Item - 2019.PH6.3
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Planning and Housing Committee on May 28, 2019. The Planning and Housing Committee postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.
- See also PH6.13
PH6.3 - Expanding the Housing Allowance Program
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Deferred
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Planning and Housing Committee:
1. Deferred consideration of the item until the July 3, 2019 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee.
This report responds to City Council's request, originating from a Member's Motion, that the General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration report on potential measures and funding options to expand the housing allowance program, including the creation of a new upper tier of the Municipal Land Transfer Tax (MLTT). This report provides background on the City's housing allowance program, reviews the impact of expanding the program, and addresses funding options.
Housing allowances are an important tool to help address homelessness. By increasing access to affordable housing and assisting people to move out of emergency shelters more quickly, housing allowances represent a proven pathway to stable housing. The City currently administers some 5,400 housing allowances.
The provincial government recently announced funding allocations for the new three-year Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, including $70 million for Toronto between
2019/20 and 2021/22 to address priorities in the areas of housing supply and affordability. Funding for housing allowance programs are eligible under this initiative and staff will report to Council on recommended funding allocations and priorities in July 2019.
The City is currently developing its next ten-year housing plan, HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan, to be presented to City Council in the fall of 2019. The public engagement phase of the plan is underway to develop a comprehensive, solutions-based plan to address housing and homelessness challenges over the next decade. Sustaining and expanding housing allowance programs will be addressed as part of the new plan.
This report was prepared in consultation with the City's Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and Corporate Finance Divisions.
Background Information
(May 28, 2019) Letter from Kira Heineck, Executive Lead, Toronto Alliance to End HomelessnessToronto Alliance to End Homelessness (PH.New.PH6.3.2)
(May 27, 2019) E-mail from Nazar Gy (PH.New.PH6.3.3)
That consideration of the item be deferred until the July 3, 2019 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee.