Item - 2019.MM10.2

Tracking Status

MM10.2 - Addressing the Root Causes of Violence - TO Wards Peace - by Councillor Shelley Carroll, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on October 2 and 3, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council increase the 2019 Operating Budget for Social Development, Finance and Administration to implement year one of the TO Wards Peace program; funding of $0.3M gross and net to be provided by a one-time draw from the City's Tax Stabilization Reserve.

2.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include year two funding for TO Wards Peace as part of the 2020 Budget submission.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items EX8.20, EX8.26 and MM10.2 together.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM10.2
(October 1, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Communications (City Council)

(October 1, 2019) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (MM.Supp.MM10.2.1)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Waive Referral (Carried)

Speaker Nunziata advised Council that the provisions of Chapter 27, Council Procedures, require that Motion MM10.2 be referred to the Executive Committee. A two-thirds vote of the Council Members present is required to waive referral.

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Shelley Carroll (Carried)

That City Council amend Recommendation 1 by replacing the amount "$1.292M" with "$0.3M" so that Recommendation 1 now reads as follows:


1.  City Council increase the 2019 Operating Budget for Social Development, Finance and Administration to implement year one of the TO Wards Peace program. Funding of $0.3M gross and net to be provided by a one-time draw from the City's Tax Stabilization Reserve.

Vote (Amend Item) Oct-02-2019 4:07 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - MM10.2 - Carroll - motion 1
Total members that voted Yes: 25 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Jaye Robinson

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Oct-02-2019 4:07 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - MM10.2 - Adopt the item as amended
Total members that voted Yes: 25 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Jaye Robinson
Source: Toronto City Clerk at