Item - 2021.PH25.15
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Planning and Housing Committee on June 28, 2021 and was adopted without amendment.
PH25.15 - Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods - Garden Suites - Proposals Report
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Planning and Housing Committee:
1. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning use the draft Garden Suite regulations presented within this report as the basis for further community and stakeholder consultation and technical review.
2. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning bring forward a final report detailing Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments to permit detached accessory dwelling units for residential properties not on a public lane (Garden Suites) to the Planning and Housing Committee Meeting in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The Garden Suites study is part of the Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) work program. A “Garden Suite” is an accessory dwelling unit, usually located in the rear yard, but not on a public lane, and is separate or detached from the main house. Garden Suites are generally smaller than the main house on the lot and are intended to function as rental housing as well as accommodation for a variety of types of household.
The introduction of Garden Suite regulations responds to changes to the Ontario Planning Act and would provide a new housing option in Neighbourhoods that balances numerous Provincial and City policy objectives. The Province intends cities to accommodate an appropriate affordable and market-based range and mix of residential types. The City’s policy objectives include creating complete communities, and providing a full range of housing in terms of form, tenure and affordability across the city, in a form that makes efficient use of land, while acknowledging the Official Plan’s objective that physical change to Neighbourhoods will be sensitive, gradual, and fit the existing physical character.
This report presents draft Garden Suite regulations informed by background research and public input received thus far. The Garden Suites study will continue to review and consult on the matters discussed in this report, including protecting space for existing and new trees and green spaces, privacy and shadowing, and parking, among others. Staff will continue to carry out the necessary technical review and to consult with future and current residents of low-rise neighborhoods, and other stakeholders, on the draft regulations to make further refinements and to address the above matters.
A report with recommending Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations to permit Garden Suites, as-of-right, across the city, will be presented to the Planning and Housing Committee in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Background Information
Attachment 3: Garden Suites Survey Written Responses
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Sheila Harrison-Dunlop, Secretary, South Armour Heights Residents' Association (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) E-mail from Sean Galbraith, President, Sean Galbraith & Associates, Inc. (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Pamela Main, Upper Avenue Community Association (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Submission from Tom Kassanda, Cliffcrest Scarborough Village SW Residents Association (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) E-mail from Tom Knezic (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, The Federation of North Toronto Residents' Association (Fontra) (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Lisa Patel, Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from John Caliendo and Ian Carmichael, Co-Chairs, ABC Residents Association (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Christine Mercado, Chair, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (PH.New)
(June 27, 2021) Letter from Rick Green, Acting Chair and Don Young, Acting Vice-Chair, Federation of South Toronto Residents' Associations (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) E-mail from Anwar Mekhayech (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) E-mail from Sara MacHin (PH.New)
Craig Rice, Lanescape
Geoff Kettel, FoNTRA