Item - 2018.PB36.12
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Toronto Preservation Board on July 12, 2018 and was adopted without amendment.
PB36.12 - Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Proposed Baby Point Heritage Conservation District
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Board Decision
The Toronto Preservation Board:
1. Received for information the report (June 28, 2018) from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning entitled Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Proposed Baby Point Heritage Conservation District.
2. Endorsed the preparation of the Baby Point Heritage Conservation District Plan, including any additional archaeological testing within City-owned lands as may be needed.
This report recommends that the Toronto Preservation Board endorse City Planning's decision to proceed from the Study Phase to the Plan Phase of the proposed Baby Point Heritage Conservation District (HCD).
The Baby Point HCD Study included the survey, analysis and evaluation of a study area that included the neighbourhoods of Baby Point and Old Millside, as well as city-owned parks on the eastern banks of the Humber River north of Bloor Street West. The purpose of this report is to summarize the findings of the HCD Study and make recommendations for the creation of an HCD Plan for the Baby Point neighbourhood as shown on Attachment 1, to commence in 2019. In March 2015, City Council authorized and prioritized the Baby Point HCD Study. In March 2017, City staff, with a consultant team led by EVOQ Architecture, began a study of the potential for this area to be designated as an HCD under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. This study followed the Council-adopted Heritage Conservation Districts in Toronto: Procedures, Policies and Terms of Reference.
Background Information
(July 6, 2018) Attachment 4 - Part 1
(July 6, 2018) Attachment 4 - Part 2
(July 6, 2018) Attachment 4 - Part 3
(July 6, 2018) Attachment 4 - Part 4
(June 28, 2018) Report from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning - Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Proposed Baby Point Heritage Conservation District - Notice of Pending Report
(July 11, 2018) E-mail from Ron Schulz (PB.Supp.PB36.12.2)
(July 10, 2018) E-mail from Cathal Dodd and Loredana Dal Bello (PB.Supp.PB36.12.3)
(July 11, 2018) E-mail from David Rainsberry (PB.Supp.PB36.12.4)
(July 11, 2018) E-mail from Brenda Gosselin (PB.Supp.PB36.12.5)
(July 11, 2018) Petition from Brenda Gosselin - Petition on file with City Clerk's Office that contains 196 Signatures (PB.Supp.PB36.12.5)
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Roman Gula (PB.Supp.PB36.12.6)
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Sabine Veit (PB.Supp.PB36.12.7)
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Danica Loncar (PB.Supp.PB36.12.8)
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Geneviève Lavertu (PB.New.PB36.12.9)
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Joy Cohnstaedt (PB.New.PB36.12.10)
Nigel Guilford, Baby Point Heritage Foundation
Greg Marlatt, Baby Point HCD - Advisory Group