Item - 2021.TE26.66

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on June 24, 2021 and was adopted without amendment. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the Toronto and East York Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.
  • See also By-law 558-2021

TE26.66 - Re-Opening Item TE25.26: Construction Staging Area - 1998-2000 Bathurst Street - Amendments to traffic operations

Decision Type:
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

Community Council Decision

The Toronto and East York Community Council:


1. Re-opened item TE25.26: Construction Staging Area – 1998-2000 Bathurst Street.

2. Amended item TE25.26 by replacing the roadway "Peverill Hill North" in Part 2 with the roadway "the lane first west of Bathurst Street", so that limits of the two-way operations on Dewbourne Avenue now reads as follows:

"Approve implementation of two-way traffic operations on Dewbourne Avenue, between Bathurst Street and the lane first west of Bathurst Street."


(June 24, 2021) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12, Toronto - St. Paul's


It was brought to my attention during a Community Construction Liaison Committee meeting for the Peveril Hill North area that an error in the recommendation to item TE25.26 had occurred at last month's Community Council meeting. Subsequent to the meeting, my office reviewed the error with Transportation Services staff and they advised of the need to re-open the previous item and adjust the recommendations. Staff have been consulted and have provided the corrected wording.

Background Information

(June 24, 2021) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12, Toronto - St. Paul's - Re-Opening Item TE25.26: Amendments to traffic operations for Construction Staging Area - 1998-2000 Bathurst Street


1 - Motion to Re-open Item moved by Councillor Josh Matlow (Carried)

2 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Josh Matlow (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at