Item - 2020.PH12.4

Tracking Status

PH12.4 - Christie's Planning Study - Status Update and 2150 and 2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road - Official Plan Amendment Application - Preliminary Report

Decision Type:
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

Committee Decision

The Planning and Housing Committee:


1. Endorsed the key directions of the Christie's Planning Study contained within the report (January 7, 2020) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. Directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to continue to advance the Christie's Planning Study concurrently with the review of the Official Plan Amendment application by First Capital Realty on the same lands.


3. Directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to continue to advance community consultation on the Christie's Planning Study and the development application, including aligning this consultation with the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


4. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to bring forward a recommended Secondary Plan, Zoning By-law and Urban Design Guidelines to City Council by the fourth quarter of 2020.


(January 7, 2020) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


This report provides an update on the Christie's Planning Study (the Study) and preliminary information on an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application submitted by First Capital Realty for the lands at 2150 and 2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road (the subject lands). Both the Study and the application encompass the same area.


 In July 2019, City Council approved a settlement with First Capital Realty which resulted in Site and Area Specific Policy 15 (SASP 15). SASP 15 redesignated the subject lands to Regeneration Areas and General Employment Areas and established the requirement for a Secondary Plan to be completed. The settlement requires the delivery of a new Park Lawn GO station, and securing a minimum of 98,000 square metres of non-residential uses as well as affordable housing units. SASP 15 also outlines the required documents to be submitted by First Capital Realty in support of the Secondary Plan.


In September 2019, the Study was launched. This report provides an update on the work-to-date and sets out a work program, including a set of key directions within each of the Study's themes. The Study will consider, consult and deliver on a vision for the lands that has been advanced by a private developer for a new mixed-use community.


The Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application, submitted by First Capital Realty, proposes to amend Site and Area Specific Policy 15 (SASP 15) to redesignate the subject lands from Regeneration Areas to Mixed Use Areas, General  Employment Areas and Parks and Open Spaces. As part of First Capital Realty's application, a conceptual Master Plan has also been provided. The goal of the Christie's Planning Study is to establish a policy framework for a new complete community at Park Lawn Road and Lake Shore Boulevard West. The re-development of the site will provide an exemplary model of transit-oriented-development by creating a new walkable, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use development centered on transit investment and integration.


This report seeks support for the key directions established for the Study, seeks direction to continue the Study and undertake the concurrent review of the application by First Capital Realty and direction on the anticipated timing of the Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law. The report outlines the direction on future consultation opportunities as well as aligning the consultation and recommendations with those of the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan.

Background Information

(January 7, 2020) Report and attachments 1 to 9 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Christie's Planning Study - Status Update and 2150 and 2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road - Official Plan Amendment Application - Preliminary Report


(January 20, 2020) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore (PH.New.PH12.4.1)
(January 21, 2020) Letter from Peggy Moulder, Director, Lakeshore Planning Council Corp. (PH.New.PH12.4.2)
(January 22, 2020) Letter from Michael Loberto, Superintendent, Planning and Development Services, Toronto Catholic District School Board (PH.New.PH12.4.3)
(January 22, 2020) Letter from Eileen Costello, Aid and Berlis, LPP, on behalf of First Capital Holdings Corporation (PH.New.PH12.4.4)
(January 22, 2020) Letter from Randy Barba (PH.New.PH12.4.5)


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at