Item - 2022.DI19.3
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee on February 22, 2022 and was adopted with amendments.
DI19.3 - January 2022 Major Snow Event Post-Operational Consultation for Accessibility Feedback
- Decision Type:
- Presentation
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends that:
1. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to:
a. recognize and quickly respond to Urgent Service Requests made by people living with disabilities or seniors, even during "black-out" periods;
b. create a proactive accessibility service standard by incorporating an intersectional gender equity lens similar to Sweden's "Gender Equal Plowing Strategy";
c. prohibit City snowplows from storing snow and ice on sidewalks and bike lanes that create additional accessibility barriers;
d. develop a public education campaign to inform property owners, business operators, residents, landlords and tenants about the City's winter maintenance strategy and to clarify the division of responsibility for snow and ice clearing and removal; and
e. report through the 2023 Budget process on the funding required to ensure that the City can meet its revised levels of service including for winter storms with over 35 cm and over 50 cm of snow.
2. City Council forward Council's decision on the report from Transportation Services on January 2022's major snowfall and winter maintenance operational response to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee for information.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Director, Operations and Maintenance, Transportation Services gave a presentation on Major Snow Event Post-Operational Report.
Vincent Sferrazza, Director of Operations and Maintenance; and Jaime Thomas, Senior Manager, Winter Operations and Emergency Services will give an overview on January's major snowfall and winter maintenance operational response. Transportation Services staff are seeking input from the Committee prior to finalizing a report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee.
Background Information
That the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee recommend that:
1. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to:
a. recognize and quickly respond to Urgent Service Requests made by people living with disabilities or seniors, even during "black-out" periods;
b. create a proactive accessibility service standard by incorporating an intersectional gender equity lens similar to Sweden's "Gender Equal Plowing Strategy";
c. prohibit City snowplows from storing snow and ice on sidewalks and bike lanes that create additional accessibility barriers;
d. develop a public education campaign to inform property owners, business operators, residents, landlords and tenants about the City's winter maintenance strategy and to clarify the division of responsibility for snow and ice clearing and removal; and
e. report through the 2023 Budget process on the funding required to ensure that the City can meet its revised levels of service including for winter storms with over 35 cm and over 50 cm of snow.
2. City Council forward Council's decision on the report from Transportation Services on January's major snowfall and winter maintenance operational response to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee for information.