Item - 2022.IE29.3
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on May 11, 2022 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Infrastructure and Environment Committee on April 26, 2022 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on May 11, 2022.
- See also 2022.MM45.13
IE29.3 - Missing Link Sidewalk Program - 2022 Local Road Sidewalk Installation and Sentinel Road Project Update
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- 2 - Etobicoke Centre, 3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore, 5 - York South - Weston, 6 - York Centre, 7 - Humber River - Black Creek, 8 - Eglinton - Lawrence, 15 - Don Valley West, 20 - Scarborough Southwest
City Council Decision
City Council on May 11 and 12, 2022, adopted the following:
1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to continue with the planned delivery of sidewalks on:
a. Aylesworth Avenue (east side from Lillington Avenue to Haslam Street where missing);
b. Blaydon Avenue (north side from Denbigh Crescent to Whitburn Crescent);
c. Cardell Avenue (south side from Weston Road to Fairglen Crescent);
d. Elder Avenue (north side from Thirtieth Street to Thirty Second Street);
e. Fairglen Crescent (south side from Weston Road to Cardell Avenue);
f. Hotspur Road (east side from Neptune Drive to existing sidewalk);
g. Orman Avenue (north side from Symes Road to Hilldale Road);
h. Ralph Street (from Rosemount Avenue to Lawrence Avenue West);
i. Silverhill Drive (both sides from Billingham Road to north of Lynnford Drive);
j. Superior Avenue (from end of existing sidewalk to the Great Lakes Park Trail); and
k. Symes Road (east side from Terry Drive to Orman Avenue).
2. City Council refer the planned delivery of sidewalks on Lauderdale Drive (southwest side from Rollscourt Drive to Heathcote Avenue) back to the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a request to reconsider it at a later time, in conjunction with major road work.
3. City Council refer the planned delivery of sidewalks on Denbigh Crescent (south side from Whitburn Crescent to Blaydon Avenue) back to the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a request to reconsider it at a later time after consultation has taken place among staff, the affected residents, and the local Councillor.
4. City Council prohibit parking at all times on both sides of Silverhill Drive, between Markhall Avenue and a point 138.5 metres south of Lynnford Drive.
5. City Council prohibit parking at all times on the east side of Aylesworth Avenue, between Lillington Avenue and Edgley Avenue.
6. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a plan for the next part of the Sentinel Road upgrades from Lamberton Boulevard to Finch Avenue West and to include that as part of the next phase of the work plan.
Background Information (Committee)
Attachment 1 - Proposed Missing Sidewalk Installation Location Map
Communications (Committee)
(April 26, 2022) E-mail from Deputy Mayor Stephen Holyday, Ward 2, Etobicoke Centre (IE.Supp)
Motions (City Council)
1. City Council refer the following Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendation 1.h. back to the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a request to reconsider it at a later time, in conjunction with major road work:
h. Lauderdale Drive (southwest side from Rollscourt Drive to Heathcote Avenue);.
1. City Council refer the following Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendation 1.d., the installation of a sidewalk along Denbigh Crescent (south side from Whitburn Crescent to Blaydon Avenue), back to the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a request to reconsider it at a later time after consultation has taken place among staff, the affected residents, and the local Councillor:
d. Denbigh Crescent (south side from Whitburn Crescent to Blaydon Avenue);.
IE29.3 - Missing Link Sidewalk Program - 2022 Local Road Sidewalk Installation and Sentinel Road Project Update
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- 2 - Etobicoke Centre, 3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore, 5 - York South - Weston, 6 - York Centre, 7 - Humber River - Black Creek, 8 - Eglinton - Lawrence, 15 - Don Valley West, 20 - Scarborough Southwest
Committee Recommendations
The Infrastructure and Environment Committee recommends that:
1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to continue with the planned delivery of sidewalks on:
a. Aylesworth Avenue (east side from Lillington Avenue to Haslam Street where missing);
b. Blaydon Avenue (north side from Denbigh Crescent to Whitburn Crescent);
c. Cardell Avenue (south side from Weston Road to Fairglen Crescent);
d. Denbigh Crescent (south side from Whitburn Crescent to Blaydon Avenue);
e. Elder Avenue (north side from Thirtieth Street to Thirty Second Street);
f. Fairglen Crescent (south side from Weston Road to Cardell Avenue);
g. Hotspur Road (east side from Neptune Drive to existing sidewalk);
h. Lauderdale Drive (southwest side from Rollscourt Drive to Heathcote Avenue);
i. Orman Avenue (north side from Symes Road to Hilldale Road);
j. Ralph Street (from Rosemount Avenue to Lawrence Avenue West);
k. Silverhill Drive (both sides from Billingham Road to north of Lynnford Drive);
l. Superior Avenue (from end of existing sidewalk to the Great Lakes Park Trail); and
m. Symes Road (east side from Terry Drive to Orman Avenue).
2. City Council prohibit parking at all times on both sides of Silverhill Drive, between Markhall Avenue and a point 138.5 metres south of Lynnford Drive.
3. City Council prohibit parking at all times on the east side of Aylesworth Avenue, between Lillington Avenue and Edgley Avenue.
4. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a plan for the next part of the Sentinel Road upgrades from Lamberton Boulevard to Finch Avenue West and to include that as part of the next phase of the work plan.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Infrastructure and Environment Committee referred Recommendation 1k in the report (April 8, 2022) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, on the installation of the sidewalk on Richdale Court, back to the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a request to reconsider it at a later time, in conjunction with major road work.
Provision of safe, comfortable and accessible sidewalks on all public streets is a fundamental objective of the Vision Zero 2.0 Road Safety Plan. Through the Missing Links Sidewalk Installation Program, Transportation Services reviews opportunities to install sidewalks on all roadway classifications through bundling with other state-of-good-repair roadway or utility work, as well as stand-alone delivery.
In July 2019, Council requested that sidewalk proposals not otherwise delegated to the
General Manager, Transportation Services, or those requested by a Member of Council, be reported on an annual basis to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee for recommendation to City Council. This report recommends the installation of sidewalks on the following local roads:
- Aylesworth Avenue from Lillington Avenue to Haslam Street (east side, Ward 20);
- Blaydon Avenue from Denbigh Crescent to Whitburn Crescent (north side, Ward 6);
- Cardell Avenue from Weston Road to Fairglen Crescent (south side, Ward 5);
- Denbigh Crescent from Whitburn Crescent to Blaydon Avenue (south side, Ward 6);
- Elder Avenue from Thirtieth Street to Thirty Second Street (north side, Ward 3);
- Fairglen Crescent from Weston Road to Cardell Avenue (south side, Ward 5);
- Hotspur Road from Neptune Drive to existing sidewalk (east side, Ward 8);
- Lauderdale Drive from Rollscourt Drive to Heathcote Avenue (southwest side, Ward 15);
- Orman Avenue from Symes Road to Hilldale Road (north side, Ward 5);
- Ralph Street from Rosemount Avenue to Lawrence Avenue West (west side, Ward 5);
- Richdale Court from Longfield Road to Richdale Court (both sides, Ward 2);
- Silverhill Drive from Billingham Road to north of Lynnford Drive (both sides, Ward 3);
- Superior Avenue from end of existing sidewalk to Great Lakes Park Trail (north side, Ward 3);
- Symes Road from Terry Drive to Orman Avenue (east side, Ward 5).
A map of the sidewalk projects proposed in this report is included as Attachment 1.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Proposed Missing Sidewalk Installation Location Map
(April 26, 2022) E-mail from Deputy Mayor Stephen Holyday, Ward 2, Etobicoke Centre (IE.Supp)
That Infrastructure and Environment Committee refer Recommendation 1k, the installation of the Sidewalk on Richdale Court, back to the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a request to reconsider it at a later time, in conjunction with major road work.
That Infrastructure and Environment Committee re-open item IE29.3 in order to permit Councillor Perruzza to speak on the Item.
1. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a plan for the next part of the Sentinel Road upgrades from Lamberton Boulevard to Finch Avenue West and to include that as part of the next phase of the work plan.