Item - 2022.EX34.9

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on July 19, 2022 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on July 12, 2022 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on July 19, 2022.

EX34.9 - Update on Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan and Next Steps

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 19, 20, 21 and 22, 2022, adopted the following:


Regulated Electricity Distribution


1. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to include in the publicly available portion of its annual report to the City of Toronto the status of the provincially regulated expanded grid capacity for growth, electrification and incremental local renewable generation in relation to helping the City of Toronto achieve its TransformTO: Net Zero Strategy goals.


Climate Advisory Services


2. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to expand its business activities beyond electricity distribution services by:


a. establishing a new stream of non-rate regulated operations within its regulated business, specifically Climate Advisory Services (the climate action opportunity that excludes Toronto Hydro owning and operating assets), in keeping with the proposal set out in Toronto Hydro's Climate Action Plan received by City Council at its meeting on December 2021 and the Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan Status Report; and


b. working through the Council-approved Net-Zero Climate Leadership Table to ensure coordination and enhanced investment while avoiding duplication with City programs and services, such as the Home Energy Loan Program and the Mayors Green Will, when implementing Climate Advisory Services. 


3. City Council direct the City Manager and Toronto Hydro, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, to negotiate terms and create a Memorandum of Understanding, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, related to Toronto Hydro's Climate Advisory Services - including City-Hydro coordinated communications and marketing to customers, alignment of key performance indicators, implementation plan with timelines and progress reporting -- to ensure that the implementation of Climate Advisory Services and TransformTO are coordinated and provide value-for-money, in relation to any future impacts on the Toronto Hydro dividend to the City, and report back to City Council on the Memorandum of Understanding in the first quarter of 2023. 


4. City Council request Toronto Hydro to develop targets for the Climate Advisory Services including, but not limited to, enabling the installation of heat pumps, solar panels and Electric Vehicle chargers, prior to signing of the memorandum of understanding between the City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro. 


5. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to deliver publicly to the Executive Committee through the City Manager, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, an annual report on the progress, key performance indicators, and next steps of Climate Advisory Services.


Climate Capital Investments: Street Lighting


6. City Council confirm its support in principal for proceeding with City-wide LED street and expressway light conversion, including the related enabling infrastructure investments. 


7. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and Toronto Hydro, to develop implementation options for the City-wide LED street and expressway light conversion including applicable budget, and to report back with a recommendation by the end of the second quarter of 2023.


8. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to sign an amendment to the existing retainer agreement with Stikeman Elliott LLP (Purchase Order 6042019) for legal advice and support to negotiate amendments that may be necessary to the 2006 Street and Expressway Lighting Service Agreement between the City and Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. for LED conversion and other related matters under this agreement, increasing the current upset value of the retainer by $475,000 so that it increases from a total $305,000 (excluding Harmonized Sales Tax) to $780,000 (excluding Harmonized Sales Tax), for a term that expires when the services are completed.


Climate Capital Investments: Other


9. City Council direct the Executive Director, Environment and Energy to continue to investigate with Toronto Hydro on other possible Climate Capital Investment opportunities (whereby Toronto Hydro owns and operates climate action assets such as Electric Vehicle chargers) to implement Transform TO: Net Zero goals.


10. City Council direct the Executive Director, Environment and Energy to report back by the end of 2023 with recommendations on Toronto Hydro’s role in Climate Capital Investment potential opportunities, and identifying any regulatory policy changes required from other levels of government to enable Toronto Hydro to own and operate climate action assets. 




11. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto, direct the City Manager to submit the Net Zero 2040 greenhouse gas reduction targets and related TransformTO targets to Toronto Hydro for consideration in local capacity planning processes with Independent Electricity System Operator, and Toronto Hydro’s 2025-2029 rate application to the Ontario Energy Board, in order to advocate technical capacity for necessary grid expansion, and City Council request Toronto Hydro to report back in their annual progress report on the status of local capacity planning to integrate Net Zero 2040 goals.


12. City Council request City staff to intervene in regulatory proceedings as necessary to ensure that TransformTO Net Zero goals are recognized and realized.


Confidential Attachment


13. City Council direct that Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 28, 2022) from the City Manager remain confidential in its entirety, in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Toronto Hydro Shareholder Direction, as it contains technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information of Toronto Hydro Corporation.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 28, 2022) from the City Manager remains confidential in its entirety in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Toronto Hydro Shareholder Directory as it contains technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information of Toronto Hydro Corporation. 

Confidential Attachment - The Confidential Attachment has been provided to the City of Toronto in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Shareholder Direction and contains technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information of Toronto Hydro Corporation. Disclosure of this information may reasonably be expected to significantly prejudice Toronto Hydro's competitive position and result in undue loss to Toronto Hydro. Any disclosure could give rise to a breach of law, including applicable securities laws.

Background Information (Committee)

(June 29, 2022) Report from the City Manager on Update: Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan and Next Steps
Attachment 1 - Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan Status Report
Attachment 2 - Letter from Toronto Hydro President and Chief Executive Officer
Confidential Attachment 1 - Appendix I: Corporate Finance

Communications (Committee)

(July 11, 2022) Letter from Jan De Silva, Toronto Region Board of Trade (EX.Supp)
(July 11, 2022) Letter from Sarah Buchanan, Campaigns Director, Toronto Environmental Alliance (EX.Supp)
(July 12, 2022) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11, University-Rosedale (EX.New)

Communications (City Council)

(July 17, 2022) E-mail from Brad Dickson (CC.Supp)
(July 18, 2022) Letter from Bryan Purcell, Vice President, Policy and Programs, The Atmospheric Fund (CC.New)
(July 18, 2022) Letter from Simon Dyer, Deputy Executive Director, Pembina Institute (CC.New)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mike Layton (Carried)



1. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to expand its business activities beyond electricity distribution services by working through the Council-approved Net-Zero Climate Leadership Table to ensure coordination and enhanced investment while avoiding duplication with City programs and services, such as the Home Energy Loan Program and the Mayors Green Will, when implementing Climate Advisory. 


2. City Council direct the Executive Director, Environment and Energy to report back by the end of 2023 with recommendations on Toronto Hydro’s role in Climate Capital Investment potential opportunities, and identifying any regulatory policy changes required from other levels of government to enable Toronto Hydro to own and operate climate action assets. 


3. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto, direct the City Manager to submit the Net Zero 2040 GHG reduction targets and related TransformTO targets to Toronto Hydro for consideration in local capacity planning processes with Independent Electricity System Operator, and Toronto Hydro’s 2025-2029 rate application to the Ontario Energy Board, in order to advocate technical capacity for necessary grid expansion, and request that Toronto Hydro  report back in their annual progress report on the status of local capacity planning to integrate Net Zero 2040 goals.


4. City Council request City staff to intervene in regulatory proceedings as necessary to ensure that TransformTO Net Zero goals are recognized and realized.

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)



1. City Council amend Executive Committee Recommendation 3 by inserting the words "City-Hydro coordinated" and replacing the word "second" with "first", so that it now reads as follows:


"3. City Council direct the City Manager and Toronto Hydro, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, to negotiate terms and create a Memorandum of Understanding, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, related to Toronto Hydro's Climate Advisory Services - including City-Hydro coordinated communications and marketing to customers, alignment of key performance indicators, implementation plan with timelines and progress reporting -- to ensure that the implementation of Climate Advisory Services and TransformTO are coordinated and provide value-for-money, in relation to any future impacts on the Toronto Hydro dividend to the City, and report back to City Council on the Memorandum of Understanding in the first second quarter of 2023.


2. City Council amend Executive Committee Recommendation 4 by inserting the words "enabling the", so that it now reads as follows:


4. City Council request Toronto Hydro to develop targets for the Climate Advisory Services including, but not limited to, enabling the installation of heat pumps, solar panels and Electric Vehicle chargers, prior to signing of the memorandum of understanding between the City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

EX34.9 - Update on Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan and Next Steps

Decision Type:

Confidential Attachment - The Confidential Attachment has been provided to the City of Toronto in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Shareholder Direction and contains technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information of Toronto Hydro Corporation. Disclosure of this information may reasonably be expected to significantly prejudice Toronto Hydro's competitive position and result in undue loss to Toronto Hydro. Any disclosure could give rise to a breach of law, including applicable securities laws.

Committee Recommendations

The Executive Committee recommends that:


Regulated Electricity Distribution


1. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to include in the publicly available portion of its annual report to the City of Toronto the status of the provincially regulated expanded grid capacity for growth, electrification and incremental local renewable generation in relation to helping the City of Toronto achieve its TransformTO: Net Zero Strategy goals.


Climate Advisory Services


2. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to expand its business activities beyond electricity distribution services by establishing a new stream of non-rate regulated operations within its regulated business, specifically Climate Advisory Services (the climate action opportunity that excludes Toronto Hydro owning and operating assets), in keeping with the proposal set out in Toronto Hydro's Climate Action Plan received by City Council at its meeting on December 2021 and the Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan Status Report.


3. City Council direct the City Manager and Toronto Hydro, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, to negotiate terms and create a Memorandum of Understanding, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, related to Toronto Hydro's Climate Advisory Services - including communications and marketing to customers, alignment of key performance indicators, implementation timelines and progress reporting -- to ensure that the implementation of Climate Advisory Services and TransformTO are coordinated and provide value-for-money, in relation to any future impacts on the Toronto Hydro dividend to the City, and report back to City Council on the Memorandum of Understanding in the second quarter of 2023.


4. City Council request Toronto Hydro to develop targets for the Climate Advisory Services including, but not limited to, installation of heat pumps, solar panels and Electric Vehicle chargers, prior to signing of the memorandum of understanding between the City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro.


5. City Council, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, request Toronto Hydro to deliver publicly to the Executive Committee through the City Manager, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, an annual report on the progress, key performance indicators, and next steps of Climate Advisory Services.


Climate Capital Investments: Street Lighting


6. City Council confirm its support in principal for proceeding with City-wide LED street and expressway light conversion, including the related enabling infrastructure investments. 


7. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and in consultation with Toronto Hydro, develop implementation options for the City-wide LED street and expressway light conversion including applicable budget, and report back with a recommendation by the end of the second quarter of 2023.


8. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to sign an amendment to the existing retainer agreement with Stikeman Elliott LLP (Purchase Order No. 6042019) for legal advice and support to negotiate amendments that may be necessary to the 2006 Street and Expressway Lighting Service Agreement between the City and Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. for LED conversion and other related matters under this agreement, increasing the current upset value of the retainer by $475,000 so that it increases from a total $305,000 (excluding HST) to $780,000 (excluding HST), for a term that expires when the services are completed.


Climate Capital Investments: Other


9. City Council direct the Executive Director, Environment and Energy to continue to investigate with Toronto Hydro on other possible Climate Capital Investment opportunities (whereby Toronto Hydro owns and operates climate action assets such as EV chargers) to implement Transform TO: Net Zero goals.


Confidential Attachment


10. City Council direct that Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 28, 2022) from the City Manager remain confidential in its entirety, in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Toronto Hydro Shareholder Direction, as it contains technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information of Toronto Hydro Corporation.


(June 29, 2022) Report from the City Manager


At City Council's request at its December 15, 2021 meeting, City staff and Toronto Hydro Corporation have continued a collaborative analysis of the Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan and relevant City strategies and programs to determine specific goals, outcomes, actions and timelines for enabling Toronto’s net zero climate targets.


This report responds to further Council direction that the City Manager report to City Council on the results of this analysis and any recommendations regarding new climate action mandates such as a shareholder direction for Toronto Hydro. In support of this request, as well as other requests of Toronto Hydro made at the December 2021 Council meeting, Toronto Hydro has prepared a Status Report on their Climate Action Plan (CAP), included here as an Attachment.


City staff will continue to work with Toronto Hydro on implementation of the CAP subject to the requested City Council mandates. The opportunities identified for near-term implementation are:

- Climate Advisory Services (CAS), a new unregulated business focused on supporting customer adoption of low carbon technologies; and

- Climate Capital Investments, with the immediate focus on conversion of streetlights to LEDs, subject to the development of an implementation plan by City staff, in consultation with Toronto Hydro. 


Toronto Hydro estimates that annual CAS operating costs will rise from approximately $8 million to $15 million from 2023 to 2026. Toronto Hydro proposes to fund CAS from revenues and net income within their regulated electricity distribution business, and operating budget would be allocated through their typical budgeting process.


Toronto Hydro also estimates that LED conversion of street and expressway lighting will require a capital investment of approximately $180 million. Technology options, timeline, budget and funding sources for the conversion will be addressed in an implementation plan being developed by Transportation Services in consultation with Toronto Hydro. 


City staff and Toronto Hydro agree that any expansion of electricity distribution is generally a matter of Provincial/Ontario Energy Board regulatory jurisdiction, therefore no mandate related to an expansion of electricity distribution is being sought in this report. As the City of Toronto continues work on implementation of TransformTO, including through engagement with the Climate Advisory Group and the Joint TransformTO Implementation Committee, it will provide inputs to help inform Toronto Hydro electricity demand growth scenarios.


The City and Toronto Hydro will also continue to coordinate and collaborate on implementation and to identify short, medium, and longer-term actions.

Background Information

(June 29, 2022) Report from the City Manager on Update: Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan and Next Steps
Attachment 1 - Toronto Hydro Climate Action Plan Status Report
Attachment 2 - Letter from Toronto Hydro President and Chief Executive Officer
Confidential Attachment 1 - Appendix I: Corporate Finance


(July 11, 2022) Letter from Jan De Silva, Toronto Region Board of Trade (EX.Supp)
(July 11, 2022) Letter from Sarah Buchanan, Campaigns Director, Toronto Environmental Alliance (EX.Supp)
(July 12, 2022) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11, University-Rosedale (EX.New)


Bryan Purcell, The Atmospheric Fund
Craig Ruttan, Toronto Region Board of Trade
Sarah Buchanan, Toronto Environmental Alliance


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)



1. City Council direct the City Manager and Toronto Hydro, on behalf of the City of Toronto as shareholder, to negotiate terms and create a Memorandum of Understanding, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, related to Toronto Hydro's Climate Advisory Services - including communications and marketing to customers, alignment of key performance indicators, implementation timelines and progress reporting -- to ensure that the implementation of Climate Advisory Services and TransformTO are coordinated and provide value-for-money, in relation to any future impacts on the Toronto Hydro dividend to the City, and report back to City Council on the Memorandum of Understanding in the second quarter of 2023.


2. City Council request Toronto Hydro to develop targets for the Climate Advisory Services including, but not limited to, installation of heat pumps, solar panels and Electric Vehicle chargers, prior to signing of the memorandum of understanding between the City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at