Item - 2020.GL12.13

Tracking Status

GL12.13 - Proposed Sale of 20 Castlefield Avenue and 565 Duplex Avenue, Yonge-Eglinton Area - Update

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on May 28, 2020, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council direct that the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management and the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor and City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management and the City Solicitor remain confidential as it pertains to potential litigation against the City of Toronto and contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management and the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to potential litigation against the City of Toronto and contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management and the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Potential litigation against the City of Toronto and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege

Background Information (Committee)

(December 18, 2019) Report and Attachment A from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the City Solicitor on Proposed Sale of 20 Castlefield Avenue and 565 Duplex Avenue, Yonge-Eglinton Area - Update
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Instructions to Staff
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Appendices 1, 2, and 3

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) May-28-2020

Result: Carried Majority Required - GL12.13 - Adopt the Item
Total members that voted Yes: 24 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are John Filion
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Jaye Robinson

GL12.13 - Proposed Sale of 20 Castlefield Avenue and 565 Duplex Avenue, Yonge-Eglinton Area - Update

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

Confidential Attachment - Potential litigation against the City of Toronto and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege

Committee Recommendations

The General Government and Licensing Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council direct that the confidential instructions in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 18, 2019) from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor and that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety, as it pertains to potential litigation against the City of Toronto and contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The General Government and Licensing Committee recessed its public session to meet in closed session to consider this item, as it pertains to potential litigation against the City of Toronto and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


(December 18, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the City Solicitor


Toronto Parking Authority ("TPA") executed a conditional agreement to sell the lands municipally known as 20 Castlefield Avenue and 565 Duplex Avenue (the "City Lands") to 2500 Yonge Street Limited (the "Purchaser"). A location map of the City Lands is in Attachment A. As directed by City Council, staff have advised the Purchaser that City Council does not approve the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 


Confidential Attachment 1 contains information relating to steps taken pursuant to the confidential instructions and potential next steps and legal advice from the City Solicitor relating to potential litigation.

Background Information

(December 18, 2019) Report and Attachment A from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, and the City Solicitor on Proposed Sale of 20 Castlefield Avenue and 565 Duplex Avenue, Yonge-Eglinton Area - Update
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Instructions to Staff
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Appendices 1, 2, and 3


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) Mar-09-2020

Result: Carried Majority Required
Total members that voted Yes: 4 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie (Chair), Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Frances Nunziata
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are John Filion
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Josh Matlow
Source: Toronto City Clerk at