Item - 2022.EC31.7

Tracking Status

EC31.7 - Review of an Enhanced Emergency Cooling Centre System

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Economic and Community Development Committee:


1. Requested the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to consider the following in the future-design of an Enhanced Emergency Cooling System:


a. Dedicated, fixed-site, resourced, 24/7 cooling centres;


b. Increased funding and resources for drop-ins, community centres, and libraries to provide on-site health care, food and drink provisions, transit fare and potentially expanded hours during extreme heat;


c. Expedited access to running water in public parks, including the deployment of the HTO to Go water trailers to encampments in tandem with the distribution of refillable water bottles and the expansion of year round public washroom facilities; and


d. Innovative air-conditioning and/or fan-loan or similar subsidy programs for low income tenants.


(May 13, 2022) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services


At its meeting on January 21, 2022 the Economic and Community Development Committee made a number of recommendations related to emergency cooling centres, including recommending that the City:


- consider operating emergency cooling centres once again in 2022


- use data to inform the geographic locations of cooling centres


- consider if emergency cooling centres could also be used to provide shelter during other types of weather events, such as heavy rainfall and flooding


Based on environmental and jurisdictional scans as well as data on emergency cooling attendance usage, the Toronto Heat Relief Network was implemented at the direction of City Council. The Heat Relief Network is comprised of over 300 locations across Toronto that provide residents with access to space to stay cool throughout the summer, including when Environment and Climate Change Canada issues a heat warning.


The City was not able to promote the Heat Relief Network in 2020 or 2021 due to the provincial direction to implement COVID-19 public health measures that resulted in many of the Heat Relief Network sites being closed and/or operating under reduced hours. Given that these protective measures have been lifted and are not anticipated to be enacted during this year's hot weather season (from May 15 - September 30), the City is able to resume promoting the Heat Relief Network in 2022.


This report provides additional information on the City's 2022 Heat Relief Strategy, which includes the resumption of promoting the Heat Relief Network. Further, the report does not recommend that the City develop an enhanced cooling centre system as it relates to other forms of inclement weather. This report also includes a Heat Relief Strategy process flow that identifies the various City divisions as co-owners of the Heat Relief Strategy, with the Heat Relief Strategy partner's coordination residing in the Office of Emergency Management.


Background Information

(June 29, 2022) Presentation from the Office of Emergency Management, Toronto Public Health and Shelter Support and Housing Administration on Review of an Enhanced Cooling Centre System
(May 13, 2022) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on Review of an Enhanced Emergency Cooling Centre System
Attachment 1 - Heat Relief Strategy Flow Chart


(July 4, 2022) Submission from Cathy Crowe (EC.Supp)
(July 5, 2022) Letter from Diana Chan McNally, Community Worker (EC.Supp)
(July 6, 2022) Letter from Roxie Danielson, RN Street Nurse (EC.Supp)


Councillor Paul Ainslie


Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Joe Mihevc (Carried)

That Economic and Community Development Committee:


1. Request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to consider the following in the future-design of an Enhanced Emergency Cooling System:


a. Dedicated, fixed-site, resourced, 24/7 cooling centres;


b. Increased funding and resources for drop-ins, community centres, and libraries to provide on-site health care, food and drink provisions, transit fare and potentially expanded hours during extreme heat;


c. Expedited access to running water in public parks, including the deployment of the HTO to Go water trailers to encampments in tandem with the distribution of refillable water bottles and the expansion of year round public washroom facilities; and


d. Innovative air-conditioning and/or fan-loan or similar subsidy programs for low income tenants.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at