Item - 2019.EX7.26

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by the Executive Committee on July 4, 2019 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019.

EX7.26 - Toronto Water 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the reallocation of cashflows within Toronto Water's approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan in the amount of $8.450 million, for acceleration and deferral of projects, as presented in Schedule A (Part A and B) to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, with a zero Budget impact.


2.  City Council authorize the reallocation of project costs and cashflows in Toronto Water's approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan in the amount of $12.121 million from projects that have been awarded under budget or delayed to those requiring additional funding in the same amount as presented in Schedule A (Part C) to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, with a zero Budget impact.


3.  City Council request the General Manager, Toronto Water to consider including, as part of the 2020-2028 Capital Plan:


a.  a review of the Minor System Inlets, Preferred Storm Works and Preferred Sanitary Works infrastructure associated to the Anthony Park Underground Storage System, as depicted on figure ES.2,included in the completed Environmental Assessment Study for Area 16 (Black Creek / Highway 401 / Dufferin Street); and

b.  allocating appropriate resources towards upgrading the STM Underground Storage Tank, located underneath the De Havilland 'Mossie' Park, and/or creating the necessary connections between the aforementioned storage tank and the sewer/stormwater pipes along Whitley Ave, to remediate present and future flooding issues around the Winston Park community and the soon to be upgraded De Havilland 'Mossie' Park.

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2016) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water on Toronto Water 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments
Schedule A - Parts A, B and C

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor James Pasternak (Carried)

That City Council request the General Manager, Toronto Water to consider including, as part of the 2020-2028 Capital Plan:


a.  a review of the Minor System Inlets, Preferred Storm Works and Preferred Sanitary Works infrastructure associated to the Anthony Park Underground Storage System, as depicted on figure ES.2,included in the completed Environmental Assessment Study for Area 16 (Black Creek / Highway 401 / Dufferin Street); and

b.  allocating appropriate resources towards upgrading the STM Underground Storage Tank, located underneath the De Havilland 'Mossie' Park, and/or creating the necessary connections between the aforementioned storage tank and the sewer/stormwater pipes along Whitley Ave, to remediate present and future flooding issues around the Winston Park community and the soon to be upgraded De Havilland 'Mossie' Park.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

EX7.26 - Toronto Water 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Executive Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council authorize the reallocation of cashflows within Toronto Water's approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan in the amount of $8.450 million, for acceleration and deferral of projects, as presented in Schedule A (Part A and B) to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, with a zero Budget impact.


2.  City Council authorize the reallocation of project costs and cashflows in Toronto Water's approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan in the amount of $12.121 million from projects that have been awarded under budget or delayed to those requiring additional funding in the same amount as presented in Schedule A (Part C) to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, with a zero Budget impact.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water


This report requests City Council's authority to amend Toronto Water's Approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan by adjusting project  cash flows contained within the Budget and Plan, respectively, to align forecasted project accelerations and deferrals. Additional reallocations to project cashflows and project costs are requested where recent project bids or estimates exceed the current approved cashflow. These reallocations will allow Toronto Water to continue to deliver projects within its capital plan.  The adjustments will have a zero dollar impact on the 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan and will align the budget and plan with Toronto Water's capital project delivery schedule and program requirements.

Background Information

(June 11, 2016) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water on Toronto Water 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments
Schedule A - Parts A, B and C


1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Gary Crawford (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at