Item - 2020.EX12.2
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on January 29, 2020 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on January 23, 2020 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on January 29, 2020.
EX12.2 - Digital Infrastructure Plan - Update
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on January 29, 2020, adopted the following:
1. City Council adopt the following Working Principles and related vision statements as the guiding framework for the City's Digital Infrastructure Plan:
a. Equity and Inclusion
Digital Infrastructure will be used to create and sustain equity, inclusion, accessibility, and human rights in its operations and outcomes. Digital Infrastructure will be flexible, adaptable, interoperable and responsive to the needs of all Torontonians, including equity-seeking groups, Indigenous people, those with accessibility needs and vulnerable populations;
b. A Well-run City
Digital Infrastructure will enable high quality, resilient and innovative public services, and support evidence-based decision-making;
c. Social, Economic and Environmental Benefits
Digital Infrastructure will contribute to positive social, economic and environmental benefits by supporting the success of Toronto's residents, businesses, academic institutions and community organizations;
d. Privacy and Security
Toronto's Digital Infrastructure will operate in a way that protects the privacy of individuals in accordance with legislative requirements, and be safe from misuse, hacks, theft or breaches; and
e. Democracy and Transparency
Decisions about Digital Infrastructure will be made democratically, in a way that is ethical, accountable, transparent and subject to oversight. Torontonians will be provided with understandable, timely, and accurate information about the technologies in their city, and opportunities to shape the digital domain.
2. City Council direct the City Manager to ensure that any proposal submitted to the City prior to such time as the Digital Infrastructure Plan has been adopted by City Council must be in compliance with all five of the Digital Infrastructure Plan Working Principles, in addition to all existing policies, standards, and processes, as a condition of approval of the proposal.
3. City Council direct the Chief Technology Officer, Information and Technology, in the development and implementation of the Digital Infrastructure Plan, to use existing resources and limit the hiring of additional staff and external consultants.
4. City Council direct the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the City Clerk, to consult with appropriate stakeholders on the inclusion of:
a. a commitment to the City's control and autonomy of its core digital infrastructures and a commitment of support to laws that protect the City's and its citizens' data, in development of the Digital Infrastructure Plan; and
b. consideration of the highly sensitive nature of data collection of children, in development of the Digital Infrastructure Plan.
Background Information (Committee)
Attachment 1 - Proposed Work Plan Stage 2, Building the Plan
Attachment 2 - Intergovernmental Context
Attachment 3 - Declaration of Cities Coalition for Digital Rights
Attachment 4 - Poster Board Consultation Materials
Attachment 5 - Consultation Report
Communications (Committee)
(January 21, 2020) Letter from Benjamin Bergen, Council of Canadian Innovators (EX.Main.EX12.2.2)
(January 22, 2020) E-mail from Julie Beddoes (EX.Supp.EX12.2.3)
(January 23, 2020) Letter from Thorben Wieditz, #BlockSidewalk Organizing Committee (EX.Supp.EX12.2.4)
(January 23, 2020) Letter from Keith McDonald (EX.Supp.EX12.2.5)
(January 23, 2020) Letter from Bianca Wylie, Tech Reset Canada (EX.New.EX12.2.6)
(January 23, 2020) E-mail from Sana Farooqui (EX.New.EX12.2.7)
(January 23, 2020) E-mail from Kathryn Tait (EX.New.EX12.2.8)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council direct the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the City Clerk, to consult with appropriate stakeholders on the inclusion of a commitment to the City's control and autonomy of its core digital infrastructures and a commitment of support to laws that protect the City's and its citizens data, in development of the Digital Infrastructure Plan.
That City Council direct the Chief Technology Officer, in consultation with the City Clerk, to consult with the appropriate stakeholders on the inclusion of consideration of the highly sensitive nature of data collection of children, in development of the Digital Infrastructure Plan.
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Jan-29-2020 2:13 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - EX12.2 - Adopt the item as amended |
Total members that voted Yes: 24 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 2 | Members that were absent are Jim Karygiannis, Jaye Robinson |
EX12.2 - Digital Infrastructure Plan - Update
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Executive Committee recommends that:
1. City Council adopt the following Working Principles, and related vision statement, as the guiding framework for the City's Digital Infrastructure Plan:
a. Equity and Inclusion
Digital Infrastructure will be used to create and sustain equity, inclusion, accessibility, and human rights in its operations and outcomes. Digital Infrastructure will be flexible, adaptable, interoperable and responsive to the needs of all Torontonians, including equity-seeking groups, Indigenous people, those with accessibility needs and vulnerable populations;
b. A Well-run City
Digital Infrastructure will enable high quality, resilient and innovative public services, and support evidence-based decision-making;
c. Social, Economic and Environmental Benefits
Digital Infrastructure will contribute to positive social, economic and environmental benefits by supporting the success of Toronto's residents, businesses, academic institutions and community organizations;
d. Privacy and Security
Toronto's Digital Infrastructure will operate in a way that protects the privacy of individuals in accordance with legislative requirements, and be safe from misuse, hacks, theft or breaches; and
e. Democracy and Transparency
Decisions about Digital Infrastructure will be made democratically, in a way that is ethical, accountable, transparent and subject to oversight. Torontonians will be provided with understandable, timely, and accurate information about the technologies in their city, and opportunities to shape the digital domain.
2. City Council direct the City Manager to ensure that any proposal submitted to the City prior to such time as the Digital Infrastructure Plan has been adopted by City Council, must be in compliance with all five of the Digital Infrastructure Plan Working Principles, in addition to all existing policies, standards, and processes, as a condition of approval of the proposal.
3. City Council direct the Chief Technology Officer, Information and Technology, in the development and implementation of the Digital Infrastructure Plan, to use existing resources and limit the hiring of additional staff and external consultants.
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the work that has been done to develop a Digital Infrastructure Plan for the City of Toronto. Specifically, the report includes:
- initial results from public and stakeholder consultations initiated in November 2019 regarding Working Principles for digital infrastructure; and
- a work plan to develop the Digital Infrastructure Plan.
For the purposes of this report, Digital Infrastructure is defined as: infrastructure that creates, exchanges or uses data or information as a part of its operation. Digital infrastructure includes physical structures, cabling and network systems, software systems, data standards and protocols as well as the data itself. Some examples include sensors (cameras, GPS sensors, microphones, etc.), broadband and telephone networks, Wi-Fi, desktop software, web pages, and mobile apps and open data standards.
Cities are at the forefront of technology innovation and the closest democratic institutions to the people. Toronto, long the economic engine of Canada, has more recently emerged as a global technology powerhouse. Toronto is also a growing city, facing many opportunities, challenges, and emerging issues in a shifting global and regional landscape. Both the Federal and Provincial governments are in the midst of their own policy development processes and public consultations with respect to digital infrastructure.
The City has a number of internally focussed policies which regulate specific digital infrastructure topics. However, there is currently no cohesive policy or plan for the management of this infrastructure. Using existing policies as a foundation, Toronto can lead by developing a comprehensive plan that also serves as an outward evaluation tool for external proposals with digital elements.
Creating a Digital Infrastructure Plan is a significant undertaking due to the scope of work and complexity of issues. The starting point to develop the Digital Infrastructure Plan is to build consensus around a set of clear ethical principles that articulate a vision for the use of digital infrastructure and guide decision-making. Throughout the latter half of 2019, staff conducted research and jurisdictional scans, including working with Federal and Provincial policy staff, to develop draft principles for Toronto's Digital Infrastructure Plan. The principles will provide guidance when deciding if a proposed use of digital infrastructure is necessary; complies with policies and regulations; and aligns with stated values. The digital infrastructure principles outlined within this report address the following key areas:
1. Equity and Inclusion;
2. A Well-run City;
3. Social, Economic and Environmental Benefits;
4. Privacy and Security; and
5. Democracy and Transparency.
These draft principles were the focus of stakeholder and public consultations that were initiated in November 2019. Three public meetings were held in December 2019; one of the meetings was live-streamed. Approximately 75 people attended these consultations. An additional 218 people have viewed the live stream. An online questionnaire was developed to engage participants who may not have had the opportunity to participate at one of the in-person events. Fifty-four questionnaires were completed and ten unique emails were submitted to Overall, participants of these meetings expressed support for the draft principles. The draft principles have been refined based on initial consultation feedback. The refined version are referenced as "Working Principles" in the recommendations within this report.
Staff will continue to consult with stakeholders and the public on the Working Principles further into 2020. Other key tasks to be undertaken as part of the work plan to develop the Digital Infrastructure Plan are summarized in Attachment 1. These include:
- implementing a Community Advisory Group;
- researching matters related to data governance;
- creating application and evaluation standards;
- clarifying internal city processes; and
- developing fine-grained implementation policies.
Developing the Digital Infrastructure Plan will be an iterative process that will allow further guidelines and processes to be established as the plan evolves. The Working Principles and processes can also be applied to digital infrastructure proposals going forward and as additional details are created and further consultations conducted. The current stage, with the proposed Working Principles and existing supporting processes, sets for the foundation for this continued work.
Development of the Digital Infrastructure Plan is being led by Information and Technology with the support of City Clerk's Office, City Planning, and Strategic Communication. In addition to Digital Infrastructure Plan development work, the Waterfront Secretariat has also been the lead on items having relevance to the Quayside project. Social Development, Finance and Administration, People and Equity, the Indigenous Affairs Office, Economic Development and Culture, People and Equity, Transportation Services, Toronto Water, Purchasing and Materials Management, Legal Services, and the City Manager's Office were consulted in the preparation of this report and in the development of project materials.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Proposed Work Plan Stage 2, Building the Plan
Attachment 2 - Intergovernmental Context
Attachment 3 - Declaration of Cities Coalition for Digital Rights
Attachment 4 - Poster Board Consultation Materials
Attachment 5 - Consultation Report
(January 21, 2020) Letter from Benjamin Bergen, Council of Canadian Innovators (EX.Main.EX12.2.2)
(January 22, 2020) E-mail from Julie Beddoes (EX.Supp.EX12.2.3)
(January 23, 2020) Letter from Thorben Wieditz, #BlockSidewalk Organizing Committee (EX.Supp.EX12.2.4)
(January 23, 2020) Letter from Keith McDonald (EX.Supp.EX12.2.5)
(January 23, 2020) Letter from Bianca Wylie, Tech Reset Canada (EX.New.EX12.2.6)
(January 23, 2020) E-mail from Sana Farooqui (EX.New.EX12.2.7)
(January 23, 2020) E-mail from Kathryn Tait (EX.New.EX12.2.8)
Jim Parsons
Josie Weir, East York ACORN
Leslie Catherine Johnston
Jack Poulson, Tech Inquiry
Brian F. Kelcey, Toronto Region Board of Trade
Walied Khogali
Cybele Sack
Councillor Joe Cressy
That City Council direct the Chief Technology Officer, in the development and implementation of the Digital Infrastructure Plan, to use existing resources and limit the hiring of additional staff and external consultants.
That Recommendation 2 be deleted and replaced with the following new Recommendation 2:
2. City Council direct the City Manager to ensure that any proposal submitted to the City prior to such time as the Digital Infrastructure Plan has been adopted by City Council, must be in compliance with all five of the Digital Infrastructure Plan Working Principles, in addition to all existing policies, standards, and processes, as a condition of approval of the proposal.