Item - 2020.IE16.2

Tracking Status

IE16.2 - Front Yard Parking Regulations and Electric Vehicle Charging on Residential Streets

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on October 27, 28 and 30, 2020, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, as part of the Parking Strategy, to review residential front yard and commercial boulevard parking with consideration of electric vehicle initiatives, and impacts on tree canopy, stormwater management, urban design, safety and enforcement and report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the second quarter of 2021.


2. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, to include in the Parking Strategy or a separate report no later than the second quarter of 2021, a review of potential measures for residents who own an electric vehicle but do not have a garage or dedicated parking space, such as:


a. making new parking pad permits conditional on applicants contributing to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, either by installing a charger on the property, or contributing to a fund to expand on-street or shared electric vehicle infrastructure;


b. exploring partnerships with City agencies such as the Toronto Parking Authority and the Toronto Transit Commission to expand electric vehicle infrastructure on publicly-owned properties; and


c. exploring opportunities with the Director, Environment and Energy to refine and accelerate the City's existing on-street electric vehicle charging efforts through cross-sector partnerships.


3. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by deleting the phrase “30 and 31” from § 918-5B and inserting the phrase “and 30”.


4. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by inserting a new § 918-7.12 as follows:


§ 918-7.12  Wards 31 and that portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue


A. Despite any other provisions in this chapter,  § 918-8C(2) and (3) do not apply to an application for front yard parking and/or to an application for a license to park on any portion of a boulevard where the application is for a residential property located within the area of the former City of Toronto in the portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue or within the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 31 where:


(1). (a) The application is for a front yard parking pad adjacent to an existing mutual driveway which has a width of less than 2.2 metres measured at the narrowest point; or


(b) Additional ramping is not required or, if any additional ramping is required, there is no loss of an on-street permit parking space; and


(2). The property meets all other requirements of this chapter.


B. Despite any other provisions in this chapter, § 918-9D and E do not apply to a front yard parking pad in the area of the former City of Toronto in the portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue or in the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 31 where any additional ramping is not required.


5. City Council authorize the direct and appropriate staff to take the necessary steps, including the introduction in City Council of any Bills that may be necessary, to give effect to City Council’s decision.

Background Information (Committee)

(September 22, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Front Yard Parking Regulations and Electric Vehicle Charging on Residential Streets

Communications (Committee)

(October 4, 2020) Letter from Robert Bowers, P.Eng., Director of Engineering, Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI) (IE.Supp.IE16.2.1)
(October 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Brad Bradford (IE.Supp.IE16.2.2)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Brad Bradford (Carried)

That City Council amend Infrastructure and Environment Committee Recommendations 2 and 4 to now read as follows:


2. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, to begin implementing, and to include in the Parking Strategy or a separate report to the appropriate committee in no later than the second quarter of 2021 on, a review of potential measures to encourage for residents who own an electric vehicle ownership for residents who but do not have a garage or dedicated parking space, such as:


a. making new parking pad permits conditional on applicants contributing to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, either by installing a charger on the property, or contributing to a fund to expand on-street or shared electric vehicle infrastructure;


b. exploring partnerships with City agencies such as the Toronto Parking Authority and Toronto Transit Commission to expand electric vehicle infrastructure on publicly-owned properties; and


c. exploring opportunities with the Director, Environment and Energy, to refine and accelerate the City's existing on-street electric vehicle charging efforts through cross-sector partnerships.


4. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by inserting a new § 918-7.12 as follows:


§ 918-7.12  Wards 31 and that portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue


A. Despite any other provisions in this chapter,  § 918-8C(2) and (3) do not apply to an application for front yard parking and/or to an application for a license to park on any portion of a boulevard where the application is for a residential property located within the area of the former City of Toronto in the portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell or within the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 31 where:


(1). (a) The application is for a front yard parking pad adjacent to an existing mutual driveway which has a width of less than 2.2 metres measured at the narrowest point; or


(b) Additional ramping is not required or, if any additional ramping is required, there is no loss of an on-street permit parking space; and


(2). The property meets all other requirements of this chapter.


B. Despite any other provisions in this chapter, § 918-9D and E do not apply to a front yard parking pad in the area of the former City of Toronto in the portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue or in the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 32 or in Ward 31 where any additional ramping is not required.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

IE16.2 - Front Yard Parking Regulations and Electric Vehicle Charging on Residential Streets

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee recommends that:


1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, as part of the Parking Strategy, to review residential front yard and commercial boulevard parking with consideration of electric vehicle initiatives, and impacts on tree canopy, stormwater management, urban design, safety and enforcement and report back to Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the second quarter of 2021.


2. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, to begin implementing, and to report to the appropriate committee in the second quarter of 2021 on, measures to encourage electric vehicle ownership for residents who do not have a garage or dedicated parking space, such as:


a. making new parking pad permits conditional on applicants contributing to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, either by installing a charger on the property, or contributing to a fund to expand on-street or shared electric vehicle infrastructure;


b. exploring partnerships with City agencies such as the Toronto Parking Authority and Toronto Transit Commission to expand electric vehicle infrastructure on publicly-owned properties; and


c. exploring opportunities with the Director, Environment and Energy, to refine and accelerate the City's existing on-street electric vehicle charging efforts through cross-sector partnerships.


3. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by deleting the phrase: “30 and 31” from § 918-5B and inserting the phrase: “and 30”.


4. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by inserting a new § 918-7.12 as follows:


§ 918-7.12  Wards 31 and 32


A. Despite any other provisions in this chapter,  § 918-8C(2) and (3) do not apply to an application for front yard parking and/or to an application for a license to park on any portion of a boulevard where the application is for a residential property located within the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 32 or within the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 31 where:


(1). (a) The application is for a front yard parking pad adjacent to an existing mutual driveway which has a width of less than 2.2 metres measured at the narrowest point; or


(b) Additional ramping is not required or, if any additional ramping is required, there is no loss of an on-street permit parking space; and


(2). The property meets all other requirements of this chapter.


B. Despite any other provisions in this chapter, § 918-9D and E do not apply to a front yard parking pad in the area of the former City of Toronto in the portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue or in the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 32 or in Ward 31 where any additional ramping is not required.


5. City Council authorize the direct and appropriate staff to take the necessary steps to give effect the Council’s decision, including the introduction in Council of any bills that may be necessary to give effect to Council’s decision.


(September 22, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services


The ability to apply for and obtain front-yard parking pads for private residential homes on the City-owned boulevard and/or front yard in certain areas of Toronto was originally intended to provide parking for residents where there is no parking available on-site in the form of a garage, driveway or other reserved outdoor space. Over time, adjustments to Chapter 918 of the Municipal Code based on specific area characteristics as well as the recent ward boundary changes of December 1, 2018 have resulted in different permissions and regulations across the City and even within the boundaries of a single ward.


Concerns about the implementation of front-yard parking from equity, environmental and urban design perspectives continue to be expressed by residents and elected officials.  Furthermore, the emergence of electric vehicle technologies have increased public demand to accommodate the charging of electric vehicles on private property and within the city road allowance.


The purpose of this report is to respond to a request from Toronto and East York Community Council to provide comment on the potential impact of allowing front yard parking pad applications in currently prohibited zones if a resident purchases and maintains ownership of an electric vehicle. City Planning, Toronto Water, Environment and Energy, Urban Forestry and Toronto Hydro were consulted during the preparation of this report.


A city-wide residential parking strategy is underway and is expected to be completed in 2021. Decisions regarding new implementation features for either Front Yard Parking or On-Street Residential Permit Parking, including provisions for electric vehicles, should be postponed until the strategy is complete and brought to City Council.

Background Information

(September 22, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Front Yard Parking Regulations and Electric Vehicle Charging on Residential Streets


(October 4, 2020) Letter from Robert Bowers, P.Eng., Director of Engineering, Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI) (IE.Supp.IE16.2.1)
(October 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Brad Bradford (IE.Supp.IE16.2.2)


Councillor Brad Bradford


Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)



1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to begin implementing, and report to the appropriate committee by Q2-2021 on, measures to encourage electric vehicle (EV) ownership for residents who do not have a garage or dedicated parking space, such as:


a. making new parking pad permits conditional on applicants contributing to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, either by installing a charger on the property, or contributing to a fund to expand on-street or shared EV infrastructure;


b. exploring partnerships with City agencies such as the Toronto Parking Authority and Toronto Transit Commission to expand EV infrastructure on publicly-owned properties; and,


c. exploring opportunities with the Director, Environment & Energy Division to refine and accelerate the City's existing on-street EV charging efforts through cross-sector partnerships.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by deleting the phrase: “30 and 31” from    § 918-5B and inserting the phrase: “and 30”.


3. City Council amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918, Parking on Residential Front Yards and Boulevards, by inserting a new § 918-7.12 as follows:


§ 918-7.12  Wards 31 and 32


A. Despite any other provisions in this chapter,  § 918-8C(2) and (3) do not apply to an application for front yard parking and/or to an application for a license to park on any portion of a boulevard where the application is for a residential property located within the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 32 or within the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 31 where:


(1). (a) The application is for a front yard parking pad adjacent to an existing mutual driveway which has a width of less than 2.2 metres measured at the narrowest point; or


(b) Additional ramping is not required or, if any additional ramping is required, there is no loss of an on-street permit parking space; and


(2). The property meets all other requirements of this chapter.


B. Despite any other provisions in this chapter, § 918-9D and E do not apply to a front yard parking pad in the area of the former City of Toronto in the portion of Ward 32 east of Coxwell Avenue or in the area of the former City of Toronto in Ward 32 or in Ward 31 where any additional ramping is not required.


4. City Council authorize the direct and appropriate staff to take the necessary steps to give effect the Council’s decision, including the introduction in Council of any bills that may be necessary to give effect to Council’s decision.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor James Pasternak (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at