Item - 2020.EX19.4

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on December 10, 2020 and was adopted without amendment.

EX19.4 - Update on Waterfront Toronto's Quayside Project

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

Committee Decision

The Executive Committee:


1. Requested the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development to report back to the Executive Committee following the selection by Waterfront Toronto of a preferred proponent with: the results of staff's assessment of the preferred proponent's proposal; the identification of terms to be negotiated with Waterfront Toronto and the preferred proponent; and the identification of areas of interest to be addressed in a Business and Implementation Plan, to be completed by Waterfront Toronto, working with City and CreateTO staff.


(November 26, 2020) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development


The purpose of this report is to provide the Executive Committee with an update on Waterfront Toronto's Quayside project. Specifically, this report will address Waterfront Toronto's market offering process, the involvement of City and CreateTO staff in the process, and future City Committee and Council reporting milestones.


Quayside is a 4.8-hectare (12-acre) parcel of land on Toronto's waterfront, located at Queens Quay Boulevard East and Parliament Street. The majority of the site is owned by Waterfront Toronto, however, it also includes lands owned by the City of Toronto, CreateTO, Ports Toronto and private landowners (see Attachment 1). In 2017, Waterfront Toronto selected Sidewalk Labs to develop a "Master Innovation and Development Plan" for Quayside, following a competitive offering process that sought a partner to plan for an innovative demonstration project for the site. The draft Master Innovation and Development Plan was publicly released on June 24, 2019, following two years of planning and engagement by Waterfront Toronto and Sidewalk Labs.


The Quayside project has changed substantially since June 6, 2019, when City staff last reported to the Executive Committee. On May 7, 2020 Sidewalk Labs withdrew from the project, citing global economic uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. Waterfront Toronto has since announced plans to initiate a new competitive market offering process to select a development partner for Quayside, starting in 2021.


Quayside is intended to be developed as a mixed-use community, consistent with the planning direction in the East Bayfront and Keating Channel precinct plans, and other relevant planning documents. The development concept will be informed by planning and consultation work undertaken since 2017. Accordingly, Waterfront Toronto's broad project goals relate to building an "inclusive, resilient, and dynamic" neighbourhood.


The delivery of affordable housing continues to be a primary area of focus for Waterfront Toronto; Waterfront Toronto will at minimum meet its statutory/contractual obligations to provide land for 20% affordable rental housing. Furthermore, certain innovations discussed under the Sidewalk Labs proposal may be pursued, where feasible and subject to applicable regulations and public consultation. For example, mass timber buildings will not be mandated but may figure into the resiliency plans of proponents. Similarly, while future development concepts are not anticipated to include a significant digital infrastructure component, select digital innovations which align with government priorities and applicable regulations may be pursued.


The purpose of this report is to provide the Executive Committee with an update on Waterfront Toronto's Quayside project. Specifically, this report will address Waterfront Toronto's market offering process, the involvement of City and CreateTO staff in the process, and future City Committee and Council reporting milestones.


Quayside is a 4.8-hectare (12-acre) parcel of land on Toronto's waterfront, located at Queens Quay Boulevard East and Parliament Street. The majority of the site is owned by Waterfront Toronto, however, it also includes lands owned by the City of Toronto, CreateTO, Ports Toronto and private landowners (see Attachment 1). In 2017, Waterfront Toronto selected Sidewalk Labs to develop a "Master Innovation and Development Plan" for Quayside, following a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process that sought a partner to plan for an innovative demonstration project for the site. The draft Master Innovation and Development Plan was publicly released on June 24, 2019, following two years of planning and engagement by Waterfront Toronto and Sidewalk Labs.


The Quayside project has changed substantially since June 6, 2019, when City staff last reported to the Executive Committee. On May 7, 2020 Sidewalk Labs withdrew from the project, citing global economic uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. Waterfront Toronto has since announced plans to initiate a new competitive market offering process to select a development partner for Quayside, starting in 2021.


Quayside is intended to be developed as a mixed-use community, consistent with the planning direction in the East Bayfront and Keating Channel precinct plans, and other relevant planning documents. The development concept will be informed by planning and consultation work undertaken since 2017. Accordingly, Waterfront Toronto's broad project goals relate to building an "inclusive, resilient, and dynamic" neighbourhood.


The delivery of affordable housing continues to be a primary area of focus for Waterfront Toronto; Waterfront Toronto will at minimum meet its statutory/contractual obligations to provide land for 20% affordable rental housing. Furthermore, certain innovations discussed under the Sidewalk Labs proposal may be pursued, where feasible and subject to applicable regulations and public consultation. For example, mass timber buildings will not be mandated but may figure into the resiliency plans of proponents. Similarly, while future development concepts are not anticipated to include a significant digital infrastructure component, select digital innovations which align with government priorities and applicable regulations may be pursued.


The City has multiple roles and interests in Quayside: as land owner, owner/operator of municipal infrastructure and services, and the local planning authority. Collectively, the City and CreateTO own approximately 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) intended to be included in the long-term development of Quayside. These lands are primarily located in the development parcel designated as Block 3 (see Attachment 2). City and CreateTO lands have been included in Waterfront Toronto's RFP and will be developed as part of the broader development concept, subject to future City Council direction including approval of a Business and Implementation Plan. Inclusion of CreateTO land will also be subject to approval by the CreateTO Board of Directors.


Waterfront Toronto is engaging senior City and CreateTO staff in their market offering process, starting with the review of draft procurement documents, currently underway. Once the offering is issued, City and CreateTO staff will participate in the technical review of submissions, as well as the evaluation and selection of the preferred proponent.


After Waterfront Toronto has selected a preferred proponent, City and CreateTO staff will assess the preferred proposal based on: alignment with City plans, policies and guidelines; desirability of business proposals; innovation in the achievement of City goals; potential for community benefits; and, in the event that any digital infrastructure components are proposed, alignment with existing and emerging government digital infrastructure and data governance policies.


It is anticipated that the development of Quayside will follow a similar approach used by Waterfront Toronto for projects of similar scale in the East Bayfront and West Don Lands. Waterfront Toronto will lead the delivery of the infrastructure and public realm components while the development partner will be responsible for the delivery of the development blocks, subject to the terms of the market offering process.


The next staff report concerning the Quayside market offering process will be submitted to Executive Committee once Waterfront Toronto has identified a preferred proponent and prior to any negotiations involving City or CreateTO staff. This report, anticipated for Fall 2021, will present City and CreateTO staff's assessment of the preferred proponent's proposal, including the use of City and CreateTO lands. Staff will seek authority to enter into negotiations with Waterfront Toronto and the agency's proponent on City issues, based on key terms authorized by Council. Final negotiations will take place later in Fall 2021, in the final stage of Waterfront Toronto's process.


A third staff report will be submitted to the Executive Committee at the conclusion of negotiations, anticipated in late 2021/early 2022. The report will present a detailed Business and Implementation Plan based on the terms authorized by Council. The report will address, among other matters, anticipated infrastructure costs, revenues and phasing, as well as implementation roles and responsibilities between Waterfront Toronto, the City and CreateTO. Should the project move to implementation, staff will also report on land use planning applications, land transactions and other implementation matters requiring City Council direction and approval.

Background Information

(November 26, 2020) Report from Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development on Update on Waterfront Toronto's Quayside Project and Attachments 1 and 2


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Mayor John Tory (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at