Item - 2019.EC6.16

Tracking Status

EC6.16 - Downtown East 2023 Five-Year Action Plan

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.    City Council amend the Downtown East Five-Year Action Plan and Work Plan, outlined as Attachments 3 and 4 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to include the following actions and deliverables:


a. expand Action 1.0 to include the establishment of a morning and afternoon cleaning schedule for the public realm on the Dundas Street and Victoria Street frontages of the Works at 277 Victoria Street no later than the start of the third quarter 2019, including a plan to address community members’ discarded belongings that may have been forgotten or misplaced;


b. in addition to the continuation of outreach services in Action 3.0, the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration review service gaps and identify resource requirements, to be submitted through the 2020 Budget Process, in order to ensure regular outreach is taking place at Ryerson University and in priority hotspots in the Garden District and Moss Park neighbourhoods;


c.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration work with the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and other applicable Divisions to assess the scale and type of operations taking place at City-funded community agencies as part of Action 2.4, the Sherbourne Corridor Coordinated Plan; and report back in the fourth quarter 2019 with recommendations on programming, funding, collaboration and enforcement actions necessary to maintain a clear and safe pedestrian thoroughfare on both sides of Sherbourne Street and Dundas Street at all times of day;


d.  the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards investigate all vacant buildings in the Downtown East area that they are made aware of to confirm compliance with the applicable municipal By-laws;

e.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration publish key health indicators bi-annually for the Downtown East catchment area, including City-wide availability of addiction treatment services and rehabilitation spots for those seeking assistance, supportive housing waitlist times, and Downtown East-specific rates of overdoses, the number of individuals sleeping on streets or in shelters who have been successfully housed, sharps collection data, and other relevant statistics;


f.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration consult with residents in the Moss Park neighbourhood on the need for additional Toronto Police Service Community Officer positions;


g.  expand Action 3.3, Mental Health Capacity Building, to request the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration to work with the Medical Officer of Health, to:


1.  include an exploration of options to convene a mental health and addictions round table with the federal and provincial government, including participation from community partners, that would meet quarterly and provide a focused opportunity to discuss successes and service gaps in communities like the Downtown East which can be addressed through deeper collaboration and program changes; and


2.  based on the roundtable discussions, develop a report detailing the policy changes required for those experiencing mental health or addiction crises to obtain robust supports and housing solutions appropriate to their long-term wellbeing;


h.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration work with the Medical Officer of Health to review the existing literature to determine the possible health impacts of surviving an overdose including a review of the health and addiction services available to survivors; this review will include data on overdose reversals estimated through the use of existing paramedic naloxone administration data, data from the existing supervised consumption services on overdose reversals and Toronto Public Health naloxone distribution data;


i.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration ensure ongoing consultation with neighbours and resident groups in the Dundas-Sherbourne corridor to identify key health and safety concerns for interdivisional and coordinated responses;


j.  as per Action 3.1, Monitoring Toronto Respite Site Standards, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration continue monthly inspection of respite sites to ensure that they are meeting City standards and providing for the health and safety needs of service users; and


k.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration include resident and business associations' feedback as part of the measures of success for the Action Plan.


2.  City Council adopt, as amended by Part 1 above, the Downtown East Five-Year Action Plan and Work Plan, outlined as Attachments 3 and 4 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include the staffing and resources needed to implement the Work Plan as part of the 2020 Budget Process.


3. City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to submit a new and enhanced 2020 budget proposal to support the implementation of the actions of the Work Plan.


4. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to enter into any agreements with third party partners integral to implementing these recommendations, within the resources in the approved operating budget, upon terms satisfactory to them, and in forms and terms satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to support implementation of the Downtown East Action Plan, as required.


5.  City Council request the Toronto Police Services Board to review the current response to safety and noise concerns in the Sherbourne Corridor and Moss Park areas and identify resource requirements to respond.


6. City Council request the Provincial and Federal Governments to work with the City to support actions to address the urgent need for enhanced access to supportive housing, rapid mental health crisis supports, and a continuum of substance use treatment and overdose prevention outlined in the Toronto Drug Strategy and collaborate with City staff to advance the outcomes of the Downtown East Action Plan.

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Downtown East 2023 Five Year Action Plan
Attachment 1 - Summary of Key Consultations
Revised - Attachment 2 - 12 Month Action Plan Summary
Attachment 2 - 12 Month Action Plan Summary
Attachment 3 - Downtown East 2023 Action Plan Summary
Attachment 4 - Downtown East Action Plan Work Plan

Communications (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Letter from Jessica Hales, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (EC.New.EC6.16.1)
(June 25, 2019) Letter from Cathy Crowe (EC.New.6.16.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from John W. Dimon (EC.New.EC6.16.3)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (EC.New.EC6.16.4)

Communications (City Council)

(July 7, 2019) E-mail from Anna Marie Leonard (CC.Main.EC6.16.5)
(July 11, 2019) Letter from Deborah Brown, Vice President, Administration and Operations, Ryerson University (CC.Supp.EC6.16.6)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Connie Langille, Chair, Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association (CC.New.EC6.16.7)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Dee Lewis, President, Winchester Park Residents' Association (CC.New.EC6.16.8)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Andrew Thomson, Chief of Government Relations, University of Toronto (CC.New.EC6.16.9)
(July 16, 2019) Letter from Lucas Granger, Vice-President External Affairs, University of Toronto Students' Union, Submitted by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 13, Toronto-Centre (CC.New.EC6.16.10)
(July 16, 2019) Letter from Diana McNally, Training and Engagement Co-ordinator, The Toronto Drop-in Network (CC.New.EC6.16.11)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) Jul-18-2019 4:46 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - EC6.16 - Adopt the item
Total members that voted Yes: 21 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 5 Members that were absent are Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, James Pasternak

EC6.16 - Downtown East 2023 Five-Year Action Plan

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 13 - Toronto Centre

Committee Recommendations

The Economic and Community Development Committee recommends that:


1.    City Council amend the Downtown East 5 year Action Plan and Work Plan, outlined as Attachments 3 and 4 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to include the following actions and deliverables:


a. Expand Action 1.0 to include the establishment of a morning and afternoon cleaning schedule for the public realm on the Dundas Street and Victoria Street frontages of the Works at 277 Victoria Street no later than the start of the third quarter 2019, including a plan to address community members’ discarded belongings that may have been forgotten or misplaced.


b. In addition to the continuation of outreach services in Action 3.0, the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration review service gaps and identify resource requirements, to be submitted through the 2020 Budget Process, in order to ensure regular outreach is taking place at Ryerson University and in priority hotspots in the Garden District and Moss Park neighbourhoods.


c.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration work with the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and other applicable Divisions to assess the scale and type of operations taking place at City-funded community agencies as part of Action 2.4, the Sherbourne Corridor Coordinated Plan; and report back in the fourth quarter 2019 with recommendations on programming, funding, collaboration and enforcement actions necessary to maintain a clear and safe pedestrian thoroughfare on both sides of Sherbourne Street and Dundas Street at all times of day.


d.  The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards investigate all vacant buildings in the Downtown East area that they are made aware of to confirm compliance with the applicable municipal bylaws.

e.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration publish key health indicators bi-annually for the Downtown East catchment area, including City-wide availability of addiction treatment services and rehabilitation spots for those seeking assistance, supportive housing waitlist times, and DTE specific rates of overdoses, the number of individuals sleeping on streets or in shelters who have been successfully housed, sharps collection data, and other relevant statistics.


f.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration consult with residents in the Moss Park neighbourhood on the need for additional Toronto Police Service Community Officer positions.


g.  Expand Action 3.3, Mental Health Capacity Building, to request the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration to work with the Medical Officer of Health, to:


1.  Include an exploration of options to convene a mental health and addictions round table with the federal and provincial government, including participation from community partners, that would meet quarterly and provide a focused opportunity to discuss successes and service gaps in communities like the Downtown East which can be addressed through deeper collaboration and program changes.


2.  Based on the round table discussions, develop a report detailing the policy changes required for those experiencing mental health or addiction crises to obtain robust supports and housing solutions appropriate to their long-term wellbeing.


h.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, work with the Medical Officer of Health to review the existing literature to determine the possible health impacts of surviving an overdose including a review of the health and addiction services available to survivors.  This review will include data on overdose reversals estimated through the use of existing paramedic naloxone administration data, data from the existing supervised consumption services on overdose reversals and TPH naloxone distribution data.


i.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration ensure ongoing consultation with neighbours and resident groups in the Dundas-Sherbourne corridor to identify key health and safety concerns for interdivisional and coordinated responses.


j.  As per Action 3.1, Monitoring Toronto Respite Site Standards, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration continue monthly inspection of respite sites to ensure that they are meeting City standards and providing for the health and safety needs of service users.


k.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration include resident and business associations' feedback as part of the measures of success for the Action Plan.


2.  City Council adopt, as amended by Recommendation 1, the Downtown East 5 year Action Plan and Work Plan, outlined as Attachments 3 and 4 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include the staffing and resources needed to implement the Work Plan as part of the 2020 Budget Process.


3. City Council direct the Executive Director of Social Development, Finance and Administration to submit a new and enhanced 2020 budget proposal to support the implementation of the actions of the Work Plan.


4. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to enter into any agreements with third party partners integral to implementing these recommendations, within the resources in the approved operating budget, upon terms satisfactory to them, and in forms and terms satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to support implementation of the Downtown East Action Plan, as required.


5.  City Council request the Toronto Police Services Board to review the current response to safety and noise concerns in the Sherbourne Corridor and Moss Park areas and identify resource requirements to respond.


6. City Council request the Provincial and Federal Government to work with the City to support actions to address the urgent need for enhanced access to supportive housing, rapid mental health crisis supports, and a continuum of substance use treatment and overdose prevention outlined in the Toronto Drug Strategy and collaborate with City staff to advance the outcomes of the Downtown East Action Plan.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration


In its consideration of CD29.5, Closing the Service Gap in the Downtown East Revitalization Area, City Council requested the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to report back to the Economic and Community Development Committee in the second quarter of 2019 on a comprehensive five-year Action Plan to coordinate City services and address long term community needs in the Downtown East area. The Downtown East area is bounded by Bloor Street on the north, Front Street on the south, Bay Street on the west, and the Don Valley Parkway on the east, including an expansion up to 21 Park Rd, north of Bloor due to the respite site at that location. Needs in the area include many issues that require collaboration between sectors and across governments such as supportive housing, crisis intervention, services for all community members including people who are homeless and actions to address safety concerns in the area.


This report provides a summary of the outcomes of the enhanced 12-month Action Plan, an 18 month Work Plan for the next phase of the five year Action Plan and a proposed framework for measuring success.

Background Information

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Downtown East 2023 Five Year Action Plan
Attachment 1 - Summary of Key Consultations
Revised - Attachment 2 - 12 Month Action Plan Summary
Attachment 2 - 12 Month Action Plan Summary
Attachment 3 - Downtown East 2023 Action Plan Summary
Attachment 4 - Downtown East Action Plan Work Plan


(June 24, 2019) Letter from Jessica Hales, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (EC.New.EC6.16.1)
(June 25, 2019) Letter from Cathy Crowe (EC.New.6.16.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from John W. Dimon (EC.New.EC6.16.3)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (EC.New.EC6.16.4)


Alison Falby, All-Saints Church-Community Centre
Christopher Brosky
Lucas Granger, University of Toronto Students’ Union
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Joe Cressy (Carried)



1.    City Council amend the Downtown East 5 year Action Plan and Work Plan to include the following actions and deliverables:


a. Expand Action 1.0 to include the establishment of a morning and afternoon cleaning schedule for the public realm on the Dundas Street and Victoria Street frontages of the Works at 277 Victoria Street no later than the start of the third quarter 2019, including a plan to address community members’ discarded belongings that may have been forgotten or misplaced.


b. In addition to the continuation of outreach services in Action 3.0, the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration review service gaps and identify resource requirements, to be submitted through the 2020 Budget Process, in order to ensure regular outreach is taking place at Ryerson University and in priority hotspots in the Garden District and Moss Park neighbourhoods.


c.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration work with the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and other applicable Divisions to assess the scale and type of operations taking place at City-funded community agencies as part of Action 2.4, the Sherbourne Corridor Coordinated Plan; and report back in the fourth quarter 2019 with recommendations on programming, funding, collaboration and enforcement actions necessary to maintain a clear and safe pedestrian thoroughfare on both sides of Sherbourne Street and Dundas Street at all times of day.


d.  The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards investigate all vacant buildings in the Downtown East area that they are made aware of to confirm compliance with the applicable municipal bylaws.

e.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration publish key health indicators bi-annually for the Downtown East catchment area, including City-wide availability of addiction treatment services and rehabilitation spots for those seeking assistance, supportive housing waitlist times, and DTE specific rates of overdoses, the number of individuals sleeping on streets or in shelters who have been successfully housed, sharps collection data, and other relevant statistics.


f.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration consult with residents in the Moss Park neighbourhood on the need for additional Toronto Police Service Community Officer positions.


g.  Expand Action 3.3, Mental Health Capacity Building, to request the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration to work with the Medical Officer of Health, to:


1.  Include an exploration of options to convene a mental health and addictions round table with the federal and provincial government, including participation from community partners, that would meet quarterly and provide a focused opportunity to discuss successes and service gaps in communities like the Downtown East which can be addressed through deeper collaboration and program changes.


2.  Based on the round table discussions, develop a report detailing the policy changes required for those experiencing mental health or addiction crises to obtain robust supports and housing solutions appropriate to their long-term wellbeing.


h.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, work with the Medical Officer of Health to review the existing literature to determine the possible health impacts of surviving an overdose including a review of the health and addiction services available to survivors.  This review will include data on overdose reversals estimated through the use of existing paramedic naloxone administration data, data from the existing supervised consumption services on overdose reversals and TPH naloxone distribution data.


i.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration ensure ongoing consultation with neighbours and resident groups in the Dundas-Sherbourne corridor to identify key health and safety concerns for interdivisional and coordinated responses.


j.  As per Action 3.1, Monitoring Toronto Respite Site Standards, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration continue monthly inspection of respite sites to ensure that they are meeting City standards and providing for the health and safety needs of service users.


k.  The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration include resident and business associations' feedback as part of the measures of success for the Action Plan.


2.  City Council request the Toronto Police Services Board to review the current response to safety and noise concerns in the Sherbourne Corridor and Moss Park areas and identify resource requirements to respond.

2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Joe Cressy (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at