Item - 2023.BL8.1
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on July 19 and 20, 2023 without amendments.
- See also By-laws 687-2023, 785-2023
BL8.1 - Introduction of General Bills and Confirming Bills
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on July 19 and 20, 2023, passed By-laws 687-2023 to 785-2023.
City Council Decision Advice and Other Information
City Council adopted a resolution that Committees and Council considered submissions in making a decision on Zoning By-laws and Official Plan Amendments.
Motions (City Council)
July 19, 2023 at 5:53 p.m. - That leave be granted to introduce bills to confirm to the point of the introduction of this motion, the proceedings of City Council Meeting 8 on July 19, 2023.
July 19, 2023 at 5:53 p.m. - That these Bills, prepared for this meeting of Council, be declared as By-laws and passed subject to Section 226.9 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as follows:
Bill No. |
By-law No. |
Status |
Title and Authority |
735 |
687-2023 |
Enacted |
To confirm the proceedings of City Council at Meeting 8 held on July 19, 2023. |
The Committee and Council considered submissions in making a decision on Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments.
July 20, 2023 at 7:18 p.m. - That leave be granted to introduce Bills 638 to 734.
Vote (Introduce and Pass General Bills) Jul-20-2023 7:20 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required |
Total members that voted Yes: 23 | Members that voted Yes are Brad Bradford, Alejandra Bravo, Jon Burnside, Shelley Carroll, Lily Cheng, Olivia Chow, Mike Colle, Vincent Crisanti, Paula Fletcher, Stephen Holyday, Ausma Malik, Nick Mantas, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Chris Moise, Amber Morley, Jamaal Myers, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Dianne Saxe, Michael Thompson |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 3 | Members that were absent are Paul Ainslie, Gary Crawford, Jaye Robinson |
July 20, 2023 at 7:18 p.m. - That these Bills, prepared for this meeting of Council, be declared as By-laws and passed subject to Section 226.9 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as follows:
Bill No. |
By-law No. |
Status |
Title and Authority |
638 |
688-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 4 Melville Avenue (the "benefitting property"). |
639 |
689-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 20 Cummings Street (the "benefitting property"). |
640 |
690-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 41 Rutland Street (the "benefitting property"). |
641 |
691-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 41 Sparrow Avenue (the "benefitting property"). |
642 |
692-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 82 Helendale Avenue (the "benefitting property"). |
643 |
693-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 101 Sweeney Drive (the "benefitting property"). |
644 |
694-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 288 Roxton Road (the "benefitting property"). |
645 |
695-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 402 Concord Avenue (the "benefitting property"). |
646 |
696-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the imposition of special charges on 621 Logan Avenue (the "benefitting property"). |
647 |
697-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the exemption from taxation for municipal and school purposes for the municipal capital facility for affordable housing located at 1236 Birchmount Road. |
648 |
698-2023 |
Enacted |
To levy and collect taxes for 2023 on certain Railway Company and Power Utility Lands. |
649 |
699-2023 |
Enacted |
To levy an amount for the year 2023 upon Public Hospitals, Provincial Mental Health Facilities, Universities, Colleges and Correctional Institutions. |
650 |
700-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 660 to the Official Plan for the City of Toronto respecting delegation of Minor Zoning By-laws and use alternative measures for informing and obtaining the views of the public for Minor Zoning By-laws. |
651 |
701-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 415, Development of Land, and Chapter 169, Officials, City, respecting the delegation of certain Minor Zoning By-laws. |
652 |
702-2023 |
Enacted |
To exempt a portion of lands municipally known as 368-372 Briar Hill Avenue from part lot control. |
653 |
703-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 1793 and 1795 Danforth Avenue. |
654 |
704-2023 |
Enacted |
Creative Co-location Facilities subclass for the Commercial and the Industrial property tax classes. |
655 |
705-2023 |
Enacted |
To exempt a portion of lands municipally known as 1555 Midland Avenue from part lot control. |
656 |
706-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 679 to the Official Plan for the City of Toronto with respect to lands known municipally in 2022 as 1050 Military Trail (840 Military Trail). |
657 |
707-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend former City of Scarborough Highland Creek Community Zoning By-law 10827, as amended by By-law 781-2011, with respect to the lands municipally known as 875 Morningside Avenue and 1050 Military Trail (840 Military Trail). |
658 |
708-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend former City of Scarborough Highland Creek Community Zoning By-law 10827, as amended, with respect to a portion of the lands municipally known as 1050 Military Trail. |
659 |
709-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Dorchester Avenue and Islington Avenue. |
660 |
710-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Bloor Street West and Markland Drive. |
661 |
711-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive. |
662 |
712-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Driftwood Avenue. |
663 |
713-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Bayview Avenue. |
664 |
714-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Meadowvale Road. |
665 |
715-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Dundas Street West. |
666 |
716-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking, respecting Springhurst Avenue. |
667 |
717-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Dufferin Street, Jameson Avenue and Springhurst Avenue. |
668 |
718-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 910, Parking Machines and Meters, respecting Carlaw Avenue, Christie Street, Dundas Street West, Gerrard Street East, King Street West, Kingston Road, Queen Street East and Roncesvalles Avenue. |
669 |
719-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Carlaw Avenue, Christie Street, Dundas Street West, Gerrard Street East, King Street West, Kingston Road, Ossington Avenue, Queen Street East and Roncesvalles Avenue. |
670 |
720-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 886, Footpaths, Pedestrian Ways, Bicycle Paths, Bicycle Lanes and Cycle Tracks, respecting Bloor Street West, Gladstone Avenue, Ontario Street, Sackville Street, Sumach Street and Winchester Street. |
671 |
721-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2023 as 880-882 and 888 Eastern Avenue and 74-80 Knox Avenue. |
672 |
722-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Bloor Street West, Colborne Lodge Drive, High Park Avenue and Parkside Drive. |
673 |
723-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 910, Parking Machines and Meters, respecting Bloor Street East. |
674 |
724-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Bloor Street East. |
675 |
725-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting King Street West. |
676 |
726-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Brant Street and King Street West. |
677 |
727-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking, respecting Winchester Street. |
678 |
728-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Armadale Avenue, Bloor Street West, Durie Street, Gardenvale Road, Jane Street, Montgomery Road, Mossom Road, Riverside Drive, Old Mill Trail, Prince Edward Drive South, Royal York Road and Windermere Avenue. |
679 |
729-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Alma Avenue, Amelia Street, Carlton Street, Cross Street, Dundas Street West, Gladstone Avenue, Ontario Street, Sackville Street, Spruce Street, Sumach Street, Waterloo Avenue and Winchester Street. |
680 |
730-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 903, Parking for Persons with Disabilities, respecting Accessible Parking Spaces respecting Bloor Street West and Gladstone Avenue. |
681 |
731-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 910, Parking Machines and Meters, respecting Bloor Street West. |
682 |
732-2023 |
Enacted |
To designate the property at 153 and 185 Eastern Avenue as being of cultural heritage value or interest. |
683 |
733-2023 |
Enacted |
To designate the property at 4888 Dundas Street West as being of cultural heritage value or interest. |
684 |
734-2023 |
Enacted |
To designate the property at 1313 Queen Street West as being of cultural heritage value or interest. |
685 |
735-2023 |
Enacted |
To provide for the entering into of a heritage easement agreement for the conservation of the property known municipally as 224 Davenport Road. |
686 |
736-2023 |
Enacted |
To provide for the entering into of a heritage easement agreement for the conservation of the property known municipally as 64 Wellesley Street East. |
687 |
737-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, to increase certain police fees. |
688 |
738-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, with respect to lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 555 Davenport Road. |
689 |
739-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 555 Davenport Road. |
690 |
740-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt an Amendment 658 to the Official Plan of the City of Toronto respecting the lands known municipally in the year 2022 as 555 Davenport Road. |
691 |
741-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 657 to the Official Plan of the City of Toronto respecting the lands known municipally in the year 2022 as 500 Macpherson Avenue. |
692 |
742-2023 |
Enacted |
To designate the property at 15 Elm Street as being of cultural heritage value or interest. |
693 |
743-2023 |
Enacted |
To designate the property at 789-793 Don Mills Road (including entrance address at 793 Don Mills Road) as being of cultural heritage value or interest. |
694 |
744-2023 |
Enacted |
To designate the property at 200 University Avenue as being of cultural heritage value or interest. |
695 |
745-2023 |
Enacted |
To cancel municipal taxes for the property known municipally as 261 Queen Street East. |
696 |
746-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend By-law 454-2023, being a by-law to enter into a heritage easement agreement for the conservation of the property known municipally as 127 Strachan Avenue to correct a technical error. |
697 |
747-2023 |
Enacted |
To provide for the entering into of a heritage easement agreement for the conservation of the property known municipally as 1420 Yonge Street (including entrance addresses at 1418, 1422, 1424, 1426 and 1428 Yonge Street). |
698 |
748-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 408 Horner Avenue. |
699 |
749-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 145 St. George Street. |
700 |
750-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 145 St. George Street. |
701 |
751-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 217, Records, Corporate (City), to establish one new records retention period and amend three existing retention periods contained within Schedule A, Record Retention Schedule of Chapter 217. |
702 |
752-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 310-330 Front Street West. |
703 |
753-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 405 to the Official Plan for the former City of Toronto respecting the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 1-7 Yonge Street. |
704 |
754-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend By-law 249-2020(LPAT), being a by-law to amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, with respect to lands municipally known in the year 2023 as 1 and 7 Yonge Street. |
705 |
755-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 5230 Dundas Street West, 3825 Bloor Street West and 0 Beamish Drive. |
706 |
756-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 1860, 1860A 1862, 1864, 1866, 1866A, and 1868 Keele Street. |
707 |
757-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 152-164 Bathurst Street and 621-627 Richmond Street West. |
708 |
758-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 652 to the Official Plan for the City of Toronto with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 623-627 Richmond Street West. |
709 |
759-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend By-law 501-2018, as amended, being a by-law to authorize the exemption from taxation for municipal and school purposes for the municipal capital facility for affordable housing located at West Don Lands 3W/4W/7W, to increase to number of affordable units and the term of the tax exemption. |
710 |
760-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 671 to the Official Plan of the City of Toronto with respect to lands municipally known as 1080, 1082, 1084, 1084, 1086 and 1088 Yonge Street. |
711 |
761-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 1080, 1082, 1084, 1086, and 1088 Yonge Street. |
712 |
762-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2023 as 182-184 Spadina Avenue. |
713 |
763-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the entering into of an agreement for the provision of a municipal capital facility for affordable housing at 1112 Ossington Avenue. |
714 |
764-2023 |
Enacted |
To authorize the exemption from taxation for municipal and school purposes for the municipal capital facility for affordable housing located at 1112 Ossington Avenue. |
715 |
765-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 670 to the Official Plan for the City of Toronto with respect to the lands known municipally in the year 2022 as 67 Elfreda Boulevard. |
716 |
766-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 3431 to 3449 St. Clair Avenue East and 67 Elfreda Boulevard. |
717 |
767-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 608, Parks, to allow for the possession and consumption of liquor in certain parks. |
718 |
768-2023 |
Enacted |
To exempt lands municipally known as 36, 38 and 40 Churchill Avenue from part lot control. |
719 |
769-2023 |
Enacted |
To exempt a portion of lands municipally known as 3125-3389 Steeles Avenue East and 4000 Victoria Park Avenue from part lot control. |
720 |
770-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 401 Dundas Street East. |
721 |
771-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, and to amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known as 125 The Esplanade. |
722 |
772-2023 |
Enacted |
To adopt Amendment 662 to the Official Plan for the City of Toronto respecting the lands known municipally in the year 2022 as 5230 Dundas Street West, 3825 Bloor Street West and 0 Beamish Drive. |
723 |
773-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 3239, 3241, 3243, 3245, 3247, 3249 and 3251 Dundas Street West. |
724 |
774-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Danforth Avenue. |
725 |
775-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2023 as 3355, 3357 and 3365 Kingston Road and 34 Annis Road. |
726 |
776-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 2801 Jane Street. |
727 |
777-2023 |
Enacted |
To dedicate certain lands for the southerly re-alignment of Perth Avenue, west of Sterling Road for public highway purposes. |
728 |
778-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Mossom Road, South Kingsway and The Kingsway. |
729 |
779-2023 |
Enacted |
To dedicate certain lands for the southerly re-alignment of Perth Avenue, west of Sterling Road for public highway purposes. |
730 |
780-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 750 Huntingwood Drive. |
731 |
781-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2021 as 110, 112, 114, and 116 Avenue Road. |
732 |
782-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, with respect to lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 500 Macpherson Avenue. |
733 |
783-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 500 Macpherson Avenue. |
734 |
784-2023 |
Enacted |
To amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, with respect to the lands municipally known in the year 2022 as 16, 20 and 26 Cosburn Avenue. |
July 20, 2023 at 7:18 p.m. - That leave be granted to introduce bills to confirm to the point of the introduction of this motion, the proceedings of City Council Meeting 8 on July 19 and 20, 2023.
July 20, 2023 at 7:20 p.m. - That these Bills, prepared for this meeting of Council, be declared as By-laws and passed subject to Section 226.9 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as follows:
Bill No. |
By-law No. |
Status |
Title and Authority |
736 |
785-2023 |
Enacted |
To confirm the proceedings of City Council at Meeting 8 held on July 19 and 20, 2023. |