Item - 2018.PG28.3

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on April 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2018 without amendments.
  • This item was considered by the Planning and Growth Management Committee on April 5, 2018 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on April 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2018.

PG28.3 - Request for an Area-Specific Amendment to the Sign By-law for One Third Party Electronic Wall Sign at 147 Queen Street East

Decision Type:
28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on April 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2018, adopted the following:


1. City Council refuse the application to amend the Sign By-law to add an area-specific amendment to Schedule 'B' of the Sign By-law, to allow for, in addition to the signage otherwise permitted, an electronic third party wall sign at 147 Queen Street East, as described in Attachment 1 to the report (March 12, 2018) from the Interim Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building.

Public Notice Given

Background Information (Committee)

(March 12, 2018) Report from the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building (Interim) on Request for an Area-Specific Amendment to the Sign By-law for One Third Party Electronic Wall Sign at 147 Queen Street East
Attachment 1 - Draft By-law for Area-Specific Amendment for 147 Queen Street East, and additions to Subsection 694-24A
Attachment 2 - Proposed Sign Compared to Sign By-law Regulations
(March 23, 2018) Public Notice

Communications (Committee)

(March 15, 2018) Letter from Jane Truemner (PG.Supp.PG28.3.1)
(March 28, 2018) E-mail from Erin Mercer (PG.Supp.PG28.3.2)
(April 3, 2018) E-mail from James Edward Hergel (PG.Supp.PG28.3.3)
(April 4, 2018) E-mail from Marilyn Crawford (PG.New.PG28.3.4)
(April 5, 2018) Submission from Michele Erskine (PG.New.PG28.3.5)
(February 19, 2018) E-mail from Dennis Glasgow (PG.New.PG28.3.6)

Communications (City Council)

(April 16, 2018) Letter from Justin Dempsey, Manager, Real Estate Development, Outfront Media Canada (CC.Main.PG28.3.7)
(April 20, 2018) E-mail from Linda Brett, on behalf of Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association (CC.Supp.PG28.3.8)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

PG28.3 - Request for an Area-Specific Amendment to the Sign By-law for One Third Party Electronic Wall Sign at 147 Queen Street East

Decision Type:
28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Public Notice Given

Committee Recommendations

The Planning and Growth Management Committee recommends that:


1. City Council refuse the application to amend the Sign By-law to add an area-specific amendment to Schedule 'B' of the Sign By-law, to allow for, in addition to the signage otherwise permitted, an electronic third party wall sign at 147 Queen Street East, as described in Attachment 1 to the report (March 12, 2018) from the Interim Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Manager, Sign By-law Unit, Toronto Building gave a verbal presentation to the Committee.


(March 12, 2018) Report from the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building (Interim)


This staff report reviews and makes recommendations on an application by Outfront Media (the Applicant), on behalf of The Fred Victor Centre, to amend the Sign By-law to allow a third party electronic wall sign at 147 Queen Street East (the Proposed Sign). The Fred Victor Centre is a homeless support centre and shelter located in a Commercial Residential (CR) Sign District. Third party electronic walls signs are not permitted in CR Sign Districts.


The Proposed Sign has a height of 15.32 metres and a sign face area of 41.63 square metres.  These proposed attributes result in a sign greater than five times the permitted height and almost 14 times the permitted sign face area for other third party wall signs in CR Sign Districts.


The Proposed Sign, located less than 100 metres from Moss Park and just 20 metres from the Moss Park Armoury, is incompatible with the surrounding area. It is also likely to have a significant impact on adjacent properties because of its size, height and copy type.


The proposal also includes the removal of five existing third party signs located in Wards 30 and 35. These five signs are located several kilometres away from the subject property and have no relationship with the proposed sign. The removal of these signs will not mitigate any of the impacts of the Proposed Sign or increase its compatibility with the surrounding area.


Staff have also received objections to this application from residents in the area who are concerned with its impact. Their concerns included: driver distraction, the visual impact that the sign may have on the surrounding buildings and concerns that the sign may set a precedent for other signs in the area.


Based on the above, staff recommend refusal of this application.

Background Information

(March 12, 2018) Report from the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building (Interim) on Request for an Area-Specific Amendment to the Sign By-law for One Third Party Electronic Wall Sign at 147 Queen Street East
Attachment 1 - Draft By-law for Area-Specific Amendment for 147 Queen Street East, and additions to Subsection 694-24A
Attachment 2 - Proposed Sign Compared to Sign By-law Regulations
(March 23, 2018) Public Notice


(March 15, 2018) Letter from Jane Truemner (PG.Supp.PG28.3.1)
(March 28, 2018) E-mail from Erin Mercer (PG.Supp.PG28.3.2)
(April 3, 2018) E-mail from James Edward Hergel (PG.Supp.PG28.3.3)
(April 4, 2018) E-mail from Marilyn Crawford (PG.New.PG28.3.4)
(April 5, 2018) Submission from Michele Erskine (PG.New.PG28.3.5)
(February 19, 2018) E-mail from Dennis Glasgow (PG.New.PG28.3.6)


Michele Erskine, Outfront Media Canada
Justin Dempsey, Outdoor Media
Mark Aston, Fred Victor
Carol Mark
Marcus Little, Director, St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association
Dennis Glasgow
Randall Pancer
Councillor Lucy Troisi


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Gord Perks (Carried)

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Lost)

1.     City Council amend the Sign By-law to add an area-specific amendment to Schedule 'B' of the Sign By-law, to allow for, in addition to the signage otherwise permitted, a third party electronic projecting sign at 147 Queen Street East; and, to amend Subsection 694-24A to add eight additional site specific restrictions to the Sign By-law, as described below:


A.     Chapter 694, Signs, General, of The City of Toronto Municipal Code is amended by adding the following as Subsection 2.II to Schedule B to Chapter 694, Signage Master Plans and Area-Specific Amendments:


II.     147 Queen Street East – Notwithstanding §§ 694-22D & E, and 694-25B(1), the premises municipally known as 147 Queen Street East may contain, in addition to any other third party signs permitted by § 694-25B and subject to all other provisions of this chapter, the following third party sign:


(1)   One third party electronic projecting sign provided:


(a)    The sign shall contain no more than one sign face, facing northerly;


(b)    The sign face area shall not exceed 36.2 square metres;


(c)    The sign face shall be rectangular;


(d)    The centre line shall not exceed 4.57 metres;


(e)    The bisecting line shall not exceed 6.7 metres;


(f)    The sign face shall display electronic static copy only;


(g)   The a rectangular portion of the sign face that is bounded by the sign face bottom, a line parallel 1.22 metres closer to the centre line of the sign face, and two lines perpendicular to the sign face bottom and separated by 4.57 metres ("Bottom 1/6th Portion") shall display only the following sign copy:


[1]    The phrase "Fred Victor Centre";


[2]    A logo of the Fred Victor Centre;


[3]    A corporate symbol of the Fred Victor Centre; or


[4]    A combination of the phrase, logo or corporate symbols described above;


(h)     Notwithstanding §694-18C, the Bottom 1/6th Portion shall be illuminated 24 hours per day;


(i)     Notwithstanding §694-18E(5), the illumination shall not exceed 200 nits during the period between sunset and sunrise; 


(j)    Light created through the illumination of the sign or the display of sign copy by the sign shall not project onto any portion of the premises municipally known as 140-150 Sherbourne Street, and commonly known as "Moss Park";


(k)    The highest point of the sign from grade shall not exceed 14.0 metres;


(l)    The sign shall be entirely located within the area indicated by the shaded area bounded by heavy lines on the diagram indicated at Subsection II(4) as Detail Map 1 – 147 Queen Street East;


(m)    The sign shall not be erected within 20.0 metres of any premises located, in whole or in part, in an R, RA, or OS sign district;


(n)    The sign shall not be within 34 metres of any other third party sign;


(o)    No other third party sign is erected or displayed within the area delineated with heavy lines on the diagram indicated at Subsection II(3) as Area Map 1 – 147 Queen Street East;


(p)    The sign shall provide no setback from the premises' Queen Street East frontage;


(q)    The sign shall provide no setback from the intersection of Queen Street East and Jarvis Street;


(r)    The sign shall be located a minimum of 500 metres from any other third party electronic sign located on:


[1]    The same street; or


[2]    On a street which forms an intersection with the street on which the sign is located;


(s)    The sign shall not be erected until the third party ground signs, listed in Subsection II(2) -Table 1, are removed and all associated permits revoked; and


(t)    The portion of the sign face that is not the Bottom 1/6th Portion ("Remainder Sign Face") shall display non-commercial messaging for a minimum of 16.67% of each hour in which the sign is in operation, and percentages to be measured in accordance with §II(5);


(u)    Notwithstanding §694-18C(3), the Remainder Sign Face shall be illuminated between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.;


(v)    The easternmost edge of the sign face shall project no less than 1.0 metre further than westernmost edge from the wall upon which the sign is located;


(w)    The sign shall not project more than 1.5 meters from the wall upon which the sign is located; and


(x)    The Remainder Sign Face shall not display any sign copy on November 11 of each year.


            (2)    Table 1 

Sign No.


Sign Type

No. of Sign Faces


Within the Kingston Subdivision, Greenwood Avenue; north of Gerrard Street East; east side; facing north and facing south

Ground Sign



Within the Kingston Subdivision, Eastern Avenue; east of Broadview; south side; facing west

Ground Sign



Within the Kingston Subdivision, Warden Avenue; south of Danforth Avenue; east side; facing north

Ground Sign



Within the Kingston Subdivision, Dundas Street East; west of Logan Avenue; south side; facing west

Ground Sign



Within the Kingston Subdivision, Gerrard Street East; east of Carlaw Avenue; north side; facing southeast

Ground Sign



128-130 Jarvis Street, north of Queen Street West; facing south

Ground Sign



107 Jarvis Street, south of Richmond Street West; facing north

Roof Sign



113 Jarvis Street, south of Richmond Street West

Roof Sign



(3)    Area Map 1 – 147 Queen Street East 


* See map in Attachment 1 to the report (March 12, 2018) from the Interim Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building.


(4)    Detail Map 1 – 147 Queen Street East 


* See map in Attachment 1 to the report (March 12, 2018) from the Interim Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building.


(5)    For purposes of this subsection, percentage of sign copy displayed on the Remainder Sign Face shall be measured as the total message duration of all sign copy of each sign type, divided by the total message duration of all sign copy displayed within any 60 minute period between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., when the sign is in operation.


B.    Chapter 694, Signs, General, of The City of Toronto Municipal Code is amended by adding the following to section 694-24A as subsections 694-24A(75), 694-24A(76), 694-24A(77), 694-24A(78), 694-24A(79), 694-24A(80), 694-24A(81), and 694-24A(82):


(75)    100 metres of the outermost limits of the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and a portion of the area defined as the Kingston Subdivision, approximately 455 metres north of Gerrard Street East;


(76)    100 metres of the outermost limits of the intersection of Eastern Avenue and a portion of the area defined as the Kingston Subdivision, approximately 170 metres east of Broadview Avenue;


(77)    100 metres of the outermost limits of the intersection of Warden Avenue and a portion of the area defined as the Kingston Subdivision, approximately 65 metres south of Danforth Avenue;


(78)    100 metres of the outermost limits of the intersection of Dundas Street East and a portion of the area defined as the Kingston Subdivision, approximately 65 metres west of Logan Avenue; and


(79)    100 metres of the outermost limits of the intersection of Gerrard Street East and a portion of the area defined as the Kingston Subdivision, approximately 20 metres east of Carlaw Avenue;


(80)    107 Jarvis Street;


(81)    113 Jarvis Street; and


(82)    128-130 Jarvis Street.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at