Item - 2020.PH19.1

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on December 16, 17 and 18, 2020 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by the Planning and Housing Committee on December 8, 2020 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on December 16, 17 and 18, 2020.
  • See also By-law 1148-2020

PH19.1 - Keele Finch Plus Study - Final Report

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre, 7 - Humber River - Black Creek

City Council Decision

City Council on December 16, 17 and 18, 2020, adopted the following:


1. City Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 482, Protected Major Transit Station Areas, for the Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area, substantially in accordance with Attachment 1 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to seek approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing of Official Plan Amendment 482, Protected Major Transit Station Areas, for Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area, under Section 17 of the Planning Act for Protected Major Transit Station Areas pursuant to Section 16(15) of the Planning Act.


3. City Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 483, Keele Finch Secondary Plan, substantially in accordance with Attachment 2 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, with Attachment 2 amended as follows:

a.  amend Policy 5.2.5 to now read as follows:


The new local street to the north of Fountainhead Park will have an integrated design with the park. The full length of the street is only intended to provide local vehicular access and will be designed to prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety and/or as a shared street;


b.  amend Policy 6.2.4. to now read as follows:


The location and design of the new street north of Fountainhead Park (Link 2 on Map 6, Public Street Plan) will be determined as sites redevelop. The street is envisioned as a low-volume, local shared street, providing address and safe access for all modes. The right-of-way of the street may be reduced from 20 to 16.5 metres where sidewalks, trees and landscaping is incorporated along the streets' southern edge as part of an integrated design with existing parks and open spaces to enhance the utility of these spaces;


c. amend Policy 6.2.5 to permit the consideration and approval of a private road to serve future development instead of a public road;


d.  amend the conveyance of land and construction of the street north of Fountainhead Park (Link 2 on Map 6, Public Street Plan) to service local development, or contributions to the construction of the street, will be secured through the development approvals process as sites redevelop and there will be no loss of parkland or dedicated open space within the area bounded by Finch Avenue West, Sentinel Road, Four Winds Drive and Keele Street to achieve the street; and


e.  amend Map 9, Maximum Height Limits as follows:


1.  reduce the maximum permitted building height to eight storeys (25 metres) in the area on the south side of Finch Avenue West between Paulvale Crescent and Black Creek Valley;


2.  reduce the maximum permitted height to 20 metres in the areas along Sentinel Road south of Finch Avenue West that are shown to have a maximum height of 25 metres; and


3.  remove the properties on the south side of Finch Avenue West on either side of Sentinel Road from the Potential Additional Height Zone B.


4. City Council direct the City Solicitor to withhold the introduction of the necessary Bill for Official Plan Amendment 483, Keele Finch Secondary Plan, until such time as:


a. the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing makes a decision on Official Plan Amendment 482, Protected Major Transit Station Area, for the Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area; and


b. the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning confirms to the City Solicitor that Official Plan Amendment 483, Keele Finch Secondary Plan, does not require any changes, beyond stylistic and technical changes as may be required as a result of the Minister's decision.


5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendments, as may be required.


6. City Council classify the lands identified in Attachment 3 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, designated Mixed Use Areas located east of Keele Street within the Keele Finch Secondary Plan area as a Class 4 noise area pursuant to Publication NPC-300 (Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Environmental Noise Guideline - Stationary and Transportation Sources - Approval and Planning, August 2013).


7. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to review the Zoning By-law for the Keele Finch Secondary Plan area to comply with Official Plan Amendments 482 and 483 upon the Amendments coming into full force and effect. 


8.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillors representing the area covered by the Keele Finch Secondary Plan, to meet with the oil companies that have facilities in the area north of Finch Avenue West and east of Keele Street, and to report on amendments to the Plan that would:


a.  enhance community and transport safety in the area surrounding the oil tank storage facilities located in this quadrant;


b.  explore safer route options for the movement of oil tank trucks into and out of the oil tank farms east of Keele Street and north of Finch Avenue; and


c.  consider and study the safety hazards tied to trucked petroleum transportation in relation to the nearby subway and light rail transit stations.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Committee)

(November 24, 2020) Report and Attachments 3, 4, 7 and 8 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Keele Finch Plus Study - Final Report
Attachment 1: Draft Official Plan Amendment 482 - Protected Major Transit Station Areas
Attachment 2: Draft Official Plan Amendment 483 - Keele Finch Secondary Plan
Attachment 5: Online Survey of Draft Official Plan Amendments - Summary of Comments from January/February 2020 Online Consultation
Attachment 6: Letters from the Province
Attachment 9: Summary of Public Comments from the November 9, 2020 Community Information Session and Related Survey
(November 13, 2020) Notice of Public Meeting
Presentation from Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives Policy and Analysis, City Planning

Communications (Committee)

(November 9, 2020) Letter from Michael Goldberg, Goldberg Group (PH.Main.PH19.1.1)
(March 23, 2020) Letter from T.J. Fletcher, Manager, National Terminal Operations (PH.Main.PH19.1.2)
(December 1, 2020) Letter from Michelle Gruszecki, Trans-Nothern Pipelines Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.3)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Kurt Franklin, Vice President, Weston Consulting (PH.New.PH19.1.4)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Ian Graham, Director, R.E. Millward and Associates Ltd. (PH.New.PH19.1.5)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Tomasz Oltarzewski, Toronto Catholic District School Board Planning Services (PH.New.PH19.1.6)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Michael Melling, Davies Howe, LLP, on behalf of CFG Centennial Plaza Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.7)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Marc Gagnon, Director, Government and Stakeholder Relations, Canada Fuels Association (PH.New.PH19.1.8)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Adam Layton, Evans Planning Inc., on behalf of CTN Finch Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.9)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Barry Horosko, Horosko Planning Law, on behalf of Berncray Holdings Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.10)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Laura Dean, Aird and Berlis, on behalf of Shell Canada Products and Imperial Oil (PH.New.PH19.1.11)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Sandra Patano, Weston Consulting (PH.New.PH19.1.12)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Christopher Tanzola, Overland LLP, on behalf of NHD Developments Limited (PH.New.PH19.1.13)
(December 7, 2020) E-mail from David Hertzman, Luv2Pak International Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.14)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Howard Moscoe (PH.New.PH19.1.15)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Michael Goldberg, Goldberg Group (PH.New.PH19.1.16)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Lew Pliamm, Chair, Board of Directors, Duke Heights BIA (PH.New.PH19.1.17)
(December 8, 2020) Letter from Peter Smith, Bousfields Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.18)

Communications (City Council)

(December 15, 2020) Letter from Daniel B. Artenosi, Partner, Overland LLP (CC.Supp.PH19.1.19)
(December 9, 2020) Letter from Jane McFarlane, Associate, Weston Consulting (CC.New.PH19.1.20)
(December 15, 2020) Letter from Laura Dean, Aird Berlis (CC.New.PH19.1.21)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Anthony Perruzza (Carried)

That City Council amend Official Plan Amendment 483 in Attachment 2 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as follows:


a.  amend Policy 6.2.4. to now read as follows:


The location and design of the new street north of Fountainhead Park (Link 2 on Map 6, Public Street Plan) will be determined as sites redevelop. The street is envisioned as a low-volume, local shared street, providing address and safe access for all modes. The right-of-way of the street may be reduced from 20 to 16.5 metres where sidewalks, trees and landscaping is incorporated along the streets' southern edge as part of an integrated design with existing parks and open spaces to enhance the utility of these spaces;

b.  amend Policy 5.2.5 to now read as follows:


The new local street to the north of Fountainhead Park will have an integrated design with the park. The full length of the street is only intended to provide local vehicular access and will be designed to prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety and/or as a shared street;


c.  amend the conveyance of land and construction of the street north of Fountainhead Park (Link 2 on Map 6, Public Street Plan) to service local development, or contributions to the construction of the street, will be secured through the development approvals process as sites redevelop and there will be no loss of parkland or dedicated open space within the area bounded by Finch Avenue West, Sentinel Road, Four Winds Drive and Keele Street to achieve the street; and


d.  amend Map 9, Maximum Height Limits as follows:


1.  reduce the maximum permitted building height to eight storeys (25 metres) in the area on the south side of Finch Avenue West between Paulvale Crescent and Black Creek Valley;


2.  reduce the maximum permitted height to 20 metres in the areas along Sentinel Road south of Finch Avenue West that are shown to have a maximum height of 25 metres; and


3.  remove the properties on the south side of Finch Avenue West on either side of Sentinel Road from the Potential Additional Height Zone B.

Vote (Amend Item) Dec-17-2020 5:38 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - PH19.1 - Perruzza - motion 1
Total members that voted Yes: 14 Members that voted Yes are Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong, James Pasternak, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 10 Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Jennifer McKelvie, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Michael Thompson, John Tory
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Mike Layton

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor James Pasternak (Carried)



1.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillors representing the area covered by the Keele Finch Secondary Plan, to meet with the oil companies that have facilities in the area north of Finch Avenue West and east of Keele Street, and to report on amendments to the Plan that would:


a.  enhance community and transport safety in the area surrounding the oil tank storage facilities located in this quadrant;


b.  explore safer route options for the movement of oil tank trucks into and out of the oil tank farms east of Keele Street and north of Finch Avenue; and


c.  consider and study the safety hazards tied to trucked petroleum transportation in relation to the nearby subway and light rail transit stations.


2.  City Council amend Policy 6.2.5 of Official Plan Amendment 483 in Attachment 2 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to permit the consideration and approval of a private road to serve future development instead of a public road.

Vote (Amend Item) Dec-17-2020 5:39 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - PH19.1 - Pasternak - motion 2
Total members that voted Yes: 13 Members that voted Yes are Brad Bradford, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson
Total members that voted No: 11 Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Jennifer McKelvie, Gord Perks, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Mike Layton

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Point of Order by Councillor Jaye Robinson

Councillor Robinson, on a Point of Order, asked the Speaker to rule on whether other Members of Council can say "you are not the local Councillor" during a vote.

Ruling by Speaker Frances Nunziata
Speaker Nunziata accepted the Point of Order and ruled that Members are not to speak during a vote and Members are to be respectful.

Point of Privilege by Councillor Paula Fletcher

Councillor Fletcher, on a Point of Privilege, apologized for her remarks.

PH19.1 - Keele Finch Plus Study - Final Report

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre, 7 - Humber River - Black Creek

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Committee Recommendations

The Planning and Housing Committee recommends that:


1. City Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 482, Protected Major Transit Station Areas, for the Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area, substantially in accordance with Attachment 1 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to seek approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing of Official Plan Amendment 482, Protected Major Transit Station Areas, for Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area, under Section 17 of the Planning Act for Protected Major Transit Station Areas pursuant to Section 16(15) of the Planning Act.


3. City Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 483, Keele Finch Secondary Plan, substantially in accordance with Attachment 2 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4. City Council direct the City Solicitor to withhold the introduction of the necessary Bill for Official Plan Amendment 483, Keele Finch Secondary Plan, until such time as:


a. the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing makes a decision on Official Plan Amendment 482, Protected Major Transit Station Area, for the Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area; and,


b. the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning confirms to the City Solicitor that Official Plan Amendment 483, Keele Finch Secondary Plan, does not require any changes, beyond stylistic and technical changes as may be required as a result of the Minister's decision.


5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendments, as may be required.


6. City Council classify the lands identified in Attachment 3 to the report (November 24, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, designated Mixed Use Areas located east of Keele Street within the Keele Finch Secondary Plan area as a Class 4 noise area pursuant to Publication NPC-300 (Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Environmental Noise Guideline - Stationary and Transportation Sources - Approval and Planning, August 2013).


7. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to review the Zoning By-law for the Keele Finch Secondary Plan area to comply with Official Plan Amendments 482 and 483 upon the Amendments coming into full force and effect. 

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Planning and Housing Committee held a statutory public meeting on December 8, 2020, and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


The Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives Policy and Analysis, City Planning gave a presentation on the Keele Finch Plus Planning Study.


(November 24, 2020) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


The Keele Finch Plus Study was initiated in 2016 to develop a plan to guide future growth and change for the area around Keele Street and Finch Avenue West. The study leverages recent and planned rapid transit investment and encourages transit-supportive development. Following extensive review and consultation on the study, this report recommends adoption of a Secondary Plan for the Keele Finch study area and associated amendments to the Official Plan. The OPA provides a balanced plan to encourage growth, place-making and community building, leverages transit investment, and provides for compatible land uses and built form. Approximately 10,500 people currently live in the Keele Finch area, and there are approximately 8,000 jobs. The Secondary Plan provides for an estimated population of up to 23,000 to 29,000 people, and up to 25,000 jobs over the long term.


This report also recommends adoption of a second OPA to delineate two protected major transit station areas (PMTSAs), brought forward as Site and Area Specific Policies, pertaining to the Finch West Transit Station Area and Sentinel Transit Station Area. The PMTSAs are in accordance with the prescribed requirements as outlined in Section 16 of the Planning Act.


The OPAs have regard to matters of Provincial interest listed in Section 2 of the Planning Act, are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conform with the A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020). Further, the OPAs are also consistent with the general intent of the City's Official Plan.

Background Information

(November 24, 2020) Report and Attachments 3, 4, 7 and 8 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Keele Finch Plus Study - Final Report
Attachment 1: Draft Official Plan Amendment 482 - Protected Major Transit Station Areas
Attachment 2: Draft Official Plan Amendment 483 - Keele Finch Secondary Plan
Attachment 5: Online Survey of Draft Official Plan Amendments - Summary of Comments from January/February 2020 Online Consultation
Attachment 6: Letters from the Province
Attachment 9: Summary of Public Comments from the November 9, 2020 Community Information Session and Related Survey
(November 13, 2020) Notice of Public Meeting
Presentation from Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives Policy and Analysis, City Planning


(November 9, 2020) Letter from Michael Goldberg, Goldberg Group (PH.Main.PH19.1.1)
(March 23, 2020) Letter from T.J. Fletcher, Manager, National Terminal Operations (PH.Main.PH19.1.2)
(December 1, 2020) Letter from Michelle Gruszecki, Trans-Nothern Pipelines Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.3)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Kurt Franklin, Vice President, Weston Consulting (PH.New.PH19.1.4)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Ian Graham, Director, R.E. Millward and Associates Ltd. (PH.New.PH19.1.5)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Tomasz Oltarzewski, Toronto Catholic District School Board Planning Services (PH.New.PH19.1.6)
(December 3, 2020) Letter from Michael Melling, Davies Howe, LLP, on behalf of CFG Centennial Plaza Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.7)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Marc Gagnon, Director, Government and Stakeholder Relations, Canada Fuels Association (PH.New.PH19.1.8)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Adam Layton, Evans Planning Inc., on behalf of CTN Finch Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.9)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Barry Horosko, Horosko Planning Law, on behalf of Berncray Holdings Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.10)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Laura Dean, Aird and Berlis, on behalf of Shell Canada Products and Imperial Oil (PH.New.PH19.1.11)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Sandra Patano, Weston Consulting (PH.New.PH19.1.12)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Christopher Tanzola, Overland LLP, on behalf of NHD Developments Limited (PH.New.PH19.1.13)
(December 7, 2020) E-mail from David Hertzman, Luv2Pak International Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.14)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Howard Moscoe (PH.New.PH19.1.15)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Michael Goldberg, Goldberg Group (PH.New.PH19.1.16)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Lew Pliamm, Chair, Board of Directors, Duke Heights BIA (PH.New.PH19.1.17)
(December 8, 2020) Letter from Peter Smith, Bousfields Inc. (PH.New.PH19.1.18)


Jean Roy, Canada Fuels Association
Howard Moscoe
Kurt Franklin, Weston Consulting
Laura Dean, Aird & Berlis LLP
Councillor Anthony Perruzza


1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at