Item - 2021.PH22.7

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on May 5 and 6, 2021 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by Planning and Housing Committee on April 22, 2021 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on May 5 and 6, 2021.

PH22.7 - Update on Committee of Adjustment Virtual Public Hearings

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on May 5 and 6, 2021, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor, the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building and the Ombudsman, to report to the Planning and Housing Committee on retaining a consultant to review the Committee of Adjustment Findings in the End-to-End Review of the Development Review Process Final Report, dated August 16, 2019, for a status report in the fourth quarter, such review to include:


a. the challenges of conducting virtual public hearings, including an overview of current processes, a review of best practices and potential technological improvements;


b. recommendations respecting the establishment of an advisory committee;


c. undertaking public engagement in their review;


d. promoting good conduct by applicant and general public participants;


e. more scoping of supporting materials and information that would help applicants and the general public prepare for an effective representation at hearing; and


f. review of the Committee of Adjustment procedures and processes based on tribunal best practices, and to ensure they support panel members in achieving procedural fairness and natural justice.


2.  City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Planning and Housing Committee on:


a.  other available options to provide notice to residential tenants for Committee of Adjustment applications;

b.  the availability and quality of data that identifies residential tenants and any information technology and programming requirements needed to provide such notice;


c. the feasibility of accepting written submissions and requests to register to speak from members of the public after the respective deadlines in cases where receipt of notices by mail was delayed;


d. the current status of recommendations related to improving transparency and public participation from the End-to-End Review of the Development Review Process: Final Report, KPMG, 2019; and


e. interim strategies to improve the accessibility and transparency of virtual Committee of Adjustment hearings, based on feedback received from residents and stakeholders in recent weeks, to be implemented in the short-term.


3. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and other appropriate City Staff to investigate enhancing and expanding the outreach to residents in regards to matters that come to Committee of Adjustment, so that residents can be better informed on how Committee of Adjustment processes work, and advise residents on how to best present their case at Committee of Adjustment.


4. City Council direct that outreach to residents be made very explicit on all signage and communications going to residents in regards to upcoming Committee of Adjustment hearings.

Background Information (Committee)

(April 6, 2021) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on an Update on Committee of Adjustment Virtual Public Hearings

Communications (Committee)

(April 16, 2021) E-mail from David Reid (PH.New)
(April 20, 2021) Letter from Kathleen Davies (PH.New)
(April 20, 2021) Letter from Christine Mercado, Chair, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Alan J. Burt, Director, Co-Chair Planning and Development Committee, Cliffcrest Scarborough Village SW Residents Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Al Kivi, Chair, Residential Infill Working Group, South Eglinton Ratepayers' and Residents' Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Danielle Chin, Director, Policy and Advocacy, Building Industry and Land Development Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Sheila Harrison, South Armour Heights Residents' Organization (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) E-mail from Robert Brown (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from John Caliendo, ABCRA Co-President and Ian Carmichael, ABCRA Co-President (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Association (PH.New)
(April 22, 2021) Letter from Benjamin Pullia (PH.New)

Communications (City Council)

(April 30, 2021) Letter from Maureen Kapral, Vice President, Lytton Park Residents' Organization Inc. (CC.Supp)
(May 2, 2021) E-mail from Lutz Fullgraf (CC.Supp)
(May 2, 2021) E-mail from Cindy Weiner, President, St. Andrew's Ratepayers Association (CC.Supp)
(May 2, 2021) Letter from Carol Burtin Fripp, Co-President, Leaside Residents Association Incorporated (CC.Supp)
(May 2, 2021) Letter from Harold B. Smith (CC.Supp)
(May 4, 2021) Letter from Alan J. Burt, Co-chair of the Planning and Development Committee and Director, Cliffcrest Scarborough Village SW Residents Association (CC.Supp)
(May 3, 2021) Letter from Brian Story, Vice President, Don Mills Residents Inc. (CC.Supp)
(May 3, 2021) Letter from Ian Anderson, Director, Save our Bennington (CC.Supp)
(May 3, 2021) E-mail from Rolland Leader (CC.Supp)
(May 4, 2021) E-mail from Reza Afshar (CC.Supp)
(May 4, 2021) E-mail from Wayne Son Roberts (CC.New)
(May 5, 2021) E-mail from Kevin Narraway, Past President, West Rouge Community Association (CC.New)
(May 6, 2021) Letter from Eileen Denny (CC.New)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Jaye Robinson (Carried)

That City Council amend Planning and Housing Committee Recommendation 2 by adding the following new parts:


2. City Council request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Planning and Housing Committee on:


- The feasibility of accepting written submissions and requests to register to speak from members of the public after the respective deadlines in cases where receipt of notices by mail was delayed;


- The current status of recommendations related to improving transparency and public participation from the End-to-End Review of the Development Review Process: Final Report, KPMG, 2019; and


- Interim strategies to improve the accessibility and transparency of virtual Committee of Adjustment hearings, based on feedback received from residents and stakeholders in recent weeks, to be implemented in the short-term.

Vote (Amend Item) May-06-2021 4:05 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - PH22.7 - Robinson - motion 1
Total members that voted Yes: 16 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Brad Bradford, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, John Filion, Michael Ford, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Nick Mantas, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson
Total members that voted No: 8 Members that voted No are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Joe Cressy, Paula Fletcher, Mike Layton, Gord Perks, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that were Absent: 2 Members that were absent are Mark Grimes, John Tory

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Redundant)

 That City Council amend Planning and Housing Committee Recommendation 1 lead in phrase by deleting the words "independent public" so that the lead in phrase now reads as follows:


1.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Chief Building Official to conduct a review, and report back by the fourth quarter of 2021 or sooner, of the Committee of Adjustment including the establishment of an advisory committee, and public engagement and to include the following:

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata ruled motion 2 by Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong redundant due to Council's adoption of motion 3 by Councillor Bailao, as amended.

3 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Amended)



1. City Council delete Planning and Housing Committee Recommendation 1:


Recommendation to be deleted


1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Chief Building Official to conduct an independent public review, and report back by the fourth quarter of 2021 or sooner, of the Committee of Adjustment including the establishment of an advisory committee, and public engagement and to include the following:


a. Investigate and address residents’ concerns with the current processes;


b. Consider alternatives to the Committee of Adjustment process for minor variances and severances;


c. Review and revise the Committee of Adjustment processes based on tribunal best practices, and quality assurance review practices;


d. Education and training of Members on both procedures and substance of the Committee mandate.


and adopt instead the following new recommendation:


1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, to report to the Planning and Housing Committee on retaining a consultant to review the Committee of Adjustment Findings in the End-to-End Review of the Development Review Process Final Report, dated August 16, 2019, for a status report in the fourth quarter, such review to include:


a. the challenges of conducting virtual public hearings, including an overview of current processes, a review of best practices and potential technological improvements;


b. recommendations respecting the establishment of an advisory committee; and


c. undertaking public engagement in their review.


Amended by motion 4 by Councillor Holyday.

Vote (Amend Item) May-06-2021 4:03 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - PH22.7 - Bailão - motion 3, as amended
Total members that voted Yes: 19 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Nick Mantas, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 5 Members that voted No are Shelley Carroll, Michael Ford, Josh Matlow, James Pasternak, Jaye Robinson
Total members that were Absent: 2 Members that were absent are Mark Grimes, John Tory

4 - Motion to Amend Motion moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)

That City Council amend new Recommendation 1 of Motion 3 from Councillor Ana Bailão by adding the words "and the Ombudsman" and adding new parts, as follows:


1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor, and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building and the Ombudsman, to report to the Planning and Housing Committee on retaining a consultant to review the Committee of Adjustment Findings in the End-to-End Review of the Development Review Process Final Report, dated August 16, 2019, such review to include:


a. the challenges of conducting virtual public hearings, including an overview of current processes, a review of best practices and potential technological improvements;


b. recommendations respecting the establishment of an advisory committee; and


c. undertaking public engagement in their review.;


d. promoting good conduct by applicant and general public participants;


e. more scoping of supporting materials and information that would help applicants and the general public prepare for an effective representation at hearing; and


f. review of the Committee of Adjustment procedures and processes based on tribunal best practices, and to ensure they support panel members in achieving procedural fairness and natural justice.

Vote (Amend Motion) May-06-2021 4:02 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - PH22.7 - Holyday - motion 4
Total members that voted Yes: 14 Members that voted Yes are Brad Bradford, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Michael Ford, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Nick Mantas, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Jaye Robinson
Total members that voted No: 8 Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Gord Perks, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that were Absent: 4 Members that were absent are Mark Grimes, Josh Matlow, Anthony Perruzza, John Tory

5 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mike Colle (Carried)



1. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and other appropriate City Staff, to investigate enhancing and expanding the outreach to residents in regards to matters that come to Committee of Adjustment, so that residents can be better informed on how Committee of Adjustment processes work, and advise residents on how to best present their case at Committee of Adjustment.


2. City Council direct that this outreach to residents be made very explicit on all signage and communication going to residents in regards an upcoming Committee of Adjustment hearings.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Motion to End Debate moved by James Pasternak (Lost)

That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, City Council end the debate on Item PH22.7 and take the vote immediately.

Vote (End Debate) May-06-2021 12:22 PM

Result: Lost Two-Thirds Required - PH22.7 - Pasternak - End debate
Total members that voted Yes: 9 Members that voted Yes are Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Cynthia Lai, Jennifer McKelvie, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks
Total members that voted No: 14 Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Mike Colle, John Filion, Michael Ford, Stephen Holyday, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that were Absent: 3 Members that were absent are Paula Fletcher, Mark Grimes, Nick Mantas

Point of Order by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Councillor Carroll, on a Point of Order, stated that Councillor Bailão did not read the text of her motion during her speaking time.

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata accepted the Point of Order and ruled that the motion was displayed and that it was Council's custom to not require Members to read-out every word of a long motion.

Point of Privilege by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong

Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong, on a Point of Privilege, stated that Councillor Wong-Tam, during her remarks, had said that he was confused. Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong stated that he was not confused and asked that Councillor Wong-Tam withdraw her comments.

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata accepted the Point of Privilege and ruled that Councillor Wong-Tam should withdraw her comments. Councillor Wong-Tam withdrew her comments.

PH22.7 - Update on Committee of Adjustment Virtual Public Hearings

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Planning and Housing Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Chief Building Official to conduct an independent public review, and report back by the fourth quarter of 2021 or sooner, of the Committee of Adjustment including the establishment of an advisory committee, and public engagement and to include the following:


a. Investigate and address residents’ concerns with the current processes;


b. Consider alternatives to the Committee of Adjustment process for minor variances and severances;


c. Review and revise the Committee of Adjustment processes based on tribunal best practices, and quality assurance review practices;


d. Education and training of Members on both procedures and substance of the Committee mandate.


2. City Council request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Planning and Housing Committee on:


a. Other available options to provide notice to residential tenants for Committee of Adjustment applications; and

b. The availability and quality of data that identifies residential tenants, and any information technology and programming requirements needed to provide such notice.


(April 6, 2021) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


This report responds to City Council direction and a number of requests, further to a City Planning report titled Addressing the Committee of Adjustment COVID-19 related Application Backlog, dated September 4, 2020, which generally focus on four matters: an update on application volume; staffing and panel member capacity; public notification improvements; and participation at virtual public hearings.

Background Information

(April 6, 2021) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on an Update on Committee of Adjustment Virtual Public Hearings


(April 16, 2021) E-mail from David Reid (PH.New)
(April 20, 2021) Letter from Kathleen Davies (PH.New)
(April 20, 2021) Letter from Christine Mercado, Chair, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Alan J. Burt, Director, Co-Chair Planning and Development Committee, Cliffcrest Scarborough Village SW Residents Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Al Kivi, Chair, Residential Infill Working Group, South Eglinton Ratepayers' and Residents' Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Danielle Chin, Director, Policy and Advocacy, Building Industry and Land Development Association (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Sheila Harrison, South Armour Heights Residents' Organization (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) E-mail from Robert Brown (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from John Caliendo, ABCRA Co-President and Ian Carmichael, ABCRA Co-President (PH.New)
(April 21, 2021) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Association (PH.New)
(April 22, 2021) Letter from Benjamin Pullia (PH.New)


John Olah
Andy Choles, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association
Al Kivvi, South Eglinton Residents and Ratepayers Association
Robert Brown
Benjamin Pullia, Tenant Advisory Committee
Kathleen Davies
Cathie Macdonald, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Association
Sean Galbraith, Galbraith & Associates Inc


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)



1.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Chief Building Official to conduct an independent public review, and report back by the forth quarter of 2021 or sooner, of the Committee of Adjustment including the establishment of an advisory committee, and public engagement and to include the following:


a. Investigate and address residents’ concerns with the current processes;


b. Consider alternatives to the Committee of Adjustment process for minor variances and severances;


c. Review and revise the Committee of Adjustment processes based on tribunal best practices, and quality assurance review practices;


d. Education and training of Members on both procedures and substance of the Committee mandate.

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)



1. City Council request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Planning and Housing Committee on:


a. Other available options to provide notice to residential tenants for Committee of Adjustment applications; and

b. The availability and quality of data that identifies residential tenants, and any information technology and programming requirements needed to provide such notice.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at