Item - 2022.AA16.1
- See also EX31.1
AA16.1 - Reconciliation Action Plan
- Decision Type:
- Presentation
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee:
1. Acknowledged and endorsed the Reconciliation Action Plan as a City mechanism to begin the process of reconciliation with the Indigenous community.
Recommends that:
2. City Council amend Action 2, Enhance Indigenous Education, of the Reconciliation Action Plan, to include the Toronto Police Service in the list of agencies.
3. City Council amend Action 12, Implement the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, of the Reconciliation Action Plan, to include the Toronto Police Service in the list of agencies and to acknowledge incarcerated Indigenous women.
4. City Council request the City Manager to:
a. work with the Toronto Police Services Board and the Toronto Police Chief on developing accountability measures for the implementation of the actions in the Reconciliation Action Plan, including Action 1 (Conduct City-wide Reconciliation Audits), Action 2 (Enhance Indigenous Education), and Action 12 (Implement the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls);
b. consult the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee on the development of accountability measures for the Reconciliation Action Plan and report twice yearly to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee on the development and implementation of accountability measures; and
c. review City by-laws, policies and processes with a view to recognizing and supporting the importance, benefits, and value of Indigenous healing lodges and report to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee.
Decision Advice and Other Information
Chris Murray, City Manager, and Selina Young, Director, Indigenous Affairs Office, gave a presentation to the Committee.
The City Manager and the Director, Indigenous Affairs Office, will give a presentation on the City's first Reconciliation Action Plan. The Reconciliation Action Plan has been developed to map and guide the actions that the City of Toronto/Toronto Public Service will take from 2022-2032 and beyond to achieve truth, justice, and reconciliation.
Background Information
Draft 2022-2032 Reconciliation Action Plan
Draft 2022 Year One Work Plan
Draft Jurisdictional Review - Other Jurisdictions' Actions to Achieve Truth, Justice and Reconciliation
Katherine Gandy
That the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee:
1. Acknowledge and endorse the Reconciliation Action Plan as a city mechanism to begin the process of reconciliation with the Indigenous community.
2. Recommend that City Council:
a. amend Action 2, Enhance Indigenous Education, of the Reconciliation Action Plan, to include the Toronto Police Service in the list of agencies; and
b. amend Action 12, National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, to include the Toronto Police Service in the list of agencies and to acknowledge incarcerated Indigenous women.
3. Recommend that City Council request the City Manager to:
a. work with the Toronto Police Services Board and the Toronto Police Chief on developing accountability measures for the implementation of the actions in the Reconciliation Action Plan, including Action 1 (Reconciliation Audit), Action 2 (Education), and Action 12 (National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls);
b. consult the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee on the development of accountability measures for the Reconciliation Action Plan and report twice yearly to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee on the development and implementation of accountability measures; and
c. review City by-laws, policies and processes with a view to recognizing and supporting the importance, benefits, and value of Indigenous healing lodges and report to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee.