Item - 2021.PH26.1
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on October 1 and 4, 2021 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Planning and Housing Committee on September 21, 2021 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on October 1 and 4, 2021.
- See also By-law 836-2021
PH26.1 - Community Improvement Plan for the Renovation and Rehabilitation of Commercial Properties
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on October 1 and 4, 2021, adopted the following:
1. City Council amend the By-law in Attachment 1 to the report (September 7, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture as follows:
a. amend Section 5.2, Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by deleting the words "all Commercial Façade Improvement Program" and replacing them with the words "any Façade Improvement Program" so that the paragraph now reads as follows:
Applicants who have not received the maximum grant may reapply for funding in subsequent years. However, the total of any Façade Improvement Program grants issued for any property over any 10 year period shall not exceed the maximum grant amounts outlined in Section 5.4;
b. amend Section 5.2, Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by adding the words "applicable legislation and regulations" after the words "All applications must conform to all" so that the paragraph now reads as follows:
All applications must conform to all applicable legislation and regulations, City by-laws, policies, and processes, and all improvements must be made pursuant to an approved building permit, and conform to the Ontario Building Code and applicable zoning requirements and development approvals;
c. amend Section 5.3, Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by changing the wording "Replacement of doors or windows" to "Replacement of doors or windows with higher energy performance rating doors and windows";
d. amend Section 5.3, Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by adding the addition of exterior insulation on the roof and building façades facing onto rear laneways as a new eligible improvement;
e. amend Section 6.2, Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the words "applicable legislation and regulations" after the words "All applications must conform to all" so that the paragraph now reads as follows:
All applications must conform to all applicable legislation and regulations, City by-laws, policies, and processes, and all improvements must be made pursuant to an approved building permit, and conform to the Ontario Building Code and applicable zoning requirements and development approvals;
f. amend Section 6.3, Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the installation of interior insulation, reframing interior walls for the purposes of adding insulation and the sealing of air leaks as a new eligible improvement;
g. amend Section 6.3, Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by changing the wording "HVAC upgrades, including kitchen exhaust/ventilation" to "HVAC upgrades and kitchen exhaust/ventilation, including energy efficient systems that operate on electricity such as heat pumps"; and
h. amend Section 7.2, Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the words "applicable legislation and regulations" after the words "All applications must conform to all" so that the paragraph now reads as follows:
All applications must conform to all applicable legislation and regulations, City by-laws, policies, and processes, and all improvements must be made pursuant to an approved building permit, and conform to the Ontario Building Code and applicable zoning requirements and development approvals.
2. City Council approve the By-law in Attachment 1 to the report (September 7, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture containing a City-Wide Community Improvement Plan for the Renovation and Rehabilitation of Commercial and Industrial Properties, as amended by Part 1 above.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make any stylistic and technical changes to the draft By-law as may be required before introducing the necessary Bill to City Council for enactment.
4. City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to include the funding request for the expansion of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program as part of the 2022-2031 Capital Budget and Plan Submission for City Council consideration.
5. City Council repeal By-law 1153-2018 once the Community Improvement Plan in Attachment 1, as amended, to the report (September 7, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture has come into full force and effect.
6. City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to consult with Business Improvement Areas and to consider their feedback when creating an equitable and transparent evaluation matrix to ensure funding distribution is made available to businesses along main streets hardest hit by the pandemic.
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
Attachment 1: City-Wide Community Improvement Plan for the Renovation and Rehabilitation of Commercial and Industrial Properties
Attachment 2: Summary of Three Financial Incentive Programs
(August 31, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
Communications (Committee)
(September 20, 2021) Letter from Councillor Michael Thompson (PH.New)
Motions (City Council)
That :
1. City Council amend the By-Law in Attachment 1 to the report (September 7, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture as follows:
a. Amend 5.2 Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by deleting the words "all Commercial Façade Improvement Program" and replacing them with "any Façade Improvement Program" so that the paragraph reads as follows:
Applicants who have not received the maximum grant may reapply for funding in subsequent years. However, the total of all Commercial Façade Improvement Program any Façade Improvement Program grants issued for any property over any 10 year period shall not exceed the maximum grant amounts outlined in Section 5.4.
b. Amend 5.2 Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by adding the words "applicable legislation and regulations" after "All applications must conform to all" so that the paragraph reads as follows:
All applications must conform to all applicable legislation and regulations, City by-laws, policies, and processes, and all improvements must be made pursuant to an approved building permit, and conform to the Ontario Building Code and applicable zoning requirements and development approvals.
c. Amend 6.2 Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the words "applicable legislation and regulations" after "All applications must conform to all" so that the paragraph reads as follows:
All applications must conform to all applicable legislation and regulations, City by-laws, policies, and processes, and all improvements must be made pursuant to an approved building permit, and conform to the Ontario Building Code and applicable zoning requirements and development approvals.
d. Amend 7.2 Applicant Eligibility of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the words "applicable legislation and regulations" after "All applications must conform to all" so that the paragraph reads as follows:
All applications must conform to all applicable legislation and regulations, City by-laws, policies, and processes, and all improvements must be made pursuant to an approved building permit, and conform to the Ontario Building Code and applicable zoning requirements and development approvals.
PH26.1 - Community Improvement Plan for the Renovation and Rehabilitation of Commercial Properties
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Committee Recommendations
The Planning and Housing Committee recommends that:
1. City Council amend the By-law in Attachment 1 as follows:
a. Amend 5.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by changing the wording "Replacement of doors or windows" to "Replacement of doors or windows with higher energy performance rating doors and windows";
b. Amend 5.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by adding the addition of exterior insulation on the roof and building façades facing on to rear laneways as a new eligible improvement;
c. Amend 6.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the installation of interior insulation, reframing interior walls for the purposes of adding insulation, and the sealing of air leaks as a new eligible improvement;
d. Amend 6.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by changing the wording "HVAC upgrades, including kitchen exhaust/ventilation" to "HVAC upgrades and kitchen exhaust/ventilation, including energy efficient systems that operate on electricity such as heat pumps".
2. City Council approve the by-law in Attachment 1 to the report (September 7, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture containing a City-Wide Community Improvement Plan for the Renovation and Rehabilitation of Commercial and Industrial Properties, as amended by Recommendation 1 above.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make any stylistic and technical changes to the draft by-law as may be required before introducing the necessary bill to City Council for enactment.
4. City Council direct the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to include the funding request for the expansion of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program as part of the 2022-2031 Capital Budget and Plan submission, for City Council consideration.
5. City Council repeal By-law 1153-2018 once the Community Improvement Plan in Attachment 1, as amended, to the report (September 7, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Interim General Manager, Economic Development and Culture has come into full force and effect.
6. City Council direct the Interim General Manager of Economic Development and Culture consult with Business Improvement Areas and to consider their feedback when creating an equitable and transparent evaluation matrix to ensure funding distribution is made available to businesses along main streets hardest hit by the pandemic.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Planning and Housing Committee held a statutory public meeting on September 21, 2021 and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.
The purpose of this report is to propose a new Community Improvement Plan to expand the existing Commercial Façade Improvement Program, and establish the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program and the Commercial and Industrial Property Improvement Program. The Programs will be delivered by the Economic Development and Culture Division.
The goal of these proposed financial incentives would be to retrofit vacant spaces to accommodate new tenants and support the viability of existing businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted retail and service-based businesses, causing increased vacancies on the City's retail main streets. The pandemic occurred at a time when businesses were already impacted by higher rents, increased competition from on-line retail, and rising operating costs (taxes, utilities, maintenance, and insurance).
Proposed amendments to the existing Commercial Façade Improvement Program would expand the Program city-wide, beyond the current limitation to Business Improvement Area (BIA) boundaries. The changes would also increase the range of eligible improvements and extend the grant to cover all building façades visible to the public.
To address vacancies and upgrade commercial spaces, the proposed new Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program would provide grants for interior renovations including leasehold improvements. These changes are intended to attract new tenants to vacant space, help existing businesses upgrade their current premises to make necessary improvements to remain viable, and meet improved health and accessibility standards.
The proposed new Commercial and Industrial Property Improvement Program would provide support to businesses for new or expanded patios on private property, other property and site improvements, and cafes installed in the public right-of-way through the CaféTO Program.
Grants made available to businesses through the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program and Commercial and Industrial Property Improvement Program would be funded, initially, by the Government of Canada through its recently announced support for Toronto's Main Street Recovery and Rebuild Initiative. The Commercial Façade Improvement Program is funded through the Economic Development and Culture 10-Year Capital Budget and Plan.
Similar to the existing Commercial Façade Improvement Program, the three grant Programs in the proposed Community Improvement Plan would be offered annually. Applications would be reviewed on a "first-come-first served" basis until funds are exhausted.
Background Information
Attachment 1: City-Wide Community Improvement Plan for the Renovation and Rehabilitation of Commercial and Industrial Properties
Attachment 2: Summary of Three Financial Incentive Programs
(August 31, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
(September 20, 2021) Letter from Councillor Michael Thompson (PH.New)
1. City Council direct the Interim General Manager of Economic Development and Culture consult with Business Improvement Areas and to consider their feedback when creating an equitable and transparent evaluation matrix to ensure funding distribution is made available to businesses along main streets hardest hit by the pandemic.
1. City Council amend the By-law in Attachment 1 as follows:
a. Amend 5.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by changing the wording "Replacement of doors or windows" to "Replacement of doors or windows with higher energy performance rating doors and windows";
b. Amend 5.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Façade Improvement Program by adding the addition of exterior insulation on the roof and building façades facing on to rear laneways as a new eligible improvement;
c. Amend 6.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by adding the installation of interior insulation, reframing interior walls for the purposes of adding insulation, and the sealing of air leaks as a new eligible improvement;
d. Amend 6.3 Eligible Improvements of the Commercial Rehabilitation Grant Program by changing the wording "HVAC upgrades, including kitchen exhaust/ventilation" to "HVAC upgrades and kitchen exhaust/ventilation, including energy efficient systems that operate on electricity such as heat pumps".