Item - 2019.EX3.4

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on March 27, 2019 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on March 21, 2019 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on March 27, 2019.
  • See also MM8.3
  • See also EX11.20

EX3.4 - Recommended Toronto City Council Advisory Bodies

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on March 27 and 28, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council establish the following Council Advisory Bodies for the term ending November 30, 2022 or until their mandate is completed within the 2018 to 2022 term:


a.  Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee;

b.  Film, Television and Digital Media Board;

c.  Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee; and

d.  Toronto Music Advisory Committee.


2.  City Council amend the composition of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee in Attachment 4 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager so that one of the City Council Member positions is the Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee.


3.  City Council amend the Terms of Reference for the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee, the Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee, and the Toronto Music Advisory Committee by adding to Part 1, Section C (Governance) the following:


and provide a mid-term and end-of-term report to the Advisory Committee's designated Standing Committee on its progress, including key achievements and activities.


4. City Council amend the Terms of Reference for the Film, Television and Digital Media Board:


a. to reflect that the new name of the Advisory body is the Film, Television and Digital Media Board; and


b. by amending Part 7 to now read as follows: 


7.  When not able to attend a meeting, representatives of FilmOntario and the Computer Animation Studios of Ontario may send a designate.  The Board members appointed by City Council must inform the Board Co-Chairs and Clerk in writing of the absence, and the individual who will be their organization's designate for the meeting no less than five business days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting.


Once the Co-Chairs and Clerk have been informed in writing, the designate will be a Member of the Board and assume all of the responsibilities and privileges of a Member for that meeting.


5.  City Council approve the Terms of Reference attached in Attachments 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager for the Council Advisory Bodies in Part 1 above, as amended by Parts 2 to 4 above.


6.  City Council approve the amended Terms of Reference for the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee in Attachment 5 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager.


7.  City Council approve and direct that all meetings of Council Advisory Bodies be held in accordance with the Simplified Rules of Procedure for Advisory Bodies in Attachment 6 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager.

Background Information (Committee)

(March 7, 2019) Report from the City Manager on Recommended Toronto City Council Advisory Bodies
Attachment 1 - Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
(March 20, 2019) Revised Attachment 2 - Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 3 - Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 4 - Toronto Music Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 5 - Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 6 - Simplified Rules of Procedure for Advisory Bodies

Background Information (City Council)

City Council Approved Terms of Reference - Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee
City Council Approved Terms of Reference - Film, Television and Digital Media Board
City Council Approved Terms of Reference - Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee
City Council Approved Terms of Reference - Toronto Music Advisory Committee
City Council Approved Terms of Reference - Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee

Communications (Committee)

(March 20, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (EX.Supp.EX3.4.1)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)



1. City Council amend the name of the Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Committee to the Film, Television and Digital Media Board, and that the Terms of Reference be amended accordingly.


2.  City Council amend Part 7 of the Terms of Reference to now read as follows:


7.  When not able to attend a meeting, non-Council members of the Advisory Committee who have been appointed to represent an organization representatives of FilmOntario and the Computer Animation Studios of Ontario may send a designate.  The Advisory Committee Board members appointed by City Council must inform the Advisory Committee Board Co-Chairs and Clerk in writing of the absence, and the individual who will be their organization's designate for the meeting no less than five business days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting.

Vote (Amend Item) Mar-27-2019 4:24 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - EX3.4 - motion 1 - Fletcher
Total members that voted Yes: 22 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Frances Nunziata (Chair), James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 4 Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Jaye Robinson

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)

That City Council amend the Terms of Reference for the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee, the Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee, and the Toronto Music Advisory Committee by adding to Part 1, Section C (Governance) the following:


and provide a mid-term and end of term report to the Advisory Committee's designated Standing Committee on its progress, including key achievements and activities.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

EX3.4 - Recommended Toronto City Council Advisory Bodies

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Executive Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council establish the following Council Advisory Bodies for the term ending November 30, 2022 or until their mandate is completed within the 2018 to 2022 term:


a.  Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee;

b.  Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Committee;

c.  Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee; and

d.  Toronto Music Advisory Committee.


2.  City Council approve the Terms of Reference attached in Attachments 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager for the Council Advisory Bodies in Recommendation 1 above, as amended by Recommendation 3 below.


3. City Council amend the composition of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee in Attachment 4 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager so that one of the City Council Member positions is the Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee.


4.  City Council approve the amended Terms of Reference for the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee in Attachment 5 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager.


5.  City Council approve and direct that all meetings of Council Advisory Bodies be held in accordance with the Simplified Rules of Procedure for Advisory Bodies in Attachment 6 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager.


(March 7, 2019) Report from the City Manager


City Council may establish Council Advisory Bodies at any time during the Council term to provide advice and assist its decision-making. City Council must approve the Terms of Reference for Council Advisory Bodies. This report recommends the establishment of the following Council Advisory Bodies and approval of their Terms of Reference:


- Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee;
- Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Committee;
- Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee; and
- Toronto Music Advisory Committee;

The Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee is automatically established for each term of City Council as required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.


Similarly, the Toronto Preservation Board is established under Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 103, Heritage, and is established automatically for the 2018-2022 Council term.


This report also recommends that City Council direct that Council Advisory Bodies follow the Simplified Rules of Procedure for Advisory Bodies contained in Attachment 6. The attached Simplified Rules of Procedure reflect the principles and procedures contained in Chapter 27, Council Procedures.

Background Information

(March 7, 2019) Report from the City Manager on Recommended Toronto City Council Advisory Bodies
Attachment 1 - Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
(March 20, 2019) Revised Attachment 2 - Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 3 - Toronto Francophone Affairs Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 4 - Toronto Music Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 5 - Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Attachment 6 - Simplified Rules of Procedure for Advisory Bodies


(March 20, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (EX.Supp.EX3.4.1)


Hamish Wilson
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)

That City Council amend the composition of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee in Attachment 4 to the report (March 7, 2019) from the City Manager so that one of the City Council Member positions is the Chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee.

2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Mayor John Tory (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at