City of Toronto the federal response plan for providing appropriate support services, including housing support, for refugee claimants in order to meet the increased need for such services given the growing number of asylum claims, year-over-year, following the Government of Canada's decision to change eligibility requirements for visitor visas.


4. City Council request, in addition to City Council's previous request in item CC10.2 for the full reimbursement for costs incurred supporting refugee claimants in Toronto's shelter system, that the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario provide additional funding to the City of Toronto for the Winter Services Response for the activation of additional Warming Centres, respite spaces and surge capacity locations for people seeking indoor shelter in the 2023-2024 winter season.


(October 10, 2023) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration


Toronto’s shelter system is full, and demand for shelter services is at an all-time high. Current demand for shelter space is so high that every night the City is unable to provide shelter to hundreds of people requesting a space.


This report provides an update on the City’s Winter Services plan. Expanded services during the winter season (November 15 to April 15) provide warm, indoor space for people experiencing homelessness and protect people from cold and extreme weather during the winter months. Shelter, Support & Housing Administration’s preparation for winter 2023/2024 began at the end of the last winter season in April 2023, and has sited Warming Centres and a 24-hour winter respite, as directed by Council. The added space during the winter is critical to help move people who are sleeping outdoors into indoor space, including those people currently sleeping in encampments and on the transit system. With recent surges in demand, there are undeniable significant pressures on Toronto’s shelter system, and the City expects demand to continue to rise during the winter months and throughout 2024.


The winter spaces that have been secured may not be sufficient to address overall shelter system capacity needs. Demand is far greater than the current system can accommodate. The City is doing everything it can to support the increasing number of refugee claimants that continue to add pressure to the system. The City desperately requires immediate support from the Federal and Provincial governments to avoid a worsening humanitarian crisis in the winter months. The City has communicated its need to the Federal Government, as adopted by City Council in CC10.2, as it relates to responding to the increasing refugee crisis in Toronto. This need for federal support becomes even more critical as we get into the winter months. Although the City continues to reiterate the need for support from the Federal and Provincial Governments, Shelter, Support & Housing Administration is also continuing to identify additional options to respond to the demands during winter, including continuing to work with other City divisions, as part of a City-wide approach, to responding to this crisis. 


The report also provides report backs to Economic and Community Development Committee (ECDC) as requested by previous Council motions, including updates on the frequency of Deaths of Shelter Residents data sharing, Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) in the shelter system, audits of shelter-hotel operations examining health and safety, harm reduction practices, food quality, and rules such as bed checks, and the feasibility of obtaining more rent supplements and housing allowances.

Background Information

(October 10, 2023) Report and Appendix A from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Shelter System Pressures and Responses, including Planning for Winter 2023/2024
Presentation from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Shelter System Pressures and Responses, including Planning for Winter 2023/2024


(October 18, 2023) Letter from Cathy Crowe (EC.Supp)
(October 22, 2023) E-mail from David Walsh (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Melanie Miller (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Jessica Griffiths (EC.New)
(October 21, 2023) Letter from Diana Chan McNally (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Brittan Ullrich (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Bev Matthews (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Meghan Storey (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Susie Berg (EC.Main)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Timothy Martin (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Bob Rose (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Adrienne Law (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Hassel Aviles (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Jessica Westhead (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Qwyn Campbell (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Atia Haq (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Carey Toane (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Amanda Bateman (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Ejay Tupe, Director, Toronto Urban Mission Hub (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Kylie Campbell (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Claire Levick (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Michael Barker (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Rayna Slobodian (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Denise Hansen (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Connor Engels (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Samantha Banack (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Yvonne Mensah (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Lauren Brucker (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Alexa Gilmour (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Tabassum Sakahwat (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Inayah Sakhawat (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Mismak Taame Hagos (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Megan Terriss (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) Letter from Leslie Gash, Executive Director, Toronto Shelter Network and Savhanna Wilson, Acting Executive Director, Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Lorraine Lam (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Laura Ball (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Tiffany Wu (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) E-mail from Lavanya Thirupathy (EC.New)
(October 23, 2023) Letter from Atia Haq, on behalf of Shelter and Housing Justice Network (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Lauren Wilton (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Madelyn Boglárka (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Kelly O”Mara (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Raghu Venugopal (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Helen Curtis (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Eddie Jjumba (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Bruce Davis (EC.New)
(October 24, 2023) E-mail from Roohi Qureshi (EC.New)


Siu Mee Chang, Street Haven
Bruce Davis
David Walsh, St Joseph Community Ventures
Bri-Anne Swan, East End United Regional Ministry
Terri-Lynn Langdon
Raghu Venugopal, Department of Emergency Medicine University Health Network | St. Joseph's Health Centre
Lorraine Lam
Kizito Musabimana
Cliff McDowell
Stephan Goslinski
Miguel Avila Velarde, Regent Park Neighbourhood Association


Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Alejandra Bravo (Carried)



1. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize emergency accommodation sites on federal lands for refugee claimants currently in Toronto, including but not limited to the federal armouries, to provide emergency safe, indoor spaces for this population for the duration of the winter season.


2. City Council request the Government of Canada to immediately fund and operationalize, in partnership with the Red Cross and the Ontario Coalition for Refugee Claimants, a federal Reception Centre for refugee claimants in the vicinity of Pearson Airport, modeled on federally-funded and supported initiatives for Ukrainian arrivals and for refugee claimants at land crossings in Quebec, and to implement a transition plan for all new arrivals at the Reception Centre to IRCC-funded shelter and support services.


3. City Council request the Government of Canada share with the City of Toronto the federal response plan for providing appropriate support services, including housing support, for refugee claimants in order to meet the increased need for such services given the growing number of asylum claims, year-over-year, following the Government of Canada's decision to change eligibility requirements for visitor visas.


4. City Council request, in addition to City Council's previous request in item CC10.2 for the full reimbursement for costs incurred supporting refugee claimants in Toronto's shelter system, that the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario provide additional funding to the City of Toronto for the Winter Services Response for the activation of additional Warming Centres, respite spaces and surge capacity locations for people seeking indoor shelter in the 2023-2024 winter season.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at