Item - 2020.TE16.5

Tracking Status

TE16.5 - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Final Report

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 28 and 29, 2020, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 1555-1575 Queen Street East substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2.  City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 1555-1575 Queen Street East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3.  City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at 1555-1575 Queen Street East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 8 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4.  Prior to the issuance of the Site Plan Statement of Approval for any development on the site, City Council require the owner to submit a revised Landscaping Plan to address Urban Forestry and Engineering requirements related to tree planting within the site and the public rights-of-way to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


5.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to investigate the feasibility of introducing a mid-block pedestrian signal on Eastern Avenue, generally within the location as shown on Site Plan Drawing A010 on the submitted Architectural Plans, dated April 29, 2020, and to report back to the Toronto and East York Community Council on the outcome of the investigation, and the potential location of the requested pedestrian signal, prior to Site Plan Approval of the application, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; if approved by City Council, the installation of the pedestrian signal is to be secured from the owner through the Site Plan Approval process, at no cost to the City of Toronto.


6.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, to comprehensively review and take into consideration the outcomes and recommendations developed as part of the final Leslieville Traffic Management and Mitigation Plan on addressing any traffic issues associated with the proposed development at 1555-1575 Queen Street East and to bring forward any recommendations to the Toronto and East York Community Council as required.


7.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to:


a.  report directly to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee at its first meeting of 2021 on the date of an early installation of the extension of Woodfield Road from its current southern terminus south of Eastern Avenue to Lake Shore Boulevard East, adopted as part of the South of Eastern Transportation Official Plan Amendment 387 to implement various City Council-approved directions related to the recommended roads, transit facilities, and right-of-way widths from the Port Lands and South of Eastern Transportation and Servicing Master Plan Environmental Assessment in the South of Eastern Area and to bring forward any recommendations to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee as required in accordance with the Transportation Services, Capital Projects and Programs Unit schedule for the Woodfield extension, currently estimated to be completed by 2025; the report to also bring forward any recommendations, including consideration of traffic impacts and appropriate mitigation including potential traffic signals and other measures to address traffic infiltration into the neighbourhood north of Eastern Avenue along Woodfield Road, as required; and


b. report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee during the first quarter of 2021 on the date of the completion of the Eastern Avenue bike lane recommended through the Port Lands and South of Eastern Transportation and Servicing Master Plan Environmental Assessment in the South of Eastern Area in accordance with the Transportation Services, Capital Projects and Programs Unit.


8. City Council enact a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law with respect to certain lands located at 1555-1575 Queen Street East shown as Parts 2 to 6 on the Draft Part Lot Control Exemption Plan attached as Attachment 9 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire four years following enactment by City Council.


9. Prior to the enactment of the Part Lot Control Exemption Bill, City Council require the owner to:


a. provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and


b. register, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act, with priority, agreeing not to transfer or charge any part of the lands subject to the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law without the written consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate.


10.  City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law on title to the Subject Lands.


11. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to release, or partially release, the Section 118 Restriction from title to all or a portion of the lands in the City Solicitor's sole discretion after consulting with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


12. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment, draft Zoning By-law Amendments and draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law as may be required.


13. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner(s) to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act and any other necessary agreement(s)  satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor as follows:


a. the community benefits recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement are as follows:


i. the owner shall design and construct fifty (50) affordable rental housing units comprising approximately 2,826 square metres of residential Gross Floor Area in the new 16-storey mixed-use market rental building on the site, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 31, 2019, between the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Context (Summerville) Inc. and such agreements entered into pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 19, 2019, and such other terms as may be required, and shall provide such affordable rental housing dwelling units in accordance with such agreement(s) to be entered into with the City, all to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


ii. the fifty (50) affordable dwelling units referenced in Part 13.a.i. above shall be provided and maintained as thirty-nine (39) one-bedroom units, five (5) two-bedroom units and six (6) three plus-bedroom affordable rental dwelling units in the new 16-storey mixed-use market rental building on the site, as follows:


a. fifty (50) affordable rental dwelling units comprised of approximately two thousand eight hundred twenty-six (2,826) square metres of residential Gross Floor Area; and


b.  the general configuration and layout of the fifty (50) affordable rental dwelling units shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 31, 2019, between the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Context (Summerville) Inc. and such agreements entered into pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 19, 2019;


iii. the owner shall provide and maintain the fifty (50) affordable rental dwelling units as rental dwelling units for a minimum of forty (40) years, beginning with the date each such unit is first occupied; no affordable rental dwelling unit shall be registered as a condominium or any other form of ownership such as life lease or co-ownership which provide a right to exclusive possession of a dwelling unit, and no application for conversion for non-rental housing purposes, or application to demolish any affordable rental dwelling unit shall be made for at least forty (40) years from the date of first occupancy; upon the expiration of the forty (40) year period, the owner shall continue to provide and maintain the affordable rental dwelling units as rental dwelling units, unless and until such time as the owner has applied for and obtained all approvals necessary to do otherwise; and


iv. the owner shall provide and maintain the fifty (50) long-term affordable rental dwelling units at affordable rents for at least forty (40) years, beginning with the date that each such unit is first occupied; the units shall be managed so that the monthly occupancy cost for any one unit during the first thirty (30) years of the affordability period, does not exceed 80 percent of Average Market Rent; and during the last ten (10) years of the affordability period, does not exceed 100 percent of average market rent, if a Unit is vacated and a new tenancy begins; and during the first forty (40) years of occupancy, increases to initial rents charged to tenants occupying any of the affordable rental dwelling units shall be in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 and shall not exceed the Provincial rent guideline amount; and


b. the following matters are also recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:


i. the owner shall, at its sole cost and expense, design and construct sixty-seven (67) residential dwelling units for the purpose of providing seventeen (17) replacement rent-geared-to-income dwelling units and fifty (50) affordable rental dwelling units in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 31, 2019, between the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Context (Summerville) Inc. and such agreements entered into pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 19, 2019, and such other terms as may be required and shall provide such residential dwelling units in accordance with such agreement(s) to be entered into with the City, and consideration shall be given for the management of the (67) units by a non-profit co-operative all to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


ii.  thirty-two (32) of the sixty-seven (67) residential dwelling units, including sixteen (16) dwelling units to be designated for artists, shall be conveyed to the City and shall be managed by a non-profit housing co-operative, to be selected by the City and to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, as affordable housing for a period of ninety-nine (99) years and will include seventeen (17) rent geared-to-income and fifteen (15) affordable rental dwelling units; of these thirty-two (32) rental dwelling units, six (6) shall be composed of four (4) one-bedroom units and two (2) three-bedrooms units to be located in the new 17-storey market condominium building; twenty-six (26) shall be composed of sixteen (16) one-bedroom units, three (3) two-bedroom units, six (6) three-bedroom units and one (1) four-bedroom unit to be located in the new 16-storey market rental building on the site, and shall be managed so that the monthly occupancy cost of all units does not exceed 80 percent of average market rent on average and any one unit does not exceed 100 percent of average market rent;


iii. the remaining thirty-five (35) of the sixty-seven (67) residential dwelling units shall be managed as affordable rental dwelling units for a minimum period of ninety-nine (99) years all to be owned and operated by the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, or a non-profit housing provider selected by the City, located in the new 10-storey Toronto Community Housing building on the site, and shall be managed so that the monthly occupancy cost of all units does not exceed 80 percent of average market rent on average and for any one unit does not exceed 100 percent of average market rent, with annual rent increases not to exceed the Provincial rent guideline amount;


iv. none of the sixty-seven (67) affordable or replacement rental dwelling unit shall be registered as a condominium or any other form of ownership such as life lease or co-ownership which provide a right to exclusive possession of a dwelling unit, and no application for conversion for non-rental housing purposes, or application to demolish any affordable rental dwelling unit shall be made for at least 99 years from the date of first occupancy; upon the expiration of the 99 year period, the owner shall continue to provide and maintain the dwelling units as rental dwelling units, unless and until such time as the owner has applied for and obtained all approvals necessary to do otherwise;


v. should the location of any of the sixty seven (67) residential dwellings units be required to be altered, than as otherwise described in the City Council decision, City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to provide direction, at their discretion, to secure same to the City Solicitor, so long as the minimum number of units, the minimum gross floor area and unit sizes are maintained on the site;


vi. the number, size, type, and tenure of replacement residential rental units to be provided by the owner, as outlined in Part 16 below;


vii. an administrative office, of a minimum of 400 square feet, to be located on the ground floor or third floor in close proximity to the City purchased units, to be conveyed to the City in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 31, 2019, between the City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Context (Summerville) Inc.;


viii. the owner shall provide at least 30 percent two-bedroom units and 9 percent three-bedroom units within the proposed Market Site;


ix. prior to the issuance of the Site Plan Statement of Approval for the Market Site, the owner shall convey to the City for nominal consideration, a 2.1 metre publicly accessible pedestrian clearway between Queen Street East and Eastern Avenue across the 1555-1575 site, along the western property line adjacent to 1545 Queen Street East (McDonald's site), to provide public access for use by the general public, with the specific location, configuration and design to be determined in the context of a site plan approval pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as amended and, as applicable, Section 41 of the Planning Act, as amended, and secured in a Site Plan Agreement with the City;


x. prior to the issuance of the Site Plan Statement of Approval for the Market Site, the owner shall convey to the City for nominal consideration, a Privately Owned, Publicly-Accessible Open Space easement over not less than 647 square metres as generally shown on the attached site plan on Attachment 11 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and to provide public access for use by the general public, which surface easements shall include provisions for rights of support if necessary, and insurance and indemnification of the City by the owner, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the City Solicitor; the owner shall own, operate, maintain and repair the Privately Owned, Publicly-Accessible Open Space; the owner shall install and maintain a centralized sign on the proposed Privately Owned, Publicly-Accessible Open Space, at its own expense, generally in accordance with the City of Toronto Privately Owned, Publicly-Accessible Open Space Urban Design Guidelines; the Privately Owned, Publicly-Accessible Open Space shall be designed and operated in the manner of a City park and shall include public art as part of the design; and members of the public shall be entitled to use the Privately Owned, Publicly-Accessible Open Space 365 days a year, which shall include opportunities for public events, subject to temporary closures on terms and conditions being satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


xi. prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit, the owner shall satisfy the parkland dedication requirement for the development through a combination of fee simple conveyance of an off-site parkland dedication parcel and cash-in-lieu, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation;


xii. the owner shall convey to the City as off-site parkland dedication a  minimum of 675 square metres located at the Toronto Community Housing complex at 2 Phin Avenue, with the specific location and configuration of the 675 square meters to be to the satisfaction of the General Manger, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; the owner shall pay all costs associated with the conveyance of the off-site parkland to the City including all applicable taxes and fees, the cost of preparing all necessary plans, registering all relevant documents, and providing a Title Opinion demonstrating that the lands are being conveyed free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; the land shall be delivered in Base Park condition to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and meet the requirements in the Policy for Accepting Potentially Contaminated Lands to be Conveyed to the City under the Planning Act (January 2015); the off-site parkland dedication requirements shall be secured in the Section 37 Agreement;


xiii. a total of $1.2 million shall be paid in cash-in-lieu to satisfy the remaining parkland dedication requirement to be applied to improvements to Jonathan Ashbridge Park, Phin Park, or other local park that serves the area to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the local community and local community consultation for the parks to be implemented by Parks, Forestry and Recreation;


xiv. the owner shall provide the following, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services, the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Services, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Ward Councillor:


a. prior to Site Plan Approval, enter into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that updates and road improvements are required to support the development, according to the Transportation Report accepted by the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Functional Servicing Report accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


b. prior to any Site Plan Approval, the owner shall submit a plan detailing improvements to the public realm to be implemented in support of the development, which will include, but not be limited to, details regarding hard and soft landscaping (including large shade trees), paving and curbing details, sidewalk treatment, outdoor seating, and cycling facilities, and TTC bus/streetcar shelters, located on both public and private lands;


c. prior to the earlier of any residential occupancy or registration of a condominium on any part of the subject site, including interim occupancy associated with such condominium, design and construct the pedestrian crosswalk located between the subject site and the south side of Eastern Avenue, as generally identified on the attached Site Plan, Attachment 11 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, at its sole expense, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


d. complete the construction of the approved streetscape improvements required in Part 13 b.xiv.b. above by no later than one year following the first residential or commercial occupancy of the Market Site; and


e. prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit for the Market Site, the owner shall provide a letter of credit in the amount of the cost of all works required in Part 13.b.xiv.b. and c. above; the letter of credit shall be indexed in accordance with Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, reported quarterly by Statistics Canada in Building Construction Price Indexes Publication 3270058, or its successor;


xv. the owner shall provide and maintain new indoor amenity space to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning in order to provide for at least the following: a common room with at least one boardroom table within the Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Market Building; a fitness and exercise room within the Market Building; and a party room that will include a kitchenette and access to a washroom within the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Building and Market Building;


xvi. the owner shall make available all indoor and outdoor amenity spaces generally as illustrated on the attached Site Plan, Attachment 11 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning for the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Building and Market Building to their respective residents without the need to pre-book or pay a fee, unless specifically required as customary practices for private bookings or as required by Toronto Community Housing Corporation policy from time to time;


xvii. prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit for any development, the owner shall design and construct, at no cost to the City, any required improvements to municipal infrastructure identified in the Transportation Report and the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, prepared by Counterpoint Engineering, dated November 27, 2019, and revised May 29, 2020, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager, Transportation Services;


xviii. prior to the issuance of any building permit, including shoring, piling, excavation, foundation or demolition permit for either the Toronto Community Housing Corporation or Market Site, the owner shall submit a Construction Management Plan and Mitigation Strategy, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, in consultation with the Ward Councillor and thereafter in support of the development, will implement the plan during the course of construction; the Construction Management Plan will include, but not be limited to the following:


a. details regarding size and location of construction staging areas;


b. plan to address noise, dust, street closures, parking and laneway uses and access;


c.  dates and significant concrete pouring activities;


d.  mitigation strategies to reduce the impact on adjacent residents including negative effects of safety lighting, construction vehicle parking locations, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information; and


e. any other matters deemed necessary;


xix. the owner shall provide and maintain, at its sole expense, on-site pet amenities on the Market Site with proper disposal facilities for the building residents including relief stations, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


xx. the owner shall be financially responsible for all costs associated with the excavation, improvement, removal and/or relocation of any above or below-grade public or private utility resulting from the development of this property to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


xxi. the owner shall construct and maintain the development of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Building in accordance with Tier 2 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, and the owner will be encouraged to achieve Toronto Green Standard, Tier 3 or higher, where appropriate; and


xxii. the owner shall construct and maintain the development of the Market Building in accordance with Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, and the owner will be encouraged to achieve Toronto Green Standard, Tier 2 or higher, where appropriate.


14.  Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in collaboration with the City Solicitor, to incorporate the Community Economic Development services as outlined in the October 31, 2019, Memorandum of Understanding through the Section 37 Agreement for the development as a matter of legal convenience.


15. City Council approve the application for the Rental Housing Demolition Application (File 19 262224 STE 14 RH) in accordance with Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 667 and pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 to allow the demolition of one hundred and twenty (120) existing rental housing apartment units at 1555-1575 Queen Street East, subject to the following conditions:


a.  the owner(s) shall provide one hundred and twenty (120) replacement rental dwelling units to be maintained on the subject site as social housing residential rental units with rents geared-to-income for a period of at least 99 years beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied and, during which time, no application may be submitted to the City for condominium registration, or for any other conversion to a non-rental housing purpose, or for demolition without providing for replacement during the, at minimum, 99 year period; the one hundred and twenty (120) replacement rental dwelling units shall be composed of thirty-eight (38) one-bedroom units, thirty-four (34) two-bedroom units, and forty-eight (48) three-bedroom units as generally illustrated in the Architectural Plans submitted to the City Planning Division dated April 29, 2020; any revision to these plans shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner(s) shall provide one hundred and three (103) replacement rental dwelling units within the new 10-storey Toronto Community Housing building, and seventeen (17) replacement rental dwelling units within the new condominium and market buildings;


c. the owner shall provide tenant relocation assistance to all Eligible Tenants of the one hundred and twenty (120) existing rental dwelling units proposed to be demolished at 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East, including the right to return to occupy a replacement social housing unit to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and as further detailed in the Tenant Relocation and Assistance Implementation Plan; and


d. the owner shall enter into, and register on title at 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East, one or more agreement(s), to secure the conditions outlined in Parts 14.a. through c. above, including an agreement pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, and as detailed in the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachments 7 and 8 to the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


16.  City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue Preliminary Approval of the Rental Housing Demolition Permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the one hundred and twenty (120) existing social rental dwelling units located at 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East, after all the following have occurred:


a. satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Parts 13, 14 and 15 above;


b.  the Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments and Part Lot Control Exemption referred to in Parts 1, 2 and 3 above have come into full force and effect;


c.  the submission of a Site Plan Approval application and detailed floor plans for the replacement social housing units and associated common amenity areas for the social housing units to be demolished, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate;


d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Building, where required, (conditional or full permit) for the approved development on the Toronto Community Housing Corporation site;


e. the owner has confirmed, in writing, that all existing rental dwelling units proposed to be demolished are vacant; and


f. the execution and registration of an agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing Parts 15.a to 15.d above.


17.  City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a Rental Housing Demolition Permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given Preliminary Approval referred to in Part 16 above.


18.  City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a Residential Demolition Permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act and Chapter 363 of the Toronto Municipal Code for 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given Preliminary Approval referred to in Part 16 above, which may be included in the Rental Housing Demolition Permit under Chapter 667 pursuant to Section 6.2 of Chapter 363, on condition that:


a. the owner removes all debris and rubble from the site immediately after demolition;


b. the owner erects solid construction hoarding to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building;


c. the owner erects the proposed mixed-use buildings on site no later than four (4) years from the date that the demolition of such building commences, subject to the timeframe being extended to the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


d. should the owner fail to complete the proposed buildings within the time specified in Part 18.c. above, the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, as with municipal property taxes, an amount equal to the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) per dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that such amount shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.


19.  City Council direct that before the commencement of demolition works the owner shall include a minimum of 75 percent of the surface area on the construction hoarding to be allocated to artwork at their sole expense, in collaboration with East End Arts and Applegrove Community Complex, and to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor, with all to be implemented when the hoarding is first erected.


20. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to include in any agreements or planning approvals for the site, the requirement that the application state in all marketing materials, condominium disclosure documents, and sales agreements that the future owner, tenant, or sublet tenant or any other additional occupant will be prohibited from applying for an on-street parking permit and the building will be excluded from any on-street permit specified area.


21.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to exclude the lands that are subject to this application located at 1555-1575 Queen Street East and any future addresses applicable to these lands from permit parking.


22.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to provide an update in the first quarter of 2021 on the installation of the Woodfield Road bike lanes, as identified in the 10-year Cycle Plan and Cycling Network Plan. 

23.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Water and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to collaborate to prepare a draft scope of work for a Park Master Plan for the Toronto Water lands immediately south of 1555 -1575 Queen East and to report to the first Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting of 2021.

24.  In the event that Toronto Water requires access to the existing sewer and associated easement under the proposed Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Open Space, City Council direct that Toronto Water shall reconstruct the Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Open Space at its expense and to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and in the case of major works of the existing sewer then the soil shall be remediated at the expense of Toronto Water.

25.  City Council:


a. direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to work with Toronto Community Benefits Network to secure a formal Community Benefits Agreement for Don Summerville revitalization that will ensure that the contractors and subcontractors employ apprentices or journeypersons from historically disadvantaged communities and equity seeking groups with the first priority being Toronto Community Housing Corporation tenants from Don Summerville, and the second priority tenants of Toronto Community Housing Corporation and lastly graduates from non-profit pre-apprenticeship programs in the City of Toronto; and the developer has taken the necessary steps to ensure the job site is welcoming to all and actively committed to challenging anti-Black racism; and

b.  request the Toronto Community Housing Corporation to include a Community Benefit Agreement based on the Don Summerville model as a part of any future revitalization project.


26.  City Council: 

a.  direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to report to the October 14, 2020 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee on the pressures that will be placed on Applegrove Community Complex continuing its operations out of Duke of Connaught School due to population growth related to new developments at 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East and the approved Housing Now development east of Coxwell and if necessary, outline options for relocation of the Community Centre that will ensure the services provided by Applegrove are retained in the community; and

b.  direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to work with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation and the developer Context to have the developer provide additional funding to Applegrove Community Complex, one of the City's Association of Community Centres, to continue their work on tenant engagement, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, until relocation is completed.


27.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to develop a plan in consultation with existing Toronto Community Housing Corporation tenants for: i. as many as feasible of the one hundred and seventy (170) permanently affordable dwelling units (including 120 rent-geared-to-income and 50 affordable rental units); or ii. at minimum, the fifty (50) permanently affordable rental units, to be managed by a non-profit housing co-operative upon completion of construction, in line with the Tenants First Project aimed at improving the financial viability of Toronto Community Housing Corporation, creating more mixed-income communities, and increasing capacity in the non-profit and co-operative housing sector. 

28.  City Council direct the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, to include in the 2021 Capital Plan, submission of funds to cover any costs related to the impact of the conveyance, remediation and landscape improvement costs for the transfer of lands from 2 Phin Avenue from Toronto Community Housing Corporation related to the revitalization of Don Summerville.


29. City Council authorize the appropriate City Officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the Section 111 Agreement, Section 37 Agreement, and any other necessary agreement(s).

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 25, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6, and 9-13 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Final Report
Attachment 7: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment 569-2013
Attachment 8: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment 438-86

Background Information (City Council)

(July 29, 2020) Supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion (TE16.5b)
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment to By-law 438-86
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment to By-law 569-2013

Communications (Community Council)

(July 8, 2020) E-mail from Hamdi Abdo (TE.Supp.TE16.5.1)
(July 9, 2020) Letter from Juliet Dixon, Executive Assistant - Development, Toronto Community Housing (TE.Supp.TE16.5.2)
(July 9, 2020) E-mail from Melanie Barrett (TE.Supp.TE16.5.3)
(July 13, 2020) E-mail from Joy Connelly (TE.Supp.TE16.5.4)
(July 14, 2020) Letter from Susanne Burkhardt, Applegrove Community Complex (TE.Supp.TE16.5.5)
(July 15, 2020) E-mail from Melo Dee (TE.Supp.TE16.5.6)
(July 15, 2020) Letter from Mark J. Richardson, Housing Now TO (TE.New.TE16.5.7)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)



A.  City Council adopt the recommendations in the supplementary report (July 29, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as amended as follows:


a.  delete recommendation 13.B.ii. and replace it with the following new recommendation 13.B.ii:

ii.  thirty-two (32) of the sixty-seven (67) residential dwelling units, including sixteen (16) dwelling units to be designated for artists, shall be conveyed to the City and shall be managed by a non-profit housing co-operative, to be selected by the City and to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, as affordable housing for a period of ninety-nine (99) years and will include seventeen (17) rent geared-to-income and fifteen (15) affordable rental dwelling units; of these thirty-two (32) rental dwelling units, six (6) shall be comprised of four (4) one-bedroom units and two (2) three-bedrooms units to be located in the new 17-storey market condominium building; twenty-six (26) shall be comprised of sixteen (16) one-bedroom units, three (3) two-bedroom units, six (6) three-bedroom units and one (1) four-bedroom unit to be located in the new 16-storey market rental building on the site, and shall be managed so that the monthly occupancy cost of all units does not exceed 80 percent of average market rent on average and any one unit does not exceed 100 percent of average market rent

b.  delete recommendation 15 and replace it with the following new recommendation 15:


15.  City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue Preliminary Approval of the Rental Housing Demolition Permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the one hundred and twenty (120) existing social rental dwelling units located at 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East, after all the following have occurred:

a.  satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Recommendations 13 and 14 above;

b.  the Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments and Part Lot Control Exemption referred to in Recommendations 1, 2, 3, has come into full force and effect;

c.  the submission of a Site Plan Approval application and detailed floor plans for the replacement social housing units and associated common amenity areas for the social housing units to be demolished, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate;

d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Building, where required, (conditional or full permit) for the approved development on the Toronto Community Housing Corporation site;

e. the owner has confirmed, in writing, that all existing rental dwelling units proposed to be demolished are vacant; and

f. the execution and registration of an agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act securing Recommendations 14. A to 14. D above.


B.  City Council adopt the following new recommendations:


2.  City Council direct that before the commencement of demolition works the owner shall include a minimum of 75 percent of the surface area on the construction hoarding to be allocated to artwork at their sole expense, in collaboration with East End Arts and Applegrove Community Complex, and to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor, with all to be implemented when the hoarding is first erected.

3.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to provide an update in the first quarter of 2021 on the installation of the Woodfield Road bike lanes, as identified in the 10-year Cycle Plan and Cycling Network Plan.

4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Water and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to collaborate to prepare a draft scope of work for a Park Master Plan for the Toronto Water lands immediately south of 1555 -1575 Queen East and to report to the first Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting of 2021.

5.  In the event that Toronto Water requires access to the existing sewer and associated easement under the proposed Privately-Owned Publically Accessible Open Space, City Council direct that Toronto Water shall reconstruct the Privately-Owned Publically Accessible Open Space at its expense and to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and in the case of major works of the existing sewer then the soil shall be remediated at the expense of Toronto Water.

6.  City Council:


a. direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to work with Toronto Community Benefits Network to secure a formal Community Benefits Agreement for Don Summerville revitalization that will ensure that the contractors and subcontractors employ apprentices or journeypersons from historically disadvantaged communities and equity seeking groups with the first priority being Toronto Community Housing Corporation tenants from Don Summerville, and the second priority tenants of Toronto Community Housing Corporation and lastly graduates from non-profit pre-apprenticeship programs in the City of Toronto; and the developer has taken the necessary steps to ensure the job site is welcoming to all and actively committed to challenging anti-Black racism; and

b.  request the Toronto Community Housing Corporation to include a Community Benefit Agreement based on the Don Summerville model as a part of any future revitalization project.

7.  Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in collaboration with the City Solicitor, to incorporate the Community Economic Development services as outlined in the October 31, 2019, Memorandum of Understanding through the Section 37 Agreement for the development as a matter of legal convenience.

8.  City Council: 

a.  direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to report to the October 14, 2020 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee on the pressures that will be placed on Applegrove Community Complex continuing its operations out of Duke of Connaught School due to population growth related to new developments at 1555 and 1575 Queen Street East and the approved Housing Now development east of Coxwell and if necessary, outline options for relocation of the Community Centre that will ensure the services provided by Applegrove are retained in the community; and

b.  direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to work with Toronto Community Housing and the developer Context to have the developer provide additional funding to Applegrove Community Complex, one of the City's Association of Community Centres, to continue their work on tenant engagement, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, until relocation is completed.


9.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to develop a plan in consultation with existing Toronto Community Housing Corporation tenants for i. as many as feasible of the one hundred and seventy (170) permanently affordable dwelling units (including 120 rent-geared-to-income and 50 affordable rental units) or ii. at minimum, the fifty (50) permanently affordable rental units, to be managed by a non-profit housing co-operative upon completion of construction, in line with the Tenants First Project aimed at improving the financial viability of Toronto Community Housing Corporation, creating more mixed-income communities, and increasing capacity in the non-profit and co-operative housing sector.

10.  City Council direct the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, to include in the 2021 Capital Plan submission of funds to cover any costs related to the impact of the conveyance, remediation and landscape improvement costs for the transfer of lands from 2 Phin Avenue from Toronto Community Housing Corporation related to the revitalization of Don Summerville.

5a - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Supplementary Report

Background Information (Community Council)
(July 15, 2020) Report from Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Supplementary Report

TE16.5 - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Final Report

Decision Type:
Without Recs
14 - Toronto - Danforth

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Community Council Recommendations

The Toronto and East York Community Council submits the item to City Council without recommendation.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Toronto and East York Community Council held a statutory public meeting on July 16, 2020 and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


(June 25, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


This application proposes revitalization of a Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) site including a 10 storey residential building ("the TCHC Building") and a 17 storey and 16 storey mixed-use building (the "Market Building"), collectively containing approximately 771 residential units with a variety of housing tenures including rent-geared-to-income, affordable rental, market rental, and condominiums. 


The proposed development will include 100 net new affordable residential rental dwelling units and 120 replacement social housing units with rents geared-to-income.

All 120 existing units will be replaced in the new development and tenant relocation and assistance will be provided.  An application for Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion under Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act (Chapter 667 of the Municipal Code) has been submitted to permit the demolition of the 120 existing social housing units at 1555-1575 Queen Street East.


The application also requests exemption from the Part Lot Control provisions of the Planning Act to permit the creation of 5 parcels, consisting of: one parcel for the TCHC Building, and four parcels as part of the Market Building (collectively, the "Market Site").  The Market Site includes the Market Condominium parcel; the Market Rental parcel, the Retail parcel; and the City parcel (which includes 6 townhouse units and 26 rental units on Levels 1 and 3 and components of the shared facilities. The exemption will also enable the owner to transfer or mortgage title for portions of the lands along with easements to facilitate the implementation of the project.


The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019) and the City of Toronto’s Official Plan, and advances the implementation of the redevelopment of the lands.  The lifting of Part Lot Control is appropriate for the orderly development of these lands.


The application represents a unique design approach and desirable intensification of the property that generally meets the intent of the Queen Street East: Ashbridge Precinct Urban Design Guidelines. The proposal incorporates a broad range of affordable housing units and a mix of dwelling unit sizes appropriate for a variety of households. The property directly abuts the Queen Street East streetcar line, and an abundance of parks which optimizes the use of existing community and transit infrastructure.


This report reviews and recommends approval of the Part Lot Control Exemption application.  In addition, this report recommends that the owner of the Subject Lands be required to register a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act agreeing not to convey or mortgage any part of the Subject Lands without prior consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or his designate.


This report recommends approval of proposed amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and the Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application under Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act (Chapter 667 of the Municipal Code), subject to conditions.

Background Information

(June 25, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6, and 9-13 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Final Report
Attachment 7: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment 569-2013
Attachment 8: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment 438-86


(July 8, 2020) E-mail from Hamdi Abdo (TE.Supp.TE16.5.1)
(July 9, 2020) Letter from Juliet Dixon, Executive Assistant - Development, Toronto Community Housing (TE.Supp.TE16.5.2)
(July 9, 2020) E-mail from Melanie Barrett (TE.Supp.TE16.5.3)
(July 13, 2020) E-mail from Joy Connelly (TE.Supp.TE16.5.4)
(July 14, 2020) Letter from Susanne Burkhardt, Applegrove Community Complex (TE.Supp.TE16.5.5)
(July 15, 2020) E-mail from Melo Dee (TE.Supp.TE16.5.6)
(July 15, 2020) Letter from Mark J. Richardson, Housing Now TO (TE.New.TE16.5.7)


Bemjamin Hoff


Motion to forward item Without Recommendations moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

That the item be forwarded to City Council without recommendation.

5a - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Supplementary Report

(July 15, 2020) Report from The Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

The purpose of this report is to revise the recommendations related to the Growing Up Guidelines and other stylistic matters related to the report dated June 25, 2020 (TE16.5) 1555-1575 Queen Street East – Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Applications – Final Report. The report included a number of recommendations including Recommendations 8, 13 B.ii, 13 B.viii, 13 B.x, 13 B.xiv(d), 13 B.xiv(e), 13 B.xvi, 13 B.xix, and 16 which have been refined by staff with input from the Ward Councillor.


This report summarizes the adjustments to the Recommendations and other minor refinements to the June 25, 2020 report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.

Background Information
(July 15, 2020) Report from Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1555-1575 Queen Street East - Official Plan and Zoning Amendment, Part Lot Control, and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Supplementary Report
Source: Toronto City Clerk at