Item - 2021.EC26.2
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by the Economic and Community Development Committee on December 1, 2021. The Committee received the item for information only. No further action will be taken on this item.
EC26.2 - Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - Restart and Recovery of Air Service Overview
- Decision Type:
- Presentation
- Status:
- Received
- Ward:
- 10 - Spadina - Fort York
Committee Decision
The Economic and Community Development Committee:
1. Received the presentation (December 1, 2021) from Gene Cabral, Executive Vice President, PortsToronto and Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, headed "Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - Restart and Recovery of Air Service: Overview", for information.
Decision Advice and Other Information
Gene Cabral, Executive Vice President, PortsToronto and Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport gave a presentation on Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - Restart and Recovery of Air Service: Overview.
Gene Cabral, Executive Vice President, PortsToronto and Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, will give a presentation on Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - Restart and Recovery of Air Service Overview. The presentation will provide a brief overview of the critical operations that Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport provided during the COVID-19 pandemic and outline present and future opportunities for the Airport to support the City of Toronto and region's economic recovery in the immediate term and in the months and years ahead.
Background Information
That the presentation be received for information.