Item - 2021.NY25.1
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on October 1 and 4, 2021 with amendments.
- City Council considered this item on July 14, 15 and 16, 2021 and postponed its consideration to a later date. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.
- This item was considered by the North York Community Council on June 23, 2021 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on July 14, 15 and 16, 2021.
- See also By-law 831-2021
NY25.1 - Final Report - City-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Holding (H) Symbol By-law - 625 to 627 Sheppard Avenue East, 6 to 12 Greenbriar Road, 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, 1200 to 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, 35 McMahon Drive, and 40 Esther Shiner Boulevard
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Ward:
- 17 - Don Valley North
City Council Decision
City Council on October 1 and 4, 2021, adopted the following:
1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 7625, as amended, for the lands at 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment in Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (October 1, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.
2. City Council determine that the revisions reflected in the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment in Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (October 1, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services are minor in nature and, pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, no further public notice is required in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.
4. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to ensure that any site-specific Zoning By-law Amendment application within the sewershed impacted by the sanitary sewer upgrades that are recommended to City Council for approval or consideration contains provisions for a Holding (H) by-law pursuant to Section 36 of the Planning Act related to the sanitary sewer upgrades in the Sheppard Avenue East corridor area, until such a time as the Holding (H) By-law is removed on all lands subject of City Council's decision.
5. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager, Toronto Water, to provide an update every five years on the infrastructure capacity in each secondary plan and growth node against established projections and to include a proposed timeline for any capital infrastructure work required to address capacity deficiencies forecasted.
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 28, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
Background Information (City Council)
Communications (Community Council)
(June 21, 2021) E-mail from David Reid, Secretary, Bayview-Sheppard Neighbourhood Alliance (BSNA) (NY.New)
(June 22, 2021) E-mail from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillian LLP (Part 1) (NY.New)
(June 22, 2021) E-mail from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillian LLP (Part 2) (NY.New)
(June 23, 2021) E-mail from Eileen Costello, Aird & Berlis LLP (NY.New)
Communications (City Council)
Motions (City Council)
1. City Council adopt the following recommendations in the supplementary report (October 1, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services [NY25.1a]:
1. City Council delete North York Community Council's Recommendations 1 and 2 and replace them with the following recommendation:
1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 7625, as amended, for the lands at 1001 Sheppard Avenue East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 1 to this Supplementary Report.
2. City Council determine that the revisions reflected in the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment appended to this Supplementary Report as Attachment No. 1 are minor in nature and, pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, no further public notice is required in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
2. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager, Toronto Water, to provide an update every 5 years on the infrastructure capacity in each secondary plan and growth node against established projections and include a proposed timeline for any capital infrastructure work required to address capacity deficiencies forecasted.
NY25.1 - Final Report - City-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Holding (H) Symbol By-law - 625 to 627 Sheppard Avenue East, 6 to 12 Greenbriar Road, 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, 1200 to 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, 35 McMahon Drive, and 40 Esther Shiner Boulevard
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Deferred
- Ward:
- 17 - Don Valley North
City Council Decision
City Council on July 14, 15 and 16, 2021, deferred consideration of Item NY25.1 to the September 30 and October 1, 2021 meeting of City Council.
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 28, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
Communications (Community Council)
(June 21, 2021) E-mail from David Reid, Secretary, Bayview-Sheppard Neighbourhood Alliance (BSNA) (NY.New)
(June 22, 2021) E-mail from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillian LLP (Part 1) (NY.New)
(June 22, 2021) E-mail from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillian LLP (Part 2) (NY.New)
(June 23, 2021) E-mail from Eileen Costello, Aird & Berlis LLP (NY.New)
Communications (City Council)
Motions (City Council)
That consideration of the Item be deferred until the September 30 and October 1, 2021 meeting of City Council.
NY25.1 - Final Report - City-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Holding (H) Symbol By-law - 625 to 627 Sheppard Avenue East, 6 to 12 Greenbriar Road, 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, 1200 to 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, 35 McMahon Drive, and 40 Esther Shiner Boulevard
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Ward:
- 17 - Don Valley North
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Community Council Recommendations
North York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for the lands at 625 to 627 Sheppard Avenue East and 6, 8, 10 and 12 Greenbriar Road, 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, 1200, 1210 and 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, 35 McMahon Drive, 40 Esther Shiner Boulevard substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 3 to the report dated May 28, 2021 from the Acting Director, Community Planning, North York District and Director, Design and Construction, Engineering and Construction Services.
2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 7625, as amended, for the lands at 625 to 627 Sheppard Avenue East and 6, 8, 10 and 12 Greenbriar Road, 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, 1200, 1210 and 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, 35 McMahon Drive, 40 Esther Shiner Boulevard substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 4 to the report dated May 28, 2021, from the Acting Director, Community Planning, North York District and Director, Design and Construction, Engineering and Construction Services.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.
4. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to ensure that any site-specific Zoning By-law Amendment application within the sewershed impacted by the sanitary sewer upgrades that are recommended to City Council for approval or consideration contains provisions for a Holding (H) by-law pursuant to Section 36 of the Planning Act related to the sanitary sewer upgrades in the Sheppard Avenue East corridor area, until such a time as the Holding (H) By-law is removed on all lands subject of the above amendments.
This report proposes to impose a holding provision on the lands at 625 to 627 Sheppard Avenue East and 6 to 12 Greenbriar Road, 1001 Sheppard Avenue East, 1200 to 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, 35 McMahon Drive, and 40 Esther Shiner Boulevard.
Through the ongoing review of the Sheppard Avenue East Planning Review study area, approved developments and current applications that have been submitted, it has been determined that the existing municipal sanitary sewer system is currently at capacity. As such, the subject properties shall not be used for any purpose other than those uses and buildings that currently exist on the site. Any new uses or buildings, where the construction of which will increase sanitary or private water, or groundwater flows to municipal sanitary sewers, will not be permitted until such time that the holding provision has been removed.
The proposed amendment to place a holding provision on the lands subject of the bylaw is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020), and also conforms to the City's Official Plan, including the Sheppard East Subway Corridor Secondary Plan.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the City-initiated application to amend the Zoning By-laws of the subject lands, to add a holding provision on the subject lands to limit any new development until such time as an acceptable sanitary system solution has been implemented to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.
Background Information
(May 28, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
(June 21, 2021) E-mail from David Reid, Secretary, Bayview-Sheppard Neighbourhood Alliance (BSNA) (NY.New)
(June 22, 2021) E-mail from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillian LLP (Part 1) (NY.New)
(June 22, 2021) E-mail from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillian LLP (Part 2) (NY.New)
(June 23, 2021) E-mail from Eileen Costello, Aird & Berlis LLP (NY.New)
Matthew Helfand, Aird and Berlis LLP