Item - 2020.EC16.7
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on October 27, 28 and 30, 2020 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Economic and Community Development Committee on October 14, 2020 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on October 27, 28 and 30, 2020.
EC16.7 - Current Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Live Music Venues in Toronto
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on October 27, 28 and 30, 2020, adopted the following:
1. City Council request the Government of Canada to develop a permanent Canadian Live Music Fund to stimulate event activity and tensure the future viability and success of Canada's live music sector and drive economic impact.
2. City Council request the Federal Government and the Federal Minister responsible for Small Business to ensure that all workers and entrepreneurs in Toronto’s Black Music Industry are included and supported through the Federal Government’s Black Entrepreneurship Fund Program.
3. City Council request the Government of Ontario to:
a. provide long-term financial support for live music venues and music companies working in live music;
b. apply fair and more flexible reopening guidelines established for other businesses and venues to live music venues, while ensuring all necessary and rigorous health protocols are accounted for and in place;
c. convene a meeting to discuss insurance concerns from live music venues; and
d. institute an immediate ban on evictions for music businesses.
4. City Council make permanent the inclusion of live music venues as a category of the Creative Co-Location Facilities Tax Subclass.
5. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to report to the next meeting of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee on the feasibility of spearheading a group insurance program for live music venues with industry organizations such as the Canada Live Music Association.
Background Information (Committee)
Communications (City Council)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council request the Federal Government and the Federal Minister responsible for Small Business to ensure that all workers and entrepreneurs in Toronto’s Black Music Industry are included and supported through the Federal Government’s Black Entrepreneurship Fund Program.
Adoption of Economic and Community Development Committee Recommendation 3 [now Part 4 of City Council's decision]:
3. City Council make permanent the inclusion of live music venues as a category of the Creative Co-Location Facilities Tax Subclass.
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Oct-28-2020 4:59 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - EC16.7 - adopt Economic and Community Development Committee Recommendation 3 |
Total members that voted Yes: 22 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 1 | Members that voted No are Stephen Holyday |
Total members that were Absent: 2 | Members that were absent are Denzil Minnan-Wong, Jaye Robinson |
Adoption of the balance of the item as amended.
EC16.7 - Current Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Live Music Venues in Toronto
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Economic and Community Development Committee recommends that:
1. City Council request the Government of Canada to develop a permanent Canadian Live Music Fund to stimulate event activity and ensure the future viability and success of Canada's live music sector and drive economic impact.
2. City Council request the Government of Ontario to:
a. provide long-term financial support for live music venues and music companies working in live music;
b. apply fair and more flexible reopening guidelines established for other businesses and venues to live music venues, while ensuring all necessary and rigorous health protocols are accounted for and in place;
c. convene a meeting to discuss insurance concerns from live music venues; and
d. institute an immediate ban on evictions for music businesses.
3. City Council make permanent the inclusion of live music venues as a category of the Creative Co-Location Facilities Tax Subclass.
4. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to report to the next meeting of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee on the feasibility of spearheading a group insurance program for live music venues with industry organizations such as the Canada Live Music Association.
At its meeting on September 24, 2020, the Toronto Music Advisory Committee considered Item MA6.2, Current Impacts on Live Music Venues.
Background Information
1. The Economic and Community Development Committee delete Toronto Music Advisory Committee Recommendations 1.e., 2.a., and 4:
Recommendations to be deleted
1.e. City Council request the Government of Ontario to enforce mandatory participation in the Ontario-Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (OCECRA) Program for property owners.
2. City Council request the Government of Canada to:
a. extend the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) Program and make it more effective for live music venue tenants by:
1. making participation mandatory for property owners; and
2. allowing more flexibility in eligibility threshold for ceasing operations/70 percent decline in revenues and allowing businesses that have not already applied to do so in future for retroactive benefits.
4. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to report to the next meeting of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee on the feasibility of spearheading a group insurance program for live music venues, such report to include a proposal for:
a. working with industry organizations such as the Canadian Live Music Association that could implement and administer the program; and
b. underwriting the policy by assuming risk and guaranteeing coverage of unpaid fees.
and adopt the following recommendations, including new Recommendations 2 and 4:
1. City Council request the Government of Ontario to:
a. provide long-term financial support for live music venues and music companies working in live music;
b. apply fair and more flexible reopening guidelines established for other businesses and venues to live music venues, while ensuring all necessary and rigorous health protocols are accounted for and in place;
c. convene a meeting to discuss insurance concerns from live music venues; and
d. institute an immediate ban on evictions for music businesses.
2. City Council request the Government of Canada to develop a permanent Canadian Live Music Fund to stimulate event activity and ensure the future viability and success of Canada's live music sector and drive economic impact.
3. City Council make permanent the inclusion of live music venues as a category of the Creative Co-Location Facilities Tax Subclass.
4. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to report to the next meeting of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee on the feasibility of spearheading a group insurance program for live music venues with industry organizations such as the Canada Live Music Association.