Item - 2020.CC23.3
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on July 28 and 29, 2020 with amendments.
- See also By-laws 664-2020, 665-2020, 666-2020
CC23.3 - Update on the City's Response to COVID-19 and Financial Impacts
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on July 28 and 29, 2020, adopted the following:
1. City Council continue to advocate for $1.350 billion in COVID-19 funding support from the Federal and Provincial Governments to fund the anticipated remaining 2020 COVID-19 financial impacts to the City's tax supported programs following offset generated by the City primarily through cost mitigation strategies; advocate for further funding support to fund impacts to City programs that are not directly supported through the property tax base; as well as funding support for ongoing City-wide COVID-19 related financial impacts anticipated in 2021 and future years.
2. City Council direct the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to continue to engage with their Federal and Provincial counterparts to obtain funding support for municipalities to offset projected deficits resulting from COVID-19 related financial impacts and to report to City Council in September 2020 on the results of these discussions, noting any full or partial offsets to the projected year-end deficit.
3. City Council authorize the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to take actions as required to preserve the City's ability to secure intergovernmental funding opportunities that may arise, including entering into any necessary agreements with other levels of government, to receive such funding during the period from the completion of the July 28 and 29, 2020 meeting of City Council to the start of the September 30 and October 1, 2020 meeting of City Council.
4. City Council direct the City Manager to report to City Council in September 2020 on any commitments of financial support received from the Federal and Provincial Governments to the City; to continue to explore opportunities to achieve greater 2020 budget efficiencies or offsets; and to provide recommendation in the September 2020 report on any further mitigation options needed to address any remaining 2020 COVID-19 financial impacts.
5. City Council request the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, as part of the report back to the September 30 and October 1, 2020 meeting of City Council on COVID-related budget challenges, to include cost implications of, and potential savings, that can be found for all capital projects in excess of $500 million in the current capital plan.
6. City Council, despite Municipal Code Chapter 223, Section 1.1:
a. rescind the annual cost of living adjustment salary increase received by Members of Council from January 1, 2020; and
b. set the annual salary increase for Members of Council at zero (0) percent for the year 2020;
and City Council request the Director, Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits to make the necessary adjustments to Members’ pay to give effect to City Council’s decision.
7. City Council approve general annual salary range increases, representing cost of living adjustments for Accountability Officers, and Management/Non-union employees in the Toronto Public Service for 2020 as 0 percent effective January 1, 2020.
8. City Council authorize the City Manager to cancel the Pay for Performance program effective immediately, such that there will be no Pay for Performance increases or re-earnable performance-based lump-sum payments effective January 1, 2021 (based on 2020 performance).
9. City Council approve the implementation of a Voluntary Separation Program for permanent bargaining unit, non-union exempt and management staff who are eligible to retire with an unreduced pension; the program will provide for a lump sum payment of up to three (3) months' salary to eligible employees and will be subject to the terms set out in the program guidelines.
10. City Council approve the City funding the Voluntary Separation Program (for City divisions) and any subsequent separations, including any ancillary payments for vacation and sick leave, from the savings to be generated from either holding the positions that become vacant as a result of this program vacant for a minimum of six months and/or permanently eliminating vacated positions, where feasible.
11. City Council direct that the Employees who wish to be considered for participation in the Voluntary Separation Program be required to complete and submit an application to the People and Equity Division no later than Monday, August 31, 2020; all Employee departures under this program must take place by December 31 2020.
12. City Council request Boards of the City's Agencies and Corporations as appropriate to approve and apply the changes set out in Parts 7 and 8 above to their staff.
13. City Council request that should any Agency or Corporation Board approve a voluntary separation program for their staff, such program be similar to the provisions of the City's proposed Voluntary Separation Program and that Agency Boards submit a report to the Executive Committee through the Budget Committee regarding such proposed program.
14. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 545, Licensing, to add temporary provisions requiring the operators of establishments that serve food or drink in either indoor or outdoor areas, to implement additional measures necessary to decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission, as set out in Appendix A to the supplementary report (July 28, 2020) from the Medical Officer of Health and the City Solicitor, such licensed establishments to include: Eating or Drinking Establishments (includes restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs with eat-in or take-out food), Entertainment Establishments/Nightclubs, Adult Entertainment Clubs, Places of Amusement (includes bowling alleys), and Billiard Halls.
15. City Council enact a temporary By-law requiring the owners or operators of apartment buildings and condominium corporations to have a policy to ensure masks or face coverings be worn by individuals in the enclosed common spaces, such as lobbies, elevators and laundry rooms, of their apartment building or condominium building respectively, subject to appropriate exemptions for individuals who are unable to wear a mask or face covering for medical reasons, children under two years old, and other reasonable accommodations; the policy shall include corresponding signage and training for staff on the requirements of the By-law.
16. City Council direct that the amendments and By-law in Parts 14 and 15 above come into force one week after being enacted, and expire at 12:01 a.m. on the first day after the completion of the first Council meeting after the summer recess (currently scheduled for September 30 and October 1, 2020), unless extended by Council.
17. City Council amend Physical Distancing By-laws 322-2020 and 323-2020, making minor modifications to align with updated provincial orders and guidance, and City Council authorize a further extension of the By-laws to provide that they remain in effect until the end of the first Council meeting after the summer recess (currently scheduled for September 30 and October 1, 2020), unless extended by Council.
18. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bills and apply for set fines to give effect to City Council's decision and City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make any necessary clarifications, refinements, minor modifications, or technical amendments as may be identified by the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, in order to give best effect to the Medical Officer of Health's recommendations for the protection of the public as described in the supplementary report (July 28, 2020) from the Medical Officer of Health and the City Solicitor.
19. City Council request the City Manager and the Chief People Officer, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, to report back to the September 30 and October 1, 2020 City Council meeting on a possible change to the ratio of full-time to part-time paramedics so that more paramedics have paid sick days to decrease the likelihood of paramedics working in other positions that may expose them to greater risk.
20. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to ensure that in reports to City Council with a Financial Impact section that the proposal be clearly identified as discretionary, critical, priority or essential, as contemplated in the Mitigation Strategies and Budget Offsets section of the report (July 22, 2020) from the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Chief People Officer.
21. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to ensure in every report to City Council with a Financial Impact section, that proposals which augment, replicate or co-operate with any Federal or Provincial program, service or funding stream be clearly indicated as such.
City Council Decision Advice and Other Information
City Council considered Items EX15.7, EX15.8 and CC23.3 together.
The City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer gave a verbal presentation to City Council.
Background Information (City Council)
(July 28, 2020) Supplementary report from the Medical Officer of Health and the City Solicitor on Additional Measures Necessary for COVID-19 Response (CC23.3a)
Appendix A - Proposed Temporary Amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing
Communications (City Council)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Sharon McGuigan-Baki (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) E-mail from Margareta Petrescu (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Aaron O'Brien (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Shawn Staff (CC.Supp)
(July 26, 2020) Letter from Mohamed Jama (CC.Supp)
(July 26, 2020) E-mail from Ninan A. Kurian (CC.Supp)
(July 26, 2020) E-mail from Rishi Saxena (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Rod Hines (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Tracy Payne (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jeffrey Hewlett (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) E-mail from Rose DAmato (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Maria Magill (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from John Merrlles (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Deanna Marchione (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Karyn Spiegelman (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Ossama Yacoub (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Frederik Meco (CC.Supp)
(July 26, 2020) Letter from Amy Winterhalt (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Imran Esmail (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Paula Chau (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Tina Fields (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Fernando Cruz (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Bradley Whittock (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Selva Panchanatham (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Michael Robinson (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Ian Chin (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Graeme MacNeily (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Mike St. Croix (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Linda Butler (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Emmanouel T. Maropakis (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Marcella Falconi (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Bahman Marvi (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Sherif Samaan (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Parag Grewal (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Mario Pecchia (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Brian Murray (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Sam Sarkhosh (CC.Supp)
(July 27, 2020) Letter from Scott Mitchell (CC.Supp)
(July 27, 2020) E-mail from Jennifer Dhara (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Natalie Rosa (CC.Supp)
(July 27, 2020) Letter from Silviu Ban (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Elizabeth Kelly (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Mike Klipina (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Leeann Thomposon (CC.Supp)
(July 27, 2020) Letter from John Liotta (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Lalit Sharma (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Voula Liarakos (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Joseph Wassef (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) E-mail from Dominic Carnovale (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Roman Kaszczij (CC.Supp)
(July 27, 2020) Letter from Judi Wilkie (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Kerry-Ann Tardiel (CC.Supp)
(July 27, 2020) Letter from Arie Friedman (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Maurice Balaski (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from James W. Elliott (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Pat Scanga (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Valery Markin (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Sandra Burk (CC.Supp)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Pennie Addison (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Vincenza Pietropaolo (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Andrew Boszin (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Victor Nogueira (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Fuan Chen (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from John Noxel (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Andrei Peteshenkov (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from John Noxel (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Diana Yacoub (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jim Chisholm (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Ilena Aldini-Messina (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Amgad Ramzy (CC.New)
(July 27, 2020) Letter from Rebecca Condon (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) E-mail from Lisa Yip (CC.New)
(July 27, 2020) E-mail from Peter Remedios (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Ranil Mendis (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jim Jones (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Wai Au (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Keith LeBlanc (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Peter Oliver (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Adel Gorgis (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Gary Campbell (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Connie Fusillo (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Dale Faulkner (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) Letter from Neil D. Farmer (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Carla O'Brien (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Rajnath Bissessar (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Noreen Grange (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from John Alderdice (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Chris Kennedy (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Marc Jeannotte (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Peter Glarentzos (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Grace Maione (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Gordana Krsmanovic (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Gilaine Funnell (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jayesh Adeshra (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Connie Carr (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from William Hong (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Andrei Vassallo (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Mark Wilson (CC.New)
(July 29, 2020) Letter from Neil Brown (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Amin Kanji (CC.New)
(July 1, 2020) E-mail from Christine Massey (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Mijin Lee (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Donnette Elliott (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Sue Kocaurek (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Pritpal Bains (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Dwayne Tapp (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Nihar Sharma (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Eva Eisler (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) Letter from Sarah Nardozzi (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Basil Tsomokos (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Stephen Adams (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) Letter from Leo Sansone (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Theo Prociw (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Anita MacLeod (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) Letter from Emad Bishara (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Thomas Yeung (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Al Rezoski (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jerry Higgins (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Margaret Sum (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Alex Smith (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from John O'Neill (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Harinder Abrol (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Mark Toman (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Niall Elliott (CC.New)
(July 29, 2020) Letter from Melyssa Kaarls (CC.New)
(July 29, 2020) Letter from Susan Hill (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Zev Bromberg (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jonathan Genovese (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Christopher Martin (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Vima Pastolero (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from William Laidlaw (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from David Horne (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Junior Campbell (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Larry Pelechaty (CC.New)
(July 29, 2020) Letter from Diana Czuchraj (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Edna Wong (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Susan Prevost (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Angus MacKay (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Tracy Smith (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Jelica Vrana (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Ravi Suri (CC.New)
(July 28, 2020) E-mail from Sylvia (Paolini) McLelland (CC.New)
(July 29, 2020) E-mail from Abbas Akhavan (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Cynthia Campbell (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Shelley Di Vizio (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Rory O'Farrell (CC.New)
(July 29, 2020) Letter from Sidney Tung (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Nawshaba Dawood (CC.New)
(July 25, 2020) Letter from Lisa Berger (CC.New)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council, despite Municipal Code Chapter 223, Section 1.1:
a. rescind the annual cost of living adjustment salary increase received by Members of Council from January 1, 2020; and
b. set the annual salary increase for Members of Council at 0% for the year 2020;
and request the Director, Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits to make the necessary adjustments to Members’ pay to give effect to City Council’s decision.
That City Council authorize the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to take actions as required to preserve the City's ability to secure intergovernmental funding opportunities that may arise, including entering into any necessary agreements with other levels of government, to receive such funding during the period from the completion of the July 28 and 29, 2020 meeting of City Council to the start of the September 30 and October 1, 2020 meeting of City Council.
That City Council adopt the following recommendations in the supplementary report (July 28, 2020) from the Medical Officer of Health and the City Solicitor [CC23.3a]:
1. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 545, Licensing, to add temporary provisions requiring the operators of establishments that serve food or drink in either indoor or outdoor areas, to implement additional measures necessary to decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission, as set out in Appendix A to this report, such licensed establishments to include: Eating or Drinking Establishments (includes restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs with eat-in or take-out food), Entertainment Establishments/Nightclubs, Adult Entertainment Clubs, Places of Amusement (includes bowling alleys), and Billiard Halls.
2. City Council enact a temporary By-law requiring the owners or operators of apartment buildings and condominium corporations to have a policy to ensure masks or face coverings be worn by individuals in the enclosed common spaces, such as lobbies, elevators and laundry rooms, of their apartment building or condominium building respectively, subject to appropriate exemptions for individuals who are unable to wear a mask or face covering for medical reasons, children under two years old, and other reasonable accommodations; the policy shall include corresponding signage and training for staff on the requirements of the By-law.
3. City Council direct that the amendments and By-law in Recommendations 1 and 2 come into force one week after being enacted, and expire at 12:01 a.m. on the first day after the completion of the first Council meeting after the summer recess (currently scheduled for September 30 and October 1, 2020), unless extended by Council.
4. City Council amend Physical Distancing By-laws 322-2020 and 323-2020, making minor modifications to align with updated provincial orders and guidance, and authorizing a further extension of the By-laws to provide that they remain in effect until the end of the first Council meeting after the summer recess (currently scheduled for September 30 and October 1, 2020), unless extended by Council.
5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bills and apply for set fines to give effect to City Council's decision and City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make any necessary clarifications, refinements, minor modifications, or technical amendments as may be identified by the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, in order to give best effect to the Medical Officer of Health's recommendations for the protection of the public as described in this report.
That City Council request the City Manager and the Chief People Officer, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, to report back to the September 30 and October 1, 2020 City Council meeting on a possible change to the ratio of full-time to part-time paramedics so that more paramedics have paid sick days to decrease the likelihood of paramedics working in other positions that may expose them to greater risk.
That City Council request the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, as part of the report back to the September 30 and October 1, 2020 meeting of City Council on COVID related budget challenges, to include cost implications of, and potential savings, that can be found for all capital projects in excess of $500 million in the current capital plan.
That City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to ensure that in reports to City Council with a Financial Impact section that the proposal be clearly identified as discretionary, critical, priority or essential, as contemplated in the Mitigation Strategies and Budget Offsets section of the report (July 22, 2020) from the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Chief People Officer.
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Jul-29-2020
Result: Carried | Majority Required - Holyday - motion 3a |
Total members that voted Yes: 12 | Members that voted Yes are Gary Crawford, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Cynthia Lai, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Michael Thompson, John Tory |
Total members that voted No: 11 | Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mike Layton, Gord Perks, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that were Absent: 2 | Members that were absent are Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson |
That City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to ensure in every report to City Council with a Financial Impact section, that proposals which augment, replicate or co-operate with any Federal or Provincial program, service or funding stream be clearly indicated as such.
Councillor Thompson, on a Point of Privilege, stated that he would like to know if it was possible to show the timer so that Members could tell how much time they had for questions.
Councillor Carroll, on a Point of Privilege, stated that Members at home can only view nine tiles at a time in grid view and that Members need to scroll to see the timer.
Councillor Fletcher, on a Point of Privilege, stated that it is not fair for the Speaker to admonish Members who wish to speak on such a critical issue and to tell Members to take their names off the list, or to speak for only a minute.