Item - 2020.EX17.6
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on October 21, 2020 and was adopted without amendment.
EX17.6 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Cyber Security Update
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Executive Committee received the letter (October 6, 2020) from Councillor Paul Ainslie, Ward 24, Scarborough-Guildwood, for information.
As a member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Standing Committee on Municipal Finance & Intergovernmental Arrangements, I have championed the need for a Canada-wide approach to ensure municipalities are protected from cyber threats.
At the September 2020 meeting of the FCM Board of Directors, municipal leaders determined further work is required to address the cyber security threat to Canada's local governments. At my request, FCM will be calling on the federal government to create a municipally-focused cyber security certification program. This will be done in collaboration with municipal governments, and address the need for federal support.
A municipal cyber security certification program is one step to help enable municipalities to further their cyber risk management, and overcome limited financial resources, and operational constraints. Program development, and sustainment, needs to have a cooperative, collaborative approach among municipalities, the FCM, and the federal government. This ensures its content, focus, and objectives, address cyber risk mitigation in the municipal government context, and on a united national basis.
Considering the accelerated digital transition due to COVID-19, FCM will continue to work with municipal governments and others to further monitor incidents and identify possible supports required for municipal cybersecurity. FCM staff will continue to engage with the City of Toronto staff to advance this important work. I am sharing this work with the Executive Committee, as Chair of the General Government and Licensing Committee to highlight Toronto's leadership on this issue and recognize the efforts of the FCM which continues to adapt to serve the needs of the municipal sector.
Background Information