Item - 2022.TE31.91

Tracking Status

TE31.91 - Improving the Public Realm and Road Safety on Richmond Street and Adelaide Street

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 13 - Toronto Centre

Community Council Decision

The Toronto and East York Community Council:


1. Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with local Ward Councillors, to engage with downtown stakeholders on a Vision Zero review of Richmond Street and Adelaide Street, and to consider potential improvements such as enhanced public realm, expanded CafeTO patios, reduced curb radii, cycling and pedestrian upgrades, dedicated space for curbside activities, and two-way traffic, and to report back in the first quarter of 2023.


(February 16, 2022) Letter from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 13, Toronto Centre and Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York


In light of the horrific vehicle collision on Richmond Street in December 2021, where a private passenger car “torpedoed” onto the sidewalk that killed one person and injured seven others, it is urgent that Adelaide Street and Richmond Street be re-examined with a Vision Zero lens. A recent study from Hamilton found that the injury rate among children was 2.5 times higher on one-way streets. 


Adelaide Street and Richmond Street were converted to one-way streets in 1958. It's been 64 years since the conversion to one-way operations and given the growth of the downtown and fine-grain street-level urban changes, it would serve our City well to study the safe use of the streets in the 21st century.


Many rapid changes are coming downtown from the Ontario Line to several new high-density residential and commercial developments. Downtown Toronto has seen population growth 15% and greater over the last four years. This population growth trend is not expected to ease up and our focus must be on moving more people safely and efficiently on our streets, and supporting the local economy, not simply the movement of private vehicles.


We are requesting Transportation Services review the safe operation of Richmond Street and Adelaide Street with a Vision Zero lens, in close consultation with affected Business Improvement Areas, residents' groups, and major institutions, including but not limited to potential improvements such as enhanced public realm, expanded CafeTO patios, reduced curb radii, cycling and pedestrian upgrades, dedicated space for curbside activities, and two-way traffic.

Background Information

(February 16, 2022) Letter from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 13, Toronto Centre and Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York - Improving the Public Realm and Road Safety on Richmond Street and Adelaide Street


1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

2 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at