Item - 2020.EC18.6

Tracking Status

EC18.6 - Central Intake Shelter Access Data Indicators and Trends - Update

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Economic and Community Development Committee:


1.  Received the report (November 20, 2020) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, for information.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and the Director, Homelessness Initiatives and Prevention Services, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, gave a presentation on Update on COVID-19 Response for Homelessness Services.


(November 20, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration


The purpose of this staff report is to provide an update on Central Intake shelter access data indicators and trends. This includes a description of recent enhancements to Central Intake; an update on shelter system capacity and changes related to COVID-19; a report on Central Intake call volumes, key performance indicators, and its referral process; and an update on available data describing the current demand for shelter spaces.


This report finds that while Central Intake continues to meet its customer service targets despite unprecedented increases in call volume, demand continues to be hard to predict and there may be individuals who are not able to access a shelter space through Central Intake within a 24-hour period. A number of immediate service improvements are underway to increase access to shelter spaces and continue to enhance data processes in order to improve customer service and referral efficiency, and to better understand these trends to increase services that respond to specific needs.


These improvements include additional capacity being added to the system through the winter services plan, continued roll out of Wrap-up Code data, further analysis of the service queue, improvements to the accuracy of capacity reporting in the Shelter Management Information System, and continuing to work with shelter providers to ensure the quick turnover of spaces while maintaining COVID-19 cleaning protocols. The goal of these improvements is to ensure that all spaces in the system are used, and to be as efficient as possible with available spaces.


SSHA is committed to continuing to enhance the use of data in planning services for people experiencing homelessness by enhancing our data collection and reporting capabilities. Indicators related to shelter access, number of people experiencing homelessness, length of homelessness and returns to the shelter system are all under development and will be reported publicly to track and report on our progress at achieving these outcomes.

Background Information

(November 20, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Central Intake Shelter Access Data Indicators and Trends - Update
(December 7, 2020) Presentation from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and the Director, Homelessness Initiatives and Prevention Services, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Update on COVID-19 Response for Homelessness Services


(December 3, 2020) Submission from Dr. Maggie Hulbert, Health Providers Against Poverty, the Decent Work and Health Network, the Shelter Housing and Justice Network, and the Street Nurses Network (EC.New.EC18.6.1)
(December 4, 2020) Submission from Cathy Crowe (EC.New.EC18.6.2)
(December 3, 2020) Submission from Danielle Koyama, Japanese Canadians for Social Justice (EC.New.EC18.6.3)
(December 5, 2020) Submission from Laura MacDonald (EC.New.EC18.6.4)
(December 4, 2020) Submission from Jessica Hales (EC.New.EC18.6.5)
(December 4, 2020) Submission from Dr. A.J. Withers, Shelter and Housing Justice Network (EC.New.EC18.6.6)
(December 6, 2020) Submission from Dr. Loree Erickson (EC.New.EC18.6.7)
(December 6, 2020) Submission from Elizabeth Harrison (EC.New.EC18.6.8)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Walied Khogali, Coalition against White Supremacy and Islamophobia (EC.New.EC18.6.9)
(December 6, 2020) E-mail from Nathan Doucet, Encampment Support Network (EC.New.EC18.6.10)
(December 6, 2020) E-mail from Melody Grant, South Riverdale Community Health Centre (EC.New.EC18.6.11)
(December 7, 2020) Submission from Melissa Goldstein (EC.New.EC18.6.12)
(December 7, 2020) Submission from Yuula Benivolski, Encampment Support Network (EC.New.EC18.6.13)
(December 6, 2020) Submission from Charles Tilden, Encampment Support Network (EC.New.EC18.6.14)
(December 6, 2020) Submission from Dr. Estair Van Wagner, York University (EC.New.EC18.6.15)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Les Harper, South Riverdale Community Health Centre (EC.New.EC18.6.16)
(December 4, 2020) Letter from Page Homme, Mia Kibel and Seth Kibel on behalf of A Coalition of Temerty Faculty of Medicine Students and signed by 183 persons (EC.New.EC18.6.17)
(December 6, 2020) Letter from Melody Alderton-Ballik (EC.New.EC18.6.18)
(December 6, 2020) Letter from Leeann Trevors, Sasha Hill, Alissa Tedesco, Donna Spaner, Trevor Morey, and Naheed Dosani (EC.New.EC18.6.19)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Kyrsten Howat (EC.New.EC18.6.20)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Kira Heineck, Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness (EC.New.EC18.6.21)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Sima Atri, Community Justice Collective (EC.New.EC18.6.22)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Paige Homme, University of Toronto (EC.New.EC18.6.23)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Dr. Ashley Warnock, Healthcare Providers Against Poverty (EC.New.EC18.6.24)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Skye Wallace (EC.New.EC18.6.25)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Randi Sears (EC.New.EC18.6.26)
(December 7, 2020) Submission from Charlotte Smith, including letters and petitions signed by approximately 2,232 persons and organizations (EC.New.EC18.6.27)
(December 7, 2020) E-mail from Scout S. (EC.New.EC18.6.28)
(December 7, 2020) Letter from Lesley Wood, York University (EC.New.EC18.6.29)


Dr. A.J. Withers, Shelter and Housing Justice Network
Cathy Crowe
Melissa Goldstein
Nathan Doucet
Doug Johnson Hatlem, Sanctuary Toronto
Melody Grant
Kyrsten Howat
Aaron Woznica, South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Serena Purdy, Friends of Kensington Market
Sarah Lopes, Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations
Paige Homme, University of Toronto
Dr. Jeanette Bowles, St. Michael's Hospital
Kate Uffelman, Regent Park Community Health Centre
Dr. Sonika Kainth, Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre
Estair Van Wagner, York University
Mark Brill
Beric German
Edward Hon-Sing Wong, Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter
Elizabeth Harrison, Street Nurses Network
Wafa Ktaech, Encampment Support Network
Steven Foster
Charles Tilden, Encampment Support Network
Daniel Rotsztain
Simone Schmidt
Yuula Benivolski
Sima Atri, Community Justice Collective
Robyn Maynard, University of Toronto
Dr. Ashley Warnock, St. Michael's Hospital
Charlotte Smith
Skye Wallace
Scout S.
Leeann Trevors
Anna Lippman, York University and Kensington Tenant Network Association
Les Harper, South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Yusra Uzair, Global Shapers Toronto
Kira Heineck, Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness
Walied Khogali Ali, Coalition against White Supremacy and Islamophobia
Robert Williams
Councillor Paul Ainslie


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)

Point of Privilege by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Councillor Carroll, on a Point of Privilege, stated that the Chair should not allow deputants to make accusations about unlawful activity and further stated that she had taken issue with the public speaker's statement that they are inappropriately connected to developers by virtue of being suburban Councillors. Councillor Carroll asked the Chair to take control of the meeting and said she would not enter into a debate with the public speaker.

Ruling by Councillor Michael Thompson
The Chair accepted the Point of Privilege and ruled that the public speaker's suggestions or allegations were untrue, inappropriate, and incorrect. The Chair asked the public speaker to retract their comments about an insinuation relating to suburban Councillors and their connections to developers before proceeding with their remarks.

Point of Privilege by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Councillor Carroll, on a Point of Privilege, stated that she did not accept the public speaker's retraction.

Ruling by Councillor Michael Thompson
The Chair ruled that he had accepted the public speaker's retraction and suggested that the public speaker keep their comments focused on the issue under consideration.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at