Item - 2019.CT7.6
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Board of Directors of TO Live on November 19, 2019 and was adopted with amendments.
- See also EX12.6
CT7.6 - St. Lawrence Centre Redevelopment - Options Review
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
Confidential Attachment - A plan to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Board of Directors of TO Live
Board Decision
The Board of Directors of TO Live recommends that:
1. City Council support the redevelopment concept for the St. Lawrence Centre, described as Option 2 in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (November 7, 2019) from the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Board of Directors of TO Live recessed its public meeting to meet in closed session to consider the item as it contains a plan to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Board of Directors of TO Live.
The Board of Directors of TO Live:
1. Endorsed the redevelopment concept for the St. Lawrence Centre as described as Option 2 in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (November 7, 2019) from the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live and requested the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live to report back to the Board on next steps.
2. Subject to Council supporting the redevelopment concept, directed the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live to work with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to create a budget and to allocate funding for the project as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (November 7, 2019) from the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live.
3. Established a St. Lawrence Centre Redevelopment Committee substantially in accordance with the terms of reference attached to Motion 2 by Robert Foster and consisting of the following Members:
Kevin Garland (Chair)
Gary Crawford
John Filion
Robert Foster
Steven Levitan
Charles Smith
4. Directed the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live to work with all relevant parties including the City's Divisions and Agencies, to develop a plan for advancing the redevelopment concept including considerations regarding governance, finance, legal, procurement and planning, and recommend the plan to the Board for approval. Further to this, a project budget for the planning and design period will be developed and brought forward to the Board for approval at the next scheduled Board meeting.
5. Directed that Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (November 7, 2019) from the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live remain confidential in its entirety as it pertains to a plan to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Board of Directors of TO Live.
The purpose of this report is to provide the Board of Directors of TO Live with an update on the options considered for the redevelopment of the St Lawrence Centre for the Arts and recommends a full redevelopment and seeks instructions on the process and next steps.
Background Information
Confidential Attachment 1 - St Lawrence Centre Redevelopment Options Review
(November 19, 2019) Attachment to Motion 2 by Robert Foster - St. Lawrence Centre Redevelopment Committee Terms of Reference
That the Board of Directors of TO Live choose Option 2: Endorse the redevelopment concept for the St. Lawrence Centre as described as Option 2 in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (November 1, 2019) from the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live and request the President and Chief Executive Officer, TO Live to report back to the Board on next steps.
That the Board of Directors of TO Live delete recommendation 4 and adopt instead the following recommendation:
4. Establish a St. Lawrence Centre Redevelopment Committee substantially in accordance with the terms of reference attached to this Motion and consisting of the following Members:
Kevin Garland (Chair)
Gary Crawford
John Filion
Robert Foster
Steven Levitan
Charles Smith