Item - 2018.PB36.11
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Toronto Preservation Board on July 12, 2018 and was adopted without amendment.
PB36.11 - Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District: Hilton Avenue and Wells Hill Avenue
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- 21 - St. Paul's, 22 - St. Paul's
Board Decision
The Toronto Preservation Board:
1. Received for information the report (June 28, 2018) from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning, entitled Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District Study: Hilton Avenue and Wells Hill Avenue.
2. Endorsed the preparation of Heritage Conservation District Plans for the proposed Hilton Avenue and Wells Hill Avenue Heritage Conservation Districts.
3. Endorsed the establishment of a Community Advisory Group prior to the commencement of each of the Heritage Conservation District Plans, with such committees to be comprised of a diverse and representative sample of property owners, residents and community organizations within the proposed Plan areas.
4. Endorsed the list of heritage potential properties recommended for further research in Attachment 6 - Recommended Properties for Further Research
5. Requested the Director, Urban Design, City Planning consider additional tools that could help inform contextually-sensitive change in the Casa Loma neighbourhood beyond the proposed Hilton Avenue and Wells Hill Avenue Heritage Conservation Districts.
This report recommends that the Toronto Preservation Board endorse City Planning's decision to proceed from the Study Phase to the Plan Phase of the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study and to develop HCD Plans for the proposed Hilton Avenue and Wells Hill Avenue HCDs.
In March 2015, City Council authorized and prioritized the Casa Loma HCD Study. In July 2017, City staff, with a consultant team led by EVOQ Architecture, began a study of the potential for this area to be designated as an HCD under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. This study followed the Council-adopted Heritage Conservation Districts in Toronto: Procedures, Policies and Terms of Reference.
The purpose of this report is to summarize the findings of the HCD Study and make recommendations for the creation of two proposed HCDs as shown on Attachment 1, and for staff to undertake additional research on 63 heritage potential properties, to provide a policy framework that could better ensure the long-term conservation of the cultural heritage values, integrity and heritage resources of Casa Loma neighbourhood.
Background Information
(July 9, 2018) Attachment 7 - Part 1
(July 9, 2018) Attachment 7 - Part 2
(July 9, 2018) Attachment 7 - Part 3
(July 9, 2018) Attachment 7 - Part 4
(July 9, 2018) Attachment 7 - Part 5
(June 28, 2018) Report from the Director, Urban Design, City Planning - Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District: Hilton Avenue and Wells Hill Avenue - Notice of Pending Report
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Lucia Dell'Agnese (PB.New.PB36.11.2)
(July 12, 2018) E-mail from Annabel Weinstein (PB.New.PB36.11.3)
Declared Interests
Robert Allsopp - he is a principal of du Toit Allsopp Hillier (DTAH), consultants representing neighbouring property owner in discussions with the City.