Item - 2022.NY29.24

Tracking Status

NY29.24 - 123 Parkway Forest Drive- Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications - Preliminary Report

Decision Type:
17 - Don Valley North

Community Council Decision

North York Community Council directed that:


1. Staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the applications located at 123 Parkway Forest Drive together with the Ward Councillor.


2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.


(December 4, 2021) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District


This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the proposed planning application for the lands located at 123 Parkway Forest Drive. The applications propose to demolish five of the 10 existing, 3-storey townhouse dwelling units, and redevelop the site with a 29-storey residential building, having an overall building height of 102.55 metres including mechanical penthouse, containing a total of 339 dwelling units.  The existing 19-storey residential building would remain. The applicant also proposes a private street as part of this application. 


Staff are currently reviewing the application. The application has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a virtual community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.

Background Information

(December 4, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 6 from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications at 123 Parkway Forest Drive


1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor James Pasternak (Carried)

2 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor James Pasternak (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at