Item - 2019.NY9.17
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by North York Community Council on October 10, 2019 and was adopted without amendment. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the North York Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.
NY9.17 - Request to Rename Woodsy Park to Ethennonnhawahstihnen' (Etta-nonna wasti-nuh) Park
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Don Valley North
Community Council Decision
North York Community Council:
1. Renamed Woodsy Park, located at 80 McMahon Drive, to "Ethennonnhawahstihnen' (Etta-nonna wasti-nuh) Park".
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended to be inconsistent with the City of Toronto Property Naming Policy.
On July 16, 2019, City Council passed a motion to direct the General Manager of Parks Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Manager, Indigenous Affairs Office, to investigate the feasibility of renaming Woodsy Park located at 80 McMahon Drive to Ethennonnhawahstihnen' (Etta-nonna wasti-nuh) Park and report back to the North York Community Council with a recommendation based on the criteria and process outlined in the Property Naming Policy.
City Council also waived Section 3.3.5 of the Property Policy which says City properties that have been named or renamed in the previous ten years will not be renamed. In 2016, City Council named the new park, Woodsy Park.
Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world and is home to approximately 100,000 First Nations, Metis and Inuit, making it one of the largest Indigenous urban populations in Canada. The traditional keepers of the land, the Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Anishinaabe can trace their roots back thousands of years in Toronto and region. Thoughtfully considering Indigenous naming is a part of the City of Toronto's broader efforts in Indigenous place-making and truth and reconciliation.
The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division has reviewed the Council approved City of Toronto Property Naming Policy and found that this naming proposal meets the policy criteria and process.
The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division is recommending that Woodsy Park located at 80 McMahon Drive be renamed to Ethennonnhawahstihnen' (Etta-nonna wasti-nuh) Park.
Background Information
(October 9, 2019) E-mail from Geoff Kettel, Chair, North York Community Preservation Panel (NY.New.NY9.17.2)