Item - 2018.EX36.4

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30, 2018 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by the Executive Committee on July 17, 2018 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30, 2018.

EX36.4 - Delegation of Authority for the Remainder of the 2014-2018 Council Term

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30, 2018, adopted the following:


That notwithstanding any existing authorities:


1.  In addition to the authority currently delegated by Municipal Code Chapter 71, Financial Control, and Chapter 195, Purchasing, City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to approve any non-competitive contract or any over-expenditures of a commitment in an amount not to exceed $1 million provided that:


a.  City Council has provided funds in the Operating or Capital Budget for that purpose or donated funds are provided pursuant to Chapter 71, Financial Control; and


b.  sufficient funds remain in the capital project or Program's total Operating Budget.


2.  In addition to authority currently delegated by Municipal Code Chapter 71, Financial Control, City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to approve the following budget adjustments, provided that sufficient funds are available to reallocate:


a.  budgets between capital projects or sub-projects in an amount of not more than $3 million; and


b.  operating budgets in an amount of not more than $1 million.


3.  City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer for the placement of insurance provided that funds are available in the City's approved operating and/or capital budgets.


4.  City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to amend the Approved 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets for City Programs to receive new time-sensitive provincial and/or federal funding to be used in 2018 and to adjust associated service levels in order to commence spending and reflect any necessary changes.


5.  City Council authorize the City Manager in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer to take actions as required to preserve the City's ability to secure intergovernmental funding opportunities that may arise, including entering into any necessary agreements with other levels of government to receive such funding.


6.  City Council amend the existing delegated approvals and signing authorities in Item EX27.12, adopted by City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, to increase the upper financial limit of the City Manager's delegated authority in relation to real estate and property acquisitions and leases from $10 million to $30 million, where an acquisition or lease is for an emergency shelter, transit related purpose or other time sensitive proposal.


7.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to accept and spend donations which exceed the limit of $50,000 (as per the Donations Policy) only if the receiving Program has the capacity to meet the initial or ongoing costs and obligations associated with the donation and to accept and spend sponsorships which exceed the limit of $500,000 (as per the Sponsorship Policy).


8.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to accept all donations from the Toronto Strong Fund and issue payments to the victims of the Yonge Street van incident.


9.  City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to approve a budget transfer for salary and benefit cost increases from the 2018 Approved Non-Program Expenditure Budget to the 2018 Approved Operating Budget for Toronto Paramedic Services, retroactive to January 1, 2016, should the Final Interest Arbitration Award for Local 416 Paramedics be concluded prior to December 31, 2018.


10.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to instruct the City Solicitor to seek intervenor status and participate as required in Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited applications to the Ontario Energy Board, where the City Manager determines, after consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and any impacted Divisions, that an intervention is needed to protect the City's interests.


11.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to attend hearings on appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions or to appeal a Committee of Adjustment decision on behalf of the City of Toronto at the request of the Ward Councillor after consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or designate (with the exception that during the period from August 1, 2018 to the day after Voting Day, inclusive, the delegation shall be to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or designate, after consultation with the Ward Councillor and the City Solicitor); the delegation shall include the authority to direct appropriate City staff to attend the hearing and for the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants as necessary; and the City Solicitor shall be authorized to take all steps necessary to bring resolution to the matter in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


12.  City Council delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer to approve Eco-Roof Incentive Program applications that exceed funding maximums of $50,000 for cool roof projects and $100,000 for green roof projects up to a maximum of $500,000 in total.


13.  City Council delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services to provide various exemptions from the former Municipal Code Chapter 237, Nathan Phillips Square, for events to be held on Nathan Phillips Square.


14.  City Council amend the existing delegated approvals and signing authorities in Item EX27.12, adopted by City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, to authorize the City Manager to approve acquisitions, agreements and settlements with property owners in cases where an expropriation has not been initiated, but where the compensation is reflective of what would be paid under the 'Expropriations Act' and does not exceed $10 million.


15.  City Council delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B to:


a.  instruct the City Solicitor to seek intervenor status and participate as required in applications made to the National Energy Board to abandon decommissioned pipelines in the Port Lands, where the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B determines that an intervention is needed to protect the City's interests; and


b.  enter into agreements and provide consents or directions concerning the abandonment or removal of pipelines underlying City roads in the Port Lands.


16.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to amend the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration 2018 Approved Operating Budget by an amount up to $30 million to procure and contract for increased shelter space for the remainder of 2018 including, but not restricted to shelter space in the form of new agreements with shelter providers, respite providers, expansion of current agency agreements, and extension of existing hotel contracts or entering into new ones, with funding to be provided from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve to fund these expenditures, as necessary.


17.  City Council delegate authority to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to enter into any necessary agreements to contract for such increased shelter space.


18.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review any available buildings, including existing City, Agency and Corporation owned sites, for their potential appropriate use as temporary shelter for refugee/asylum claimants, and should appropriate sites be identified.


19. City Council direct City Division heads and Agencies to cooperate in the implementation of the directive in Part 18 above and to use their identified sites as temporary shelter for refugee/asylum claimants.


20.  City Council, as shareholder, direct the Boards of Directors of City-owned corporations to cooperate in the implementation of the directive in Part 18 above and to use their identified sites as temporary shelter for refugee/asylum claimants.


21.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to re-direct City resources and vary Council approved service levels during the Council break to further deal with the refugee/asylum claimant response as and when required.


22.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to enter into agreements with other orders of government to accept contributions of resources that may help mitigate the refugee/asylum claimant response cost to the City.


23.  City Council direct that the delegated authorities in Parts 1 to 22 above be in effect immediately following the end of the City Council meeting on July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30, 2018 until the first scheduled City Council meeting of the new term, 2018-2022.


24.  City Council direct the City Manager or designate to report to the appropriate standing committee in early 2019 on the exercise of any delegated authority in Parts 1 to 22 above.


25.  City Council authorize the City Clerk, for the period between the July 4, 2018 Community Council meetings and the December 13, 2018 City Council meeting, to:


a.  consider requests for endorsement of events for liquor licensing purposes based on the criteria and process set out in Attachment 1 to the report (July 16, 2018) from the City Clerk, including consultation with Ward Councillors; and


b.  advise the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario that an event is of municipal significance and that there is no objection to a Special Occasion Permit being granted, and/or to an extension of licenced hours or area, if the City Clerk determines that the event meets the criteria set out in Attachment 1 to the report (July 16, 2018) from the City Clerk.


26.  City Council request the City Clerk to report back to City Council in 2019 on a longer-term solution to process requests for endorsement of events for liquor licensing purposes. 

Background Information (Committee)

(July 11, 2018) Report from the Interim City Manager and Interim Chief Financial Officer on Delegation of Authority for the Remainder of the 2014-2018 Council Term
(July 3, 2018) Report from the Interim City Manager on Delegation of Authority for the Remainder of the 2014-2018 Council Term - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Committee)

(July 17, 2018) E-mail from Eileen Denny (EX.New.36.4.1)

Communications (City Council)

(July 20, 2018) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP (CC.New.EX36.4.2)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Mary Fragedakis (Carried)

That City Council amend Executive Committee Recommendation 11 so that it now reads as follows:


11.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to attend hearings on appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions or to appeal a Committee of Adjustment decision on behalf of the City of Toronto at the request of the Ward Councillor after consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or his designate (with the exception that during the period from August 1, 2018 to the day after Voting Day, inclusive, the delegation shall be to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or his designate, after consultation with the Ward Councillor and the City Solicitor); the delegation shall include the authority to direct appropriate City staff to attend the hearing and for the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants as necessary; and that City Council authorize the City Solicitor shall be authorized to take all steps necessary to bring resolution to the matter in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

4a - Authority for Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing

Background Information (Committee)
(July 16, 2018) Report from the City Clerk on Authority for Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing
Attachment 1 - Criteria for Endorsement of Special Events for Liquor Licensing

EX36.4 - Delegation of Authority for the Remainder of the 2014-2018 Council Term

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Executive Committee recommends, notwithstanding any existing authorities, that:


1.  In addition to the authority currently delegated by City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 71, Financial Control, and Chapter 195, Purchasing, City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to approve any non-competitive contract or any over-expenditures of a commitment in an amount not to exceed $1 million provided that:


a.  City Council has provided funds in the Operating or Capital Budget for that purpose or donated funds are provided pursuant to Chapter 71, Financial Control; and


b.  sufficient funds remain in the capital project or Program's total Operating Budget.


2.  In addition to authority currently delegated by City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 71, Financial Control, City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to approve the following budget adjustments, provided that sufficient funds are available to reallocate:


a.  budgets between capital projects or sub-projects in an amount of not more than $3 million; and


b.  operating budgets in an amount of not more than $1 million.


3.  City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer for the placement of insurance provided that funds are available in the City's approved operating and/or capital budgets.


4.  City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to amend the Approved 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets for City Programs to receive new time-sensitive provincial and/or federal funding to be used in 2018 and to adjust associated service levels in order to commence spending and reflect any necessary changes.


5.  City Council authorize the City Manager in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer to take actions as required to preserve the City's ability to secure intergovernmental funding opportunities that may arise, including entering into any necessary agreements with other levels of government to receive such funding.


6.  City Council amend the existing delegated approvals and signing authorities adopted by City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, Item EX27.12, to increase the upper financial limit of the City Manager's delegated authority in relation to real estate and property acquisitions and leases from $10 million to $30 million, where an acquisition or lease is for an emergency shelter, transit related purpose or other time sensitive proposal.


7.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to accept and spend donations which exceed the limit of $50,000 (as per the Donations Policy) only if the receiving Program has the capacity to meet the initial or ongoing costs and obligations associated with the donation and to accept and spend sponsorships which exceed the limit of $500,000 (as per the Sponsorship Policy).


8.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to accept all donations from the Toronto Strong Fund and issue payments to the victims of the Yonge Street van incident.


9.  City Council delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to approve a budget transfer for salary and benefit cost increases from the 2018 Approved Non-Program Expenditure Budget to the 2018 Approved Operating Budget for Toronto Paramedic Services, retroactive to January 1, 2016, should the Final Interest Arbitration Award for Local 416 Paramedics be concluded prior to December 31, 2018.


10.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager to instruct the City Solicitor to seek intervenor status and participate as required in Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited applications to the Ontario Energy Board, where the City Manager determines, after consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and any impacted divisions, that an intervention is needed to protect the City's interests.


11.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to attend hearings on appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions or to appeal a Committee of Adjustment decision on behalf of the City of Toronto at the request of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or his designate, after consultation with the Ward Councillor and the City Solicitor; the delegation shall include the authority to direct appropriate City staff to attend the hearing and for the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants as necessary; and that City Council authorize the City Solicitor to take all steps necessary to bring resolution to the matter in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


12.  City Council delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer to approve Eco-Roof Incentive Program applications that exceed funding maximums of $50,000 for cool roof projects and $100,000 for green roof projects up to a maximum of $500,000 in total.


13.  City Council delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services to provide various exemptions from the former City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 237, Nathan Phillips Square, for events to be held on Nathan Phillips Square.


14.  City Council amend the existing delegated approvals and signing authorities adopted by City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, Item EX27.12, to authorize the City Manager to approve acquisitions, agreements and settlements with property owners in cases where an expropriation has not been initiated, but where the compensation is reflective of what would be paid under the 'Expropriations Act' and does not exceed $10 million.


15.  City Council delegate authority to the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B to:


a.  instruct the City Solicitor to seek intervenor status and participate as required in applications made to the National Energy Board to abandon decommissioned pipelines in the Port Lands, where the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B determines that an intervention is needed to protect the City's interests; and


b.  enter into agreements and provide consents or directions concerning the abandonment or removal of pipelines underlying City roads in the Port Lands.


16.   a.  City Council delegate authority to:


1.  the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to amend the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration 2018 Approved Operating Budget by an amount up to $30 million to procure and contract for increased shelter space for the remainder of 2018 including, but not restricted to shelter space in the form of new agreements with shelter providers, respite providers, expansion of current agency agreements, and extension of existing hotel contracts or entering into new ones, with funding to be provided from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve to fund these expenditures, as necessary; and


2.  the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to enter into any necessary agreements to contract for such increased shelter space.


b.  City Council:


1.  direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review any available buildings, including existing City, agency and corporation owned sites, for their potential appropriate use as temporary shelter for refugee/asylum claimants, and should appropriate sites be identified;


2.  direct City division heads and agencies to cooperate in the implementation of this directive and to use their identified sites as temporary shelter for refugee/asylum claimants; and


3.  as shareholder, direct the board of directors of City owned corporations to cooperate in the implementation of this directive and to use their identified sites as temporary shelter for refugee/asylum claimants.


c.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to re-direct City resources and vary Council approved service levels during the Council break to further deal with the refugee/asylum claimant response as and when required.


d.  City Council delegate authority to the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to enter into agreements with other orders of government to accept contributions of resources that may help mitigate the refugee/asylum claimant response cost to the City.


17.  City Council direct that the authorities delegated in Recommendations 1 to 16 above be in effect immediately following the end of the City Council meeting on July 23, 24 and 25, 2018 until the first scheduled City Council meeting of the new term, 2018-2022.


18.  City Council direct the City Manager or delegate to report to the appropriate standing committee in early 2019 on the exercise of any delegated authority in Recommendations 1 to 16 above, as approved by City Council.


19.  City Council authorize the City Clerk, for the period between the July 4, 2018 Community Council meetings and the December 13, 2018 City Council meeting, to:


a.  consider requests for endorsement of events for liquor licensing purposes based on the criteria and process set out in Attachment 1 to the report (July 16, 2018) from the City Clerk, including consultation with Ward Councillors; and


b.  advise the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario that an event is of municipal significance and that there is no objection to a Special Occasion Permit being granted, and/or to an extension of licenced hours or area, if the City Clerk determines that the event meets the criteria set out in Attachment 1 to the report (July 16, 2018) from the City Clerk.


20.  City Council request the City Clerk to report back to City Council in 2019 on a longer-term solution to process requests for endorsement of events for liquor licensing purposes.


(July 11, 2018) Report from the Interim City Manager


This report proposes a number of delegated authorities to staff to ensure that City business and divisional operating and capital activities continue to move forward after the last City Council meeting of the current 2014-2018 Council Term on July 23, 24 and 25, 2018.


The proposed delegated authorities will start at the completion of the July 23, 24 and 25, 2018 City Council meeting and will be in effect until the first scheduled City Council meeting of the new term, 2018-2022. Any exercise of the delegated authorities will be reported by staff to the appropriate Standing Committee in early 2019.

Background Information

(July 11, 2018) Report from the Interim City Manager and Interim Chief Financial Officer on Delegation of Authority for the Remainder of the 2014-2018 Council Term
(July 3, 2018) Report from the Interim City Manager on Delegation of Authority for the Remainder of the 2014-2018 Council Term - Notice of Pending Report


(July 17, 2018) E-mail from Eileen Denny (EX.New.36.4.1)


1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)

That the recommendations in the report (July 11, 2018) from the Interim City Manager [Item EX36.4] and the report (July 16, 2018) from the City Clerk [Item EX36.4a] be adopted.

4a - Authority for Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing

(July 16, 2018) Report from the City Clerk

The purpose of this report is to authorize the City Clerk to write to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to endorse events for liquor licensing purposes to fulfill the requirements for Special Occasion Permits and temporary liquor licence extensions, providing the events meet the criteria outlined.

Background Information
(July 16, 2018) Report from the City Clerk on Authority for Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing
Attachment 1 - Criteria for Endorsement of Special Events for Liquor Licensing
Source: Toronto City Clerk at